Series V

251)                uõ÷Ú ¬•ÊÁx® ¸®£õuøu ©Ûuß CøÓÁÛhª¸¢x HØP ©õmhõß. µ

252)                ]¢uøÚ¯õÀ AP¢øu Á¾¨£k®, Aȯõx. p

253)                Ph¢uøuU P¸vÚõÀ Põ»zuõÀ Pmk¨£k÷Áõ®. Ph¢uøuU Ph¢x Á¢uõÀ Põ»zøuU Ph¢x Á¸÷Áõ®.µ

254)                Gvºzx¨ ÷£\õuÁß ÷Ámk øÁ¨£õß.AÝ£Á AÔÄÒÍÁÝUS Gvºzx¨  ÷£\õ©¼¸US® Pmk¨£õk Esk. Azxhß £s¦ª¸¢uõÀ Gvºzxnµ ¬•i¯õx. £s¤À»õÂmhõÀ ÷£\õ©À Ah[Q¯x ÷ÁmhõPU QÍ®¦®. µ

255)                v¸©n©õÚ ö£s £»¸® ußøÚ Aݣ¨£÷u uß C»m]¯® GßÓõÒ. AÁÒ ©Úv¾ÒÍ SøÓPÐÒ ªPa ]Ô¯x Ax÷Á GßÖ PshÁº, Ax÷Á ©Ûu _£õÁ® GÚ AÔ¢uõº. AÁЮ AÚ¢uÛß Aئu¨ £øh¨¦ GÚ u® bõÚ v¸èi°À Põs£÷u CøÓÁß v¸ÄÒÍzøu AÔÁuõS®. Aøu¨ §ºzv ö\´²® P¸Â¯õÁ÷u §µn ÷¯õP®. p

256)                EßøÚ AÈUP ÷Ásk® GßÓ Ehß ¤Ó¢uÁº ÁõÌÂÀ Gv›. ÷¯õPzvÀ AÁº Eß AP¢øuø¯ AÈUP AßøÚ £¯ß£kzx® P¸Â. EßøÚ AÁ©õÚ¨£kzx£Áº Eß vital egoø¯  AȨ£Áº. vöµÍ£vø¯  AÁ©õÚ¨£kzv¯ Aµ\øÁ, Pºnß BQ÷¯õº AÁÒ EnºÂß AP¢øuø¯ AÈzx Q¸èn u›\Ú® ö\´¯¨ £¯ß£mh P¸ÂPÒ.

÷¯õP ]zvUS›¯ÁºUS Ehø©ø¯¨ £ÔUS® EÓÂÚ¸®, E›ø©ø¯¨ £ÔUS® |s£¸®, ©õÚzøuAÈUS® spouse  ©øÚ²®, (AÀ»x PnÁß) AÔÁõÚ ö\¯ø» HØPõu |s£¸®, AvPõµzøu HØPõu ]è¯Ý®, ÷\øÁø¯ ©ÖUS® `Ǿ®, |À»øu AÈUS® ö£›¯ÁºPЮ, ]Ó¨ø£ ©ÓUS® ]Ô¯ÁºPЮ Aø©ÁõºPÒ.

G¢{ø»°¾® AÈÁx Bz©õ CÀø». AP¢øu¯õS®.

AÈÄUS›¯x A{zv¯®, {zv¯® AÈÁØÓx.  µ

257)                The atomic scientist is not superior in intelligence to the primitive man.

The wheel is not less revolutionary than the Internet. The first man already had the form of the body we have. The world is not going to produce greater minds than Socrates or Newton. What is new now is that more and more people rise to greatness.

The earliest aspiration is the last. 

÷Áuzøu E»P® CßÝ® AÔ¯ÂÀø». Ea\Pmh E¯ºøÁ ©Ûuß Bµ®£zv÷»÷¯ Gmi Âmhõß. ©Ûu S»® Aøu ö£Ó |õÍõQÓx. ö£Óõu £Sv°À |õ® EÒ÷Íõ®. &

258)                Trying to do good to another against his will is not only folly and infructuous but is a sin against another soul's destiny. It is to be officious. µ

259)                Action based on thought is an unconscious act, as thought is a movement away from the conscious centre. p

260)                When aspiration is not enough or missing, man consoles himself as not having faith, a rare endowment. µ

261)                Not only is aspiration missing, but there is active aspiration for vital enjoyment and physical occupation.

To be occupied is more enjoyable than aspiring for the Divine. p

262)                Absence of work gives room for intrigues, gossip, talebearing, etc. By taking to work and making result the one conditoin of work, all these are banished. µ

263)                The sting of the mean man is, after all, the reverse functioning of the higher spirit expanding in magnanimity. µ

264)                The mind understands God, the vital feels Him, and the body is capable of being GOD Himself. p

265)                Whatever work is done is done by Grace. All obstacles are from man's ego. The ego is created for the growth of life from matter. Its special duty is to centralise actions and postpone unity, a deliberate move, deliberately done in pursuit of delight. The longer it prolongs, the greater is the fulfilment.

To be able to overcome ego is yoga.

To be able to see the rationale of ego and the pursuit of slow, deliberate delight, is to know the being in the becoming, the ultimate WISDOM. &

266)                A self-justifying thought gives place to an attitude that reverses it; by accepting the opposite, ego dissolves slightly or in that measure.

Man justifies himself; non-ego justifies God. µ

267)                Human choice:  Man bases himself on physical security, acts by vital energy, is guided by mental thought and sustains himself by spiritual patience.

The greater the knowledge the society offers, the greater energy it allows to be released by enjoyment, the greater security it provides, the greater is the individual choice.

Law and order, education, information and sense of fairness decide the level of human choice. µ

268)                Reconciling faith with reason or power with love is possible not in mind, but only in Supermind. &

269)                One characteristic of stupidity is to question its own basis and act against it. ~Û ©µzvÀ EmPõº¢x Ai ©µzøu öÁmk£Áß. µ

270)                Force is essential to break down entrenched forms. µ


271)                Power lies in the inner urge.

Greater power lies in the physical urge.

That urge loses itself when touched by calm from above.

Thought makes the urge initiative.

By opening oneself to calm from above, and silencing the thought, one becomes  \ºÁõµ®£z v¯õQ. µ


272)                Spiritual authority:  Man, under an oppressive ruler, not only submits to his rule, but comes to adore his atrocities. The spiritual authority does 'atrocities' to the present society, and must be able to win the approval and appreciation of people for its own doings, in spite of their full knowledge of it. µ


273)                So far it has been said, "He is a realised soul." Hereafter, we must say, "He is a surrendered Being." p

274)   Austerity is to inflict pain on the body and vital. Surrender is to give up the present human enjoyment of dullness voluntarily. p

275)                When Life begins to respond, mind's thought is too slow as events occur from all sides. µ

276)                How much one lives in the other's emotions is the characteristic of family and friendship.

Shared emotion is friendship. 

Shared existence of emotions is family. 

Physical company makes for companionship. µ

277)                A family where members are honest, industrious, unegoistic, affectionate, and unpretentious is a place to which Mother goes without invitation. If they are devotees of Mother, it becomes an Ashram SHE wanted. Otherwise it precedes the place. The opposite tendencies work out either to extinction or transformation. The former is a dangerous atmosphere which can ruin anyone totally who comes into contact with it.

The only true beginning is with the individual who tries sincerely. p

278)                What you cannot physically wrest from another, you certainly cannot persuade him to part with. Your appeal to Mother can. It means Mother gives you the physical strength you do not have. p

279)                Those who suffer are those who enjoy what is there on the negative side. p

280)                By seeking greater joy than what is available, one becomes a pioneer, an volutionary spearhead, God Himself. p

281)                He who enjoys, enjoys what is, but on the growing side. p

282)                The autocrat holds all the power himself and is unable to conceive that the same power can be expressed through an organisation in a far greater and richer measure. Neither can his subjects conceive of it. Still, all over the world we have democratic administrations and societies ruled by democratic values living a far richer life than under the autocrat.

Being in becoming changes from autocracy to democracy. We are unable to conceive of the ability of Being retaining its unity in becoming. p

283)                A woman was tortured by the thought that her husband was depraved, mean, perverse, immoral, unreliable and loved tyranny. She learnt that by one of Sri Aurobindo's definitions, her husband was a great soul who had come forward to undertake what ordinary souls had shunned. Sri Aurobindo said He adored his feet. In spite of her great devotion to Sri Aurobindo, she was unable to feel comfortable with that definition. p

284)                Men do not know what gifts life has given them; nor do they know what gifts they missed. This is unconsciousness. Normally, if this is brought to their notice, they have several responses: bafflement, indifference, and derisive smiles. µ

285)                'Let Thy Will be done and not my will' acquires significance ONLY when we understand that it is impossible for us to know what to do next in any issue. p

286)                The poor, the ignorant, the suffering and the diseased are like those who have been electrocuted. Sympathy with them will only help the current pass through you. It will not help them. If you can, you can turn off electricity. 

This is equally true of the selfish and the perverse. Whatever one man's limitation is, he cannot be pulled out of it even with his cooperation. Reaching a higher level and bringing it down alone can be of any  help. This is a rule that has no exception. µ

287)                Whether it is a small prayer or a great siddhi, without crossing the ego-barrier at least for a while, it does not get fulfilled. µ

288)                Ego is the trouble maker. No one can get over it because that is an effort of ego. The ego's realisation that its time is over is essential. A sense of expansive freedom of universality is the indication of the ego giving way. p

289)                The first step to bring God's Lila is to receive His Joy, Peace, Silence, Power, calm, knowledge and Force in oneself. &

290)                Surrender is God in Man becoming God in the Divine. Surrender is Man becoming God in action on earth. &

291)                God's Lila was centred in Timelessness. It has moved now to Time. Integral Yoga is an invitation to Man to join God in His lila now centred on earth. &

292)                Wherever Her picture is, the intensity of the Samadhi is there. It means any heart that calls is equally sacred to Her.&

293)                The emotion towards the Divine is devotion. &

294)                The thinker enjoys thinking even as the child seeks play as an outlet for its excess energy. The devotion of the bhakta wells up and seeks an outlet for itself in the Divine Personality. µ

295)                Knowledge is acquired from first principles. For the scientist the first principles are from matter, through empirical knowledge in the material plane. The seeker starts from spirit in the subtle, causal planes. µ

296)                Bø\÷¯ ÷Áshõ® GßÓ öuÎÄ® ¬•iÄ® Á¢u ¤ß |h¨£ÁØøÓU PÁÛzuõÀ £øǯ Bø\, ö|k|õÒ Bø\, £õÀ¯ Bø\, |õ©Ô¯õu Bø\PÒ Á›ø\¯õP¨ §ºzv¯õÁøuU Põn»õ®.

Bø\ AÓ÷Á AÈ¢uõÀ, BÚ¢u® GÊ®. µ

297)                Concentration in meditation is partial as it is centred either in the mind or in the heart. Concentration in work is total, as the physical movement has a character of totality having its own mind and vital. Theoretically, thinking and feeling are on a par with working, but in practice, work is much fuller than either of them as we are most developed only in the body. p

298)                What you have outlived weighs you down. The entire culture is built upon carrying what has served its term. It is conservatism. µ

299)                Finding mind behind his physical vital acts, man has civilised himself. Sri Aurobindo wants us to find the Supermind behind our mental acts for us to discover God on earth. In fact, that Supermind is in constant touch with the Absolute. What Sri Aurobindo actually wants us to discover is the Absolute in our relative life. &

300)   He who is unable to think works physically. He who is capable of inner concentration need not work through thought or exert himself physically. The capacity to surrender all inner movements dispenses with all work, mental or physical, that is not necessary as a medium for surrender. p


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