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Inaction, Non-Initiative, Consecration, Determination, Power of Attention

February 12, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Inaction is absence of physical action. Non-initiative means detachment from the vital and egoistic urges for action and reversal of our motives by consecration and surrender to the Divine. Lack of life response or negative life response does not mean we are fated to fail in the act or there is lack of divine sanction. It means the inner conditions are not yet ready to support accomplishment and there is more to be consecrated to fully prepare and evoke the necessary positive external conditions and responses. The power always lies within us -- it is power of higher consciousness -- and the work is always to prepare the inner and higher consciousness to act in our lives. External response of life indicates conditions are now ripe for accomplishment. There is no absolute evil or other negative force. Only the Absolute is absolute and its power, light, goodness, joy, truth are infinite. All other forces are limited and can be overcome by the higher consciousness. Personal attention is power of consciousness and it has the power to energize and transform its object. The higher the consciousness expressed and the greater the intensity of the attention, the greater the power for accomplishment and transformation.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut