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Learning from life experience and other people

May 5, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Life is a mirror that constantly presents opportunities for greater self-awareness, knowledge, consciousness, power and delight. The individual and the universal, the soul and nature, are complementary statuses of the divine being relating and interacting with one another for evolution of consciousness. The whole wide world is a play of He and She. Progress in consciousness comes when we rise above subjection to our lower nature (prakriti) and discover the inner peace and greater power of being an instrument for the spirit to express in life. Every moment and experience is a learning opportunity. The greatest power for accomplishment comes in the simplicity of stillness when we cease to react to what comes from outside (Prayers Feb 12, 1913). life and universe, inner outer correspondence, learning from relations with others, vital power. The real power comes from self-mastery -- non-reaction equality in peace and silence eternal will manifest --simplicity. feb 12, 1913. learning from what happens to us.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut