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Cheerfulness and Faith -- power of faith

May 18, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

The true and highest basis for cheerfulness is faith in the infinite presence and benevolence of the Divine Mother and the Grace she pours down on the world. What greater source of cheerfulness can there be? That cheerfulness based on faith leads us inevitably to greater awareness and experience of the presence and action of Mother in our lives and that experience transforms our faith into spiritual knowledge which reveals the delight of existence. Without faith nothing can be accomplished. With faith anything can be accomplished, but the accomplishment depends on what we have faith in. Our faith in the Divine is limited by our faith in so many other things which we think are important -- doctor, medicine, friends, connections, popularity, money, job, etc. To shift our reliance from each of these things to Mother is to raise our faith in the Divine and raise our receptivity for grace to act in our lives.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut