Series VI                                                                                      


151)         There is no evil or suffering in the world to be abolished. Man needs to shift from the surface to the subliminal depth to enjoy the delight without distortion. &


152)         Man is in life; the saint is in God; the sadhak should live in God in life. One moves from mind to Purusha to psychic in the above process. 5


153)         Sri Aurobindo says that the contents of an immortal work are not lost in translation even as the soul preserves itself in a new birth in another body. &


154)         The difference between the yogic attainments of the past yogas and Integral Yoga is the same difference between the power of a person over the population while he is in a government post and when he is out of it. J


155)         Arrogance is stupid, but stupidity itself is the arrogance of matter. J


156)         Man loves or punishes. God loves and punishes. He can punish lovingly; His love can be punishment.

Wisdom is compassionate discipline. &

157)         Replacing lower qualities by higher qualities is to become civilised. In fact, man rising from below changes his situation from being a victim to being a perpetrator. That is the first step he takes.

Man, trying to civilise himself by replacing hatred with love, starts hating those who hated him.

The victim choosing to victimise others is the first step in his moving to the higher order of behaviour. J

158)         All great negotiations are in silence. J


159)         The difference between ego and mind is that mind thinks to understand, but ego thinks by coordinating understandings so that it may defend itself and preserve its entity. &


160)         The scientist who knows the immense value of his microscope and telescope is unable to conceive of the greater value of insight and intuition that reveal the inner kingdoms where you can see what those instruments reveal outside. 5


161)         Thought denied becomes energy; energy denied expression becomes an act; the act when not allowed turns into the silence of status, thereby creating greater thought and energy for action at higher levels. 5


162)         Man moves to a revolutionary system only through the values of his present system.  Followers of an idealist follow him only for his present social value. J


163)         If the feelings receive the incoming message, the message will turn out to be true. J


164)         When a problem is unmoved by prayer, the person is not all right. To pass without reading, to earn without going to work, to luxuriously spend borrowed money, to dominate people with Mother’s Force may be his ideals. “I don’t do my work. Rather I am against everything good. But Mother should complete my prayers” will be his basis, rather his ideal. His prayers will not be answered. This is not known as prayer. These people deserve punishment. Life will punish them. They sometimes stubbornly continue such prayers. Then Grace will wipe them off. 5


165)         The selfish man who never conceived of doing anything to anyone, thinks all that people around are getting is because of him. This is so because he conceives of himself as the whole world.J


166)         The secret of Mother seeking us is man is becoming God. &


167)         This is a world where there is no effort to raise man to God. This Force tries to raise subman to Godhead. 5


168)         One who realises Brahman by knowledge is known as Brahma Rishi. Knowledge is the seat for it. Knowledge sees only a part of Brahman. Man can know the whole of Brahman only through the Brahman inside him. For the Brahman in man to emerge, it should begin in the psychic and reach the Supermind. &


169)         The chaste wife submits to her husband. The sadhak submits her mind, feelings and God to Mother. One is the rule of life. Next is the freedom of yoga. Chastity is the austerity of life. Yoga is the austerity of Freedom in God. 5


170)         Mind accomplishes by interest. Detached, it accomplishes more. Taking to work in that detached mood, man accomplishes like God. J


171)         One can trust a good man. A good man taking to Mother needs no prayer. 5


172)         We call one of pleasant behaviour a good man. J


173)         Prayer welling up from the heart not occasioned by a problem, is bhakti. 5


174)         Man deserts, not God. Relying on the God in man, neither God nor man will ever desert you. 5


175)         “From the moment Krishna entered my bosom, my thoughts that reached him never returned,” says the poet. If one can say this of Mother, he becomes a devotee. J


176)         The weight on the head presses down on the head. Worry depresses the vital. Life and body are the weights on the mind. None of them weigh down the soul.  When the mind accepts Mother, we shift from mind to the soul, and the weight lifts off our parts. We float in the air. 5


177)         To see the finite mind as the infinite Brahman is given to the Supermind.

Mind says, ‘This is my pen.’ Brahman created the pen. Supermind makes the man write with it. The Upanishads say, “The Brahman of the pen makes the Brahman of the man do the Brahman of writing.” 5

178)         If we do a work as punishment, the body will not receive Mother’s energy. To simply accept the work as an inevitable duty will not create any feeling. If we do it without understanding, even the mind will not receive the Force. 5


179)         May my material values be transformed into spiritual values.5


180)         To know injustice as God’s justice is knowledge. To accept that is patience. He who patiently accepts that knowledge and adores it in practice gets a luck that lies beyond ordinary justice. J


181)         To enjoy work for its own sake, one should see the work as a compliment of one’s own personality. Then as the personality is infinite, work opens itself to infinite dimensions and yields God’s delight which can rarely be given by the result, however great it is.

The delight seeking work is greater than result-oriented work. To work for a result ends in victory or failure. When work itself is the reward, the duality disappears. J

182)         Love or affection brings others’ luck to us. Hatred gives our luck to others. J


183)         Insistence is outside the pale of spirituality. Truth turns into falsehood by insistence. 5


184)         Subjective:       Sat – Chit – Ananda

Objective:                Satyam – Jnanam – Anantam &

185)         True emotion of love cannot confine itself within the boundaries of manners. It is predatory. To be proud of such exploitation is to receive that love properly. J


186)         When the perfected part tries to take a view of the whole, it would be a perfect view of the whole.  By aspiring for perfection in the part, one attains the perfection of the Whole. 5


187)         It is a misfortune not to come closer to Mother when our prayer is answered. She answers our prayer so as to open a door between the human being and the Divine. J


188)         Neither in frustration nor in jubilation can we remember Her. It is growing faith and aspiration that keeps Her memory. It is not given to all people to remember Mother. Certainly, remembering Her all the time is not for one and all. 5


189)         Life longs for the destruction of the enemy. Mother’s life longs for the progress of even the enemy.

That enemy whose attitude is that of life meets with a more complete destruction.

Destruction is also a part of a wider creation. He who destroys himself thus, moves to that plane. 5

190)         When we see the opposite tendency as the effort of Nature to accomplish the double opening of the new evolution, we embark on transforming wrong, evil, falsehood and error, thus moving from sensitive sentimentalism to being a neutral instrument of psychological transformation.

Sacred human sensitivities are swept away by the whirlwind of God’s social transformation. J

191)         We are angry with bad people. The truth is, we will be more angry with good people. We believe that good people are creating greater mischief. J


192)         If we can accept the ununderstandable as God’s will, we have a heart that Mother loves.  To see justice behind what we dislike is possible for the psychic.

The body that accepts an impossible work deserves supramental conscious-                                ness. 5

193)         If everyone’s wants are satisfied at home, poverty will be abolished. When we have enough energy to remember Mother all day, the soul loses its karma. 5


194)         It is courageous to own one’s shortcomings.

To accept the presence of jealousy is magnanimous. To convert jealousy into magnanimity is transformation. J

195)         We see the omen and know the end. A devotee sees the omen and changes it as it should be. 5


196)         Consecration being an inner process cannot be begun outside in everyday acts. The outer end is the point where the inner consecration ends. 5


197)         It is mean to point out one defect overlooking nine endowments. To appreciate one strength overlooking nine defects is magnanimity. J


198)         The body that is free of falsehood will be fragrant.5


199)         When life deserts someone, all intimate persons too desert. Grace acts through a person of good will and saves his life. Man is not grateful to him or does not give him the news of his having been saved. Instead, his longing is to convey his success to that intimate person who had deserted him. Such men are selfish and treacherous.

When Grace alone saves, man seeks support from selfish treachery that has deserted him. Our gratitude is due to Grace that saved us, not to betrayal that has deserted us.

Man loves the one who betrayed, not the Grace that saved.5

200)         In each man there is the ideal and pride of doing what in the previous era was wrong, sinful and shameful. This is the reversal social phases undergo.  Unless and until we are able to conceive, perceive and sense the joy and beauty of what we now know to be sinful and a shame, we have not reversed our consciousness to fully appreciate Mother.5



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