Series VI                                                                                      


751)         The capacity to hurt a benefactor lies with those who can shamelessly pester others for help. J


752)         He who values only MONEY gets a son who cannot make money at all. J


753)         Light brings to the surface the dark spots. It has no power to remove them. 5


754)         Man has a way of seeking solace from the one who offended. 5


755)         Sarcasm is abuse. Flattering platitudes can be sarcastic. Abuse can be draped in affectionate words, too. J


756)         Courtesy calls in a place that delights in discourtesy makes one make an ass of himself. J


757)         Rules can be learnt, but not as easily followed, especially because new rules are in the making. J


758)         One can get solace if he is capable of giving it. 5


759)         As Indian freedom directly benefited the Harijans, any progress in the atmosphere will first benefit the most useless people around you. J


760)         The immature man readily and fully gives himself to an ideal and its organisation only to discover his insufficiency later. Should there be grace, life prevents him or the movement rejects him. The mature man, though enamoured of the ideal, sees the insufficiencies of the organisation and his own self, and keeps aloof. Life that is aware of his fitness, brings him and the ideal together so that he may become the organisation itself.5


761)         Surrender makes the Individual Eternal.


§  Surrender is preceded by all-inclusive concentration.

§  In fact, surrender is preceded by consecration which requires all-inclusive concentration.

§  It is made possible by a mental knowledge.

§  That knowledge is —  the Individual is Eternal.

§  The knowledge that the Individual is Eternal makes the man Eternal through surrender.

§  The Process is knowledge + concentration = consecration that leads to surrender by which one attains Eternal status. &


762)         Nature develops fresh products by the individual through the social infrastructure, for its own purposes. Society playing the role of Nature will be great progress. Society, on the one side, can play the role of Nature and on the other side give the individual psychological education to hasten social evolution. J


763)         Samples of heights of irrationality are abundant when one comments on another culture. J


764)         All emotional life is one of human relationship. What will he do, who has scratched the surface and found there is no such thing as human relationship, even such a thing as a human? J


765)         Inconvenience irks. Psychological inconveniences not only irk but hurt and offend. The offence stays with us as sensitivities.


766)         The world has twice more opportunities and resources than her problems require for their solution. Vision is myopic, thought is irrational and ability to manage is little.

This can be stated with full validity even in the areas where the world is awake, rational ideas have gained currency and management skills are developed. Application is dismally poor.  YouTube Link || Daily Discussions on March 28, 2023


767)         Desire is difficult to give up; but interest is impossible to forget. Unless aspiration takes its place, interest cannot be given up. J


768)         The opportunity to dominate another does not yield even to the prudence of retaining the gain on hand. J


769)         For the awakened spirit, it is true that anyone can do anything.   Its mental version is anyone can do anything he learns. The vital can do anything it is inspired by. The physical can do anything if it is trained. Anything is possible in any plane if the strategies are appropriate. J


770)         When the finite mind tries to understand Infinity, the Infinity swallows the mind. 5


771)         Help when taken or refused hurts later. God save me from help!J


772)         Ego, realising the value of egolessness, fashions egoless teaching. When it is offered to others, all that others see is only EGO.5


773)         The wider the emotional interest spreads, the wider he will be affected. One’s sorrows and successes will extend to all his emotional areas. J


774)         The idealistic pioneer is heartbroken because his model could not be put together and never took off, little realising the society has vigorously accepted it and lives it. The conditions for the token are in the physical plane, the infection of the ideal that spreads fast is in the subtle plane. 5


775)         Nature’s organisation is subtle. Society’s organisation is physical, material. The spirit’s organisation is subtle mental. The individual is capable of synthesizing the methods of the society and Spirit in himself, thus bringing the power of Nature to express the knowledge of the Spirit. 5


776)         If the only thing the yogi has to do is surrender and it is difficult, what is the yogi expected to do? 5


777)         When an idea from a friend is reported to others it will not necessarily evoke a response to its content. It is likely to bring out a response to the personality of the friend who originally made that statement.  An idea carries more the personality of its author than its own weight. J


778)         As most of the population started with agriculture while only a small percentage is needed there, society’s use of its organisations, instruments and products is obtuse. To use each such instrument rightly and precisely hastens the social progress. J


779)         When the ego decides to demolish itself, it gets fortified and reinforced! 5


780)         Society, as well as the individual, develops simultaneously on many sides, laying emphasis on one aspect at a given time. Results issue when all sides are completed. To hasten development, one needs to know where the society now is and what are the incomplete sides. J


781)         The sweetness of the woman comes best out of their ignorance, often even from their petulance. J


782)         He who wants to hasten the process of social development needs to know it in the past. Not only the clue, but the full answer is there. J


783)         The present emotions of gratitude lavished on equally pure goodness buried in very low consciousness, did not bring the rewards of goodness or gratitude, but unmistakably served as a link with the low and helped it to destroy gratitude and its source.5


784)         Disciples at a great distance start doing things in their daily life in a unique way departing from the routine, e.g. prefer a food or a phrase of speech or writing. It is the subtle extension of the Guru’s habits unconsciously spreading. They may or may not come to know of it in later life. 5


785)         Low consciousness sucks energy and often leads to death. 5


786)         One’s participation in a result will be indicated by any corresponding part. J


787)         Even when a great crime is committed, you cannot retaliate, if there is no retaliation in you. J


788)         A rule and its opposite are true in a higher context. 5


789)         The desire to adore one whom you betrayed when he becomes successful, is the expansiveness of the ever-living smallness. J


790)         Company of low consciousness causes diseases, at least their symptoms. J


791)         When a man is generous to a fault and is incapable of offending for having helped him, HELP itself will not spare him as the offence will come from another around him. 5


792)         A vivid emotional liar often feels an act was done to him when it was not, since his imagination leads him to it. J


793)         When the cultured man is driven to abuse, he stops short of what he intended to say. The victim is vastly offended as it came from a cultured man, not knowing what was withheld. J


794)         Having contrived a certain result assiduously, one is also capable of deeply regretting it when it descends. J


795)         By taking a look at all one’s thoughts, it is possible to know one’s mental status. J


796)         Pity is self-pity; sympathy is emotional weakness; compassion is pity for the suffering collective; Grace is pitiless in wiping off suffering. &<%