Series I


201)     Material compliance of duty.

            Spiritual aspiration for the soul.

            Doing a work for the sake of authority, duty or result will unfailingly bring the result.

            In doing the same thing, knowing its spiritual significance for the sake of one's own inner progress, one will blossom.

            பிரார்த்தனையின் பலனுக்காக அன்னையை நம்பி வணகினால் பலன் தவறாது கிடைக்கும்.

      பலனைத் தரும் அன்னையின் ஆன்மீக உயர்வை நம் ஆன்மாவில் உணர்ந்து நெஞ்சம் பூரித்தால்பலன் பெறுவதுடன் வாழ்வு சிறந்து ஜீவன் ஆன்மீகப் பெருவெளியில் அனந்தனின் அற்புதம் என மலரும்.


202)     Concentration and consecration are the same process; one is in essence and the other is in material fact. The one belongs to yoga of release, the other to the yoga of transformation.


203)     Surrender matures into yoga when it discovers the Infinite in the finite.

            திருவடியில் திருமுடியைக் காண்பதும்,

           முதலாளியில் ஆண்டவனைக் காண்பதும்,

           சிறிய மனிதனில் பெரிய ஆத்மாவைக் காண்பதும்,

            கணவனில் ஈஸ்வரனைக் காண்பதும்,

            மனைவியில் சக்தியைக் காண்பதும்,

           சரணாகதி வாழ்வில் பூர்த்தியாகி யோகா சித்தி அளிப்பதாகும்.


204)     Understanding is enough for the mind to transform. Understanding is not enough for the vital; it needs an attitude. Neither is enough for the body. It needs to act from inside itself. (refer to 101) YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussions on June 3, 2023


205)     Lack of inner harmony expresses as sadness in the weak and harshness in the strong.


206)     Inner harmony maturing into unity makes for outer benevolence and sweetness.


207)     Prostration is the symbol of physical surrender. Ready acceptance of another's strength (or the strength of weakness!)  is vital surrender. Total respect for every other opinion is mental surrender.

            True humility is to be aware that one does not know anything. That translates in behaviour as fully respecting another's position whatever it is.


208)     Man accomplishes, moved by an emotional ideal or urge which comes from the family, personal success or patriotism. Man will accomplish in YOGA if his emotions urge him to belong more and more to MOTHER.


209)     Skill, selfishness, smallness or any other narrow endowment sometimes achieve what the age does not have or is not able to conceive of. They remain localised, isolated, unrecognised, shining great achievements.


210)     When capacity, selflessness, greatness or any other wide endowment achieves, it is able to give it to all the world.


211)     Individual accomplishments however great remain individual. For them to become collective gains, the individual has to expand into wider collective dimensions.


212)     Power, character, values.

            Form of force is Power.

            Form of mind is character (properties, qualities).

            Form of soul is value.


213)     Yoga is conscious evolution. Even our faith in Mother is unconscious. It is worthwhile making it conscious.


214)     If a thing comes back to your mind infinite times, it means you are fully interested in it. Your consciousness is of that level.


215)     பேசாமலிருந்தால், கேட்டு நடக்காத காரியம், கேட்காமல் நடப்பதைக் காணலாம். (216)

            சிந்தனை செய்யாமலிருந்தால், சிந்தித்து விளங்காதவை சிந்திக்காமல் விளங்குவதைக் காணலாம்.


216)     ஒவ்வொரு செயலிலும் மனிதன், தான் அதை அதிகபட்சம் அனுபவிக்க முயல்கிறான்.

           ஒவ்வொரு செயலிலும் அதிகபட்சம் அன்னையைக் கண்டு அனுபவிக்க முயல்வது யோக சித்தி.


217)     As Society advances, what only adventuring individuals can attempt becomes possible for other ordinary men. Society even fashions institutions for that purpose. MOTHER is an 'institutionalised' consciousness for ordinary men to accomplish the Supermind.


218)     Calling Mother:

            First move away from your personality traits and then call. It is full, rich, energizing and enjoyable. Calling Mother from the personality trait is exhausting, tiring and frustrating.


219)     Being able to control sensations brings infinite power into you (212).


220)     Going into higher ranges of mind is ascent. Going into the depths is descent. Integration is to rise by going into the depths.


221)     Force becomes conscious when surrender is enjoyable. Surrender becoming enjoyable is the process of MAN becoming aware of his divinity.


222)     The nearest human state to surrender is MAN submitting to lesser authority out of affection in self-effacing acts of humility and joy.


223)     In all efforts to give up the lower, a better strategy will be to concentrate on the higher.


224)     A work like a political programme or a personal decision of importance is made on several conditions known only to the participants. An opinion is formed outside which has little relevance to the inside factors. With each inside factor coming out, that opinion is radically changed. A valid understanding of the act emerges with the passing of time.

            All opinions of that act are based on one fact irrelevant to the whole.


225)     Time is a creation of the mind. Hence the faith of mind in the auspicious nature of time is determinative.


226)     An hour is auspicious when a devotee initiates a work because his work and its initiation makes the hour auspicious.


227)     When the mind abdicates, 9 out of 10 people will die.


228)     Methods of Integral Yoga in summary form:

            a) Psychic transformation

                Spiritual transformation

                Supramental transformation

            b) Liberation of the soul by surrender of ego



            c)  Dissolution of ego

                Emergence of the psychic

                Conversion of nature into supernature

                Integralisation of the 3 parts of knowledge, will and love.

            d) Purify the mental being

                Liberate the soul from ego

                Liberate the nature from dualities and gunas

                Establish Equality

                Act in faith

                Rise to Supermind

            e) Move from mind of ignorance to mind of self-forgetful knowledge and reach finally mind of knowledge.

            f) Become integral by becoming:



                full of ananda

                inwardly perfect

                powerful in spirit over matter

            g) Consecration -- renunciation -- dissolution of ego. Realising witness Purusha -- Realising universal Purusha --Reaching the Transcendent  -- raising the nature to Supermind.

            h) Give up desire, ego, mind and rise to Supermind.

            i)  Destroy desire, release pranamaya purusha --

                Destroy ego, release the psychic,

                Abolish the mind and the vital and let the psychic concretise

                itself as Supramental substance.

            j)  Go into the depths from the surface.

                Locate the psychic in the subliminal.

                Rise to higher mind, etc. and finally to Supermind.

            k) Move away from Swadharma to Swabhava to Swarupa and

                transcend it.

            l)  Shed the seven ignorances:

                Practical ignorance

                Constitutional ignorance

                Psychological ignorance

                Temporal ignorance

                Egoistic ignorance

                Cosmic Ignorance and

               Original Ignorance


229      Human perspective is the perspective of the self.

            It is a selfish perspective. Except for the rare few, and except on rare occasions, man takes only a human perspective of things.

            It is: I am right, others are wrong.


230      The universe concentrates itself in the individual:

            The stages of its concentration are

            Physical form,

            Vital Force,

            Mental thought,

            Spiritual enlightenment and

            Evolutionary effort.


231      Going into the psychic being one has moved away from the Prakriti, rather the surface being.


232      Surface is mainly Prakriti. Depth is mainly Spirit.


233      Motives belong to the Ego. The psychic has no motives except a natural movement towards the Divine.


234      If you want the constant Presence of the Divine, you must be perfect at the human level.

            Perfection at the human level demands effort at the maximum capacity which breaks the boundaries of ego.

            That maximum effort must be taken from the right side of human personality. YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 9, 2023



Be right


Exhaust your energy


Make yourself PERFECT


Be constantly in HIS Presence




235)     Consciousness evolves through forms to higher levels and the evolution collects in essence.

            Forms persist as obstacles. Withdrawing the forms and structures from the body and leaving the essence is our yoga.


236)     Mental, vital, physical forms and structures withdrawn from the body leaving the higher evolved essence in the body is YOGA.

            (This is Krishna, not his army).


237)     Disproportionate progress: a great progress for a little effort comes when your effort acts as a catalyst in an atmosphere of progress.


238)     Blindness:

            Social blindness is unable to see the social opportunities for a higher psychological effort.

            Psychological blindness is inability to see or understand or comprehend the shortcomings which we enjoy now. Spiritually one will be blind as long as he is awake either psychologically or socially. YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 10, 2023


239)     Going to the depths from the surface can be done in several ways. In a higher sense all are the same or similar. YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 10, 2023

            i ) by a single-pointed concentration that moves towards trance.

            ii) by giving up thought, emotion and the organisation of the physical consciousness

            iii)                by the consecration of thought, feeling and sensation.

            iv)                by silence.

            v) by giving up all grand schemes or ideas.

            vi)                by the force of will or dissolving it.


240)     When a work stalls for a long time and prayer too does not move, analyse that work comparing it with another successful work on attitude, skills, alertness, values, etc and you will quickly spot out the obstacle or the missing link.


241)     The opposites meeting, instead of receding, produces a result in practical life.


242)     Prayer and offering = service.


243)     Sensitivity is the knowledge of the physical.


244)     The process of wish fulfilment is not known though we know the result. The will in the wish and the will in the atmosphere are the same, the one being one strand of the whole which is the other. Of the three wills, the mental will is the most feeble. The vital and the physical will can accomplish much more. This yoga tries to bring out the spiritual will in the physical to bear upon the physical organisation of the world.


245)     Man is not constituted to know what he gets from the Divine, even as a child does not know the value of what you give him. Therefore he is unable to feel grateful.


246)     When the consciousness rises above the Desire, all the desires are fulfilled.


247)     Mental occupation or preoccupation is a symptom of incapacity to accomplish what occupies the mind.


248)     The capacity of man to worship as an ideal the very thing he professes to detest is complete.


249)     Man accomplishes by breaking with the past. He tries to organise the new accomplishment on the lines of the past! YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 12, 2023


250)     Mother speaks of the mental gymnastics in which man delights; man's social equations in his own feelings where he constantly evaluates himself against others and compeers similarly keep him tethered to that level; the physical man is hands-on all the time. These are the ways in which the mind, the vital and the physical cling to their own planes. YouTube Discussion || Daily Discussion on June 12, 2023



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