Series VIII




901)     Man’s way of giving up anything is to crave for it inwardly more strongly than before.

          AÖUP ¸®¦Áøu ©Ú® ÁͺUS®.

902)     When the heart is after an impossible ideal, it never takes shape. A time comes when the heart sets about it in full force. The most usual result is it breaks in a few minutes. If not, the mind forgets it.

          Á¼¢x ö£õ¸Ò öPõÒÁøu ãÁß Ai÷¯õk ©Ó¢x Âk®.

903)     Aspiration can be expressed in words or as a mental, vital, physical urge. As an urge it is more powerful than articulated words. When the urge takes hold of the whole being and moves to its centre, the form of urge gives way to a vibration of the Being.

          ö\õÀø»U Ph¢ux ÷ÁP®. ÷ÁPzøuU uõsi¯x AUÛ.

          ãÁÛß AUÛ CøÓÁÛß AøǨ¦.

904)   \µnõPv PiÚ® GÛÀ Bµ®¤UP ¬•i¯õx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

          Bµ®¤UP÷Á ¬•i¯õx Gߣøu ¬•i¨£x \µnõPv.

             Surrender completes what human effort cannot bring itself to begin.

             Surrender is most powerful because of self-absorption.

905)     When the greatest sorrow is overcome, it becomes the greatest joy. The greatest joy when recognised becomes pure consciousness.

          Á¸zu® bõÚzuõÀ \¢÷uõå©õS®.

906)     To convert a good novel into a movie retaining its original value, the director must be of a higher mettle than the author, as he has to make the formed characters in the film express the intention of their original which is a creative effort.

             The writer creates characters.

             The Director has to render dull human material creative.

907)     Memory failing is human. Knowledge can take the memory from the surface to the subliminal.

          bõ£P® E¯º¢x ©øÓ¢uõÀ SincerityBS®.

908)   ¤Ó¨¦US¯x Áͺ¨¦.

909)   {øÚÄ ÁÈ£õk.

          {øÚÁÈuÀ {ø»¯õÚuõÁuõS®.

910)     Man became low to create the high. Now the high must become low for the same purpose. Previously it was by self-immolation. Now it must be by self-transformation.

          E¯º¢ux®, uõÌ¢ux® Ch® ©õÖÁx \Pzvß v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®. Bß«P® Aøu BÚ¢u©õP ö\´¯ÁÀ»x.

911)     Surrender is spiritually creative.

          \µnõPv ]¸èiUP ÁÀ»x.

912)   Gmh ÷£õÚõÀ  Gv¯õP ÷Ásk® GßÓ \mhªÀø». Gmh ÷£õÚ¤ß Gv¯õPõÂmhõÀ Gmhõu E¯µzvØS¨ ÷£õP»õ®.

          ©Ó¢x yµ¨ ÷£õÚÁº E¯¸Áº.

          A¸÷P Áµõ©À öu¯õ©À £¯ß ö£Ö£Áº AvP©õP E¯¸Áº.

          EhÛ¸¢x EÒÍ® E¯ºÁx, E»PzøuU Ph¨£uõS®.

913)   £n® £õuõÍ® Áøµ ö\À¾®.

             ÷|µ® Á¢uõÀ £nzuõÀ GxÄ® ö\´¯ ¬•i¯õx GÚ¨ ¦²®. Ax÷Á Avºèh©õÚ ÷|µ®.

914)     In the soul-centred life there is no comparison, nor is there anything to be given up. The soul relates to another soul.

          Bz©õÄUS ÁõÌÄsk. Ax AøÚzøu²® Ph¢ux.

915)     Aims

             Success and happiness are lower vital goals.

             Mind seeks understanding.

             Supermind that comprehends the Being aims at cosmic determination. Its aim is to BE.

             The body aims at preserving forms.

             The aim of life is action.

             Mind that aims at determining the outside moves to become Supermind.

          AP® ¦Ózøu {ºn°¨£x \zv¯ 㯮.

916)     Love of the Becoming is known as romance. Love in the Being is bliss. Love in the Being of the Becoming is fulfilment.

          {ø»¯ØÓ ÁõÌÄ.

          {ø»¯õÚ uÁ®.

          {ø»¯ØÓøu {ø»¯õUS® AßøÚ A¸Ò.

917)     Fame seeks work and all the channels that directly or indirectly lead to it. Work cannot seek fame.

          uõ÷Ú Á¸Áx ¦PÌ.

918)     The mind that seeks fame or even recognition is still in the realm of the personal, if not ego. Only impersonal knowledge reaches others effectively.

          uõ÷Ú Á¸Áx ¦PÌ. ÷ui Á¸ÁvÀø».

919)     The real knowledge is inside. A certain amount of observation, reading or thinking opens the inner region. To read or think beyond that is mental indulgence.

          APzøu Gʨ¦® ¦Ó® AÝ£Á®.

920)     Great men are mostly followed by their children at a higher level. Great souls are rarely followed, never by their children.

          ö£¯ ©Ûuß uø»•øÓ ÁͺÁxsk.

          Akzu uø»•øÓ AÁuõµ ¦¸åøÚ HØ£vÀø».

921)     Boredom is abolished for one who has taken to surrender as it unleashes an abundance of energy.

          \µnõPv¯õÀ \Uv ö£õ[Q ÁȲ®.

922)     Unwillingness to surrender appears as inability. By separating the inability from unwillingness and changing it into its opposite, one’s prayers to Mother remove the inability.

          ©Ú® Cø\¢uõÀ ©ø»²® |P¸®.

923)     Even if we do not consecrate, many works are accomplished with small or great success. No force will descend into them. Works into which we expect the Force to express must necessarily be ones that are consecrated.

          \Uvø¯ Gvº£õºzuõÀ \©º¨£n® uÁÓU Thõx.

924)     Mother’s spark never sticks.

          AÁ\µ©õP ©Ûuß AßøÚø¯ Âmk APÀÁõß.

925)     The theory can explain any event after it has happened. Prediction can be resorted to only in lesser areas. As prediction itself is an observation, the result can be changed by the observation.

          Põ»zvØSm£mh÷u wºUP u\Ú®.

926)     Any social progress comes from circumstances we cannot extricate  ourselves from. Spiritual progress arises when we treat any circumstance as such.

          uºUP •iÁøu uºUP ¬•i¯õuuõPU P¸vÚõÀ Bß©õ ÂȨ¦Ö®.

927)     The more one discovers the complex difficulties of surrender and how impossible it is, the more one is tempted to make it.

          ]µ©zvß ]Ó¨¦.

928)     Any losing company that comes forward to fully upgrade its functioning in terms of its existing social values cannot but become profitable, except under exceptional circumstances. Even then it may break even.

          öu¢uøu ¬•øÓ¯õP ö\´uõÀ |èh® C»õ£©õS®.

929)     The earth quakes because it is physically sensitive.

          §ª°ß EnºÄ §P®£®.

930)     Festivals are the landmarks of social life and social beings. In a psychological life and for psychological persons, every occasion of fullness of emotions is festive.

          öÁÖ® ©ÛuÝUS £siøP E°º |õi.

          EÒÍzuõÀ ÁõÌ£ÁÝUS EÒÍ® {øÓ²® ÷|µ® £siøP.

          ÁõÌøÁ £siøP¯õUSÁx ©Ú {øÓÄ.

931)     No knowledge will be passed on to the world, however exalted it is, unless it is cast into the mould of practice and passes the test.

          |õk £»ß ö£Ó bõÚ® |øh•øÓUS Áµ ÷Ásk®.

932)     The personality of the individual is a whole, whether wholesome or not. It is cast in the mould of the nation’s personality with its own infinite variation. It is led by the evolving mind, energising vital and the body that shapes itself by both.

          |õmiß \õ¯À |õ® ö£Ö® E¸Á®.

933)     A good beginning for the World Army is to attend to natural disasters anywhere. If all national armies join to relieve human misery, the World Army will be born.

          E»P® JßÖ£h ÷£µõ£zx |À» \©¯®.

934)     Service is a great ideal in social life, not in Life, never in spiritual life.

          Tmk ÁõÌÂØS¯x ÷\øÁ, |õmk ÁõÌÂØPÀ».

935)     Energy for real progress should come from the transformation of one’s cruelty.

          Pkø©°¼¸¢x Á¸® PÛ÷Á {µ¢uµ©õÚ ¬•ß÷ÚØÓ®.

936)     It is not so difficult to make a fool intelligent or a poor man rich as it is to prevent them from losing it out of vanity.

          Avºèh® ö£Ó»õ®; AuØS¯ uSv ö£Ó ¬•i¯õx.

937)     As the autocratic habits of the last century are still found in big companies, there is in the mental structure of the scientist the superstition of the last century.

          v¸Áiø¯ v¸•i°À Põn»õ®.

938)     Ordinary man wishing ‘to be’ moves to the Being of the Becoming. Not success, not understanding, not even enjoyment, but he must seek to BE.

          Bß©õÁõP Áõ̼¸¨£÷u ¬•iÁõÚ C»m]¯®.

939)     If you have vainly insisted on something with somebody, try to forget it and attempt consecration of its recurring thoughts including impulses. It will be done before long.

          ÷PmkU QøhUPõux ©Ó¢uõÀ |hUS®.

940)   ¯õº «x |õ® öÁÖ¨¦ öPõs÷hõ÷©õ AÁºPmS |® «x Aߦ Esk Gߣx Bß©õ u¸® bõÚ®.

941)   AßøÚ ¦Áx, A¸øÍ HØ£x.

          AßøÚø¯ HØ£x, Avºèh©õÁx.

          A¸ÍõÀ Á¸® Avºèh® ©ÛuøÚ AßøÚ¯õP ©õØÖ®.

942)   ö£¸® ö\ÀÁ® ö£Ó, £n® Aºzu©ØÓx GÚ BÌ©Ú® HØP ÷Ásk®.

943)     Man enjoys being mean and cruel to others more than being treated well by others.

          CÛø©ø¯Âh Pkø© CÛUQÓx.

944)     Non-stop prayer is a surface effort of intensity. Having the constant prayer in the background, it wells up from the depth.

          wµzvØS BǪÀø».

          BÇ® {uõÚ©õÚ wµ•øh¯x.

945)     Occupation is not necessary when calm enters the subconscious.

          BÌ©Ú Aø©v _®©õ°¸¢x _P® ö£ÖÁx.

946)     The range and complexity of commonplace conversation reflect those of the cultural life of a society.

          |õk G¨£i Gߣøu |õ GkzxU TÖ®.

947)     Comparison is essential in social life. For the formed Individual, there is nothing to compare with, not even other individuals.

          EÒÍ® E»PzvØS¯uÀ», EÚU÷P²¯x.

948)     The cruellest self-sacrifice of one is taken for granted by him for whom the sacrifice is made. This is the truth of sacrifice as well as selfishness.

          v¯õPzøuU Põq® £õºøÁ E»QÀ ¤ÓUPÂÀø».

949)     The hunter who is cruel to his prey is affectionate to his family. Though cruelty and affection can coexist in a man, each will have a tinge of the other.

          Pkø©°À»õu CÛø©°Àø».

950)     The response our bodily sensations give, contrary to our experience, is the subconscious reaction. Such as, an invasion of impatience arises when a work is completed to our full satisfaction.

          Gvº£õµõux BÇzvØS¯x.


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