701)         Boredom is a defence against dull repetition.


                PõµnªÀ»õ©À, Põ›¯ªÀø».


                E»QÀ Gx C¸¢uõ¾®, AuØöPõ¸ Põµn® C¸US®.


702)         The abuse that by its intensity evokes the gratitude of the inside is attractive.  It comes to man from the woman.


703)        Gk¨£õº øP¨¤ÒøÍ Ga\›UøPø¯ HÍÚ® ö\´Áõº.


704)        Gvº¨¦ AÔ¯õø©°ß ÷ÁP®.


                |©x AÁ\µ® AkzuÁß Gvº¨¦.


                Intense ignorance is opposition.


705)        EhÀ Bß©õøÁ Enº¢x, E°øµ²®, ©Úzøu²® Ph¢x Bß©õøÁ öÁΨ£kzv Auß ‰»® ö\¯À £kÁx \zv¯ 㯩õÁuõS®.


                The body’s self-awareness of itself as the evolving soul is supramentalisation.


706)            Akzux CÛ¨£x ÷£õÀ Eøh¯x CÛUPõx.


707)        ÁµÂÀø» Gß-ÙÀ Á¢uøu CÀø» GßQ÷Óõ®.


708)        AÔ¯õø©ø¯ AÔÂß EøÓÂh©õP AÔÁx Â÷ÁP®.


709)            AÔ¯õø©ø¯ AÔ¯õø©¯õP AÔÁx AÔÄ.


710)         Organisations emerge when the life of the subtle plane matures and dominates over the gross plane.


                ìuõ£Ú® `m_© ÁõÌÄ.


                Organisation exists in the minds of men, not on the floor of the office.


711)         Misspelling of one period becomes the sacred spelling of another period.


                £õÁ® ¦so¯©õS®.


712)         Urbanisation allows greater scope for individual existence, but the rule of the collective is retained behind.


                Either the Individual is under the collective or the collective is led by the individual.


                Today the individual is the collective individual, not an entity by himself. The world awaits the birth of the Spiritual individual.


713)         Society is so organised and the individual too functions as the society does that each act is viewed not in its own context but in its context of central social importance.


                Føµ «Ô J¸Áྮ ö\¯À £h •i¯õx.


                The individual, till he creates a collective for himself, cannot overrule the collective. He is the collective individual.


714)         Man exists; dynamic men act as they can. The Spirit evolves.


                ¤Ó¢uÁß ÁõÌÁõß, Á͸Áõß, Bz©õ ©»¸®.


715)         The very best happens.


                |h¨£x |À»x.


716)         The fully developed intellect giving way to intuition is like the army general submitting to civilian authority.


                AP¢øu AÈÁx •i¯õm] ©UPÍõm]¯õÁuõS®.


717)         PÀ¾US® ©sqUS® EÒÍ öuÎÄ ©ÛuÝUQÀø».


                AP¢øu AÈ¢u öuÎ÷Á öuÎÄ.


                Matter, though inconscient, does not have the perversion of ego.


718)         The desire to please undeserving people brings unmerited punishment.


                uõ÷Ú |õi¨ ÷£õÁx ushøÚ.


719)         Silent subtle reception is in a plane one level lower than where you are.


                AßÖ TÔ¯øu CßÖ HØQßÓÚº.


                What cannot be directly communicated gets communicated in the subtle plane.


720)         ö£sø©°ß ö£¸ø© Bsø©ø¯ ¤ßàÀ Áµa ö\´Áx.


721)        Û¯©õÚ Bsø© ¸®¤ Ah[SÁx Bsø©°ß E¯ºÄ.


722)        ö£s ÂmkU öPõkzuõÀ ö£soß Bsø© GÊ¢x Bß©õ ußÝÒ §µn® ö£Ö®.


723)        HØ£x AÔ•P® £»ß u¸Áx.

                ö\õÀÁx AÔ•P©õPõx.              


                HØ£÷u AÔ•P®.


                Introduction ends in acceptance.


724)         »S® ö£sø©ø¯ ¸®¤ |õkÁx Bsø©°ß AvP£m\ E¯ºÄ.


725)        ö£sø©US A»[Põµ® ÷uøÁ°Àø». 

                PÁºÁx ö£sø©.      

                Pئ PÁºa]°ß ]Pµ®.


726)         |ßÔ Ehø» Bz©õÁõUS®.


                Eh¼ß |ßÔUS Bz©õ GÚ¨ ö£¯º.


                Gratitude greatens the body through the vital and mind into soulhood.  


727)         The consciousness of the body evolving to house the evolved consciousness gives it a longer life.


                |ßÔ¯õÀ B²Ò Á͸®.


                B²Ò Á͸® EhÀ EÓÄ Bz©õÝ£Á®.


728)        AÔÄ ¤µ®©zøu AÔ¢uõÀ EnºÄ Eh¼À vzvUS®.


729)         EhÀ En¸® |ßÔ yUP® ÂȨ£õQ B²Ò }iUS®.


730)         Romance gives the intensity to life to become love.


                PõuÀ ÁõÌøÁ AߣõP ©õØÓ ÁÀ»x.


731)         Woman whose beauty reveals when she sheds her body and mind, decorates herself with dress.


                Bß©õÂß AÇS AP AÇS.


732)         The baffling past sometimes resolves in the mind. When it becomes power, these events reverse actually or by representation.


                Ph¢u ]UPÀ AÂÌÁx bõÚ®.


                AÂÌ¢u ]UPÀ ]Ó¨£õÁx ]zv.              


733)         For the world to accept one’s ideas, they must be elevated to a universal concept.


                Cµshõ® |£º J¸Áøµ¨ ¤µ£g\©õUSÁõº.

                The moment a second person accepts the idea, the individual idea becomes a universal concept.


734)        ÂmkU öPõk¨£x Û¯zvß Ea].


735)        B²øÍ ÁͺUS® Aß¤ß wskuÀ AqÂÀ Bz©õÂß Cߣ® u¸®.


                BshÁß Ehø»z wsi B²øÍ ÁͺUQÙß.


                S¸ ]è¯ EÓÄ B²øÍ ÁͺUS®.


736)        \©º¨£n® ¤µ£g\® •ÊÁx® uʯ ö\¯À. Ax ]¸èiø¯²® PhUP ÁÀ»x.    


737)         Taboos develop in a culture at a point the culture can idealistically forge ahead.     


                ‰h |®¤UøP Gߣx »m]¯® uh® ©õÔ uø» RÇõÚx.


738)         The theoretical significance of the Theory is practical.


                |øh •øÓUS¨ £¯ß £k® uzxÁ® CzuzxÁ®.


739)         The prose of The Life Divine has elevated philosophy to literary excellence.


                uzxÁ® Eøµ |øhU Põ¯©õÚx Life Divine.


740)         Sri Aurobindo’s English prose is unparalleled for its beauty at the level of its thought.


                uzxÁzøu ö©õÈ C»UQ¯©õUQ¯ ¡À Life Divine.


741)         The finest work done by drugs is to help the body cure itself by creating a helpful physiological atmosphere.


                ©¸¢x ©mk® Sn¨£kzx® ¯õv CÀø».


                Sn¨£kzxÁx EhÀ. ©¸¢x AuØS EuÂ.


742)         Fame is the desire to be widely known for the value one has.


                EÒÍx EÒ÷Í EøÓ¯ ¸®¦®.

                EÒÍx ußøÚ E»P® AÔ¯ ¸®¤àÀ Auß Esø© SøÓ²®.


                |À»øu |õhÔ¯ ÷Ásk® Gߣx ¦PÌ ÷uk® ©Ú®.


743)         Human contact, especially of the physical touch, if it is capable of offering gratitude changes the relationship into a divine one.


                |ßÔ²ÒÍ Eh¼ß 죺\® |®ø© CøÓÁàP ©õØÖ®.


744)         Desire for popularity is to wish for being known widely, whether one deserves it or not.


                £»µÔ¯ ¸®¦Áx ¤µ£»zøu |õkÁx.


                It is the expansiveness of emptiness.


745)         Charity has no place in a country where there are no beggars or takers of help.


                ¤aø\U PõµÛÀø» GÛÀ uº©® ö\´¯ •i¯õx.


746)         One man wanting to play a role in another’s life is permitted only by the social duties. Outside of that, it is either the spiritual generosity of the egoless person or the officious interference of the egoistic individual.


                ¤Óº ÁõÌÂÀ E›ø© |©UQÀø».


                One’s ego is fortified by the other’s mercenary nature.


747)         ö\õÀÁuõÀ ©õÓ ©õmhõºPÒ; ©õÔ¯ ¤ß ö\õÀ» •i²®.


                ö\õßàÀ ©õÓ ©õmhõºPÒ.


                Change is by Silence.


748)         All changes have always been radical.


                What matters is change that is stable.


                PsqUSz öu›¯õu ©õØÓ® ©Ú ©õØÓ®.


                It is change versus stability.


749)         For one who has a perspective, there will be no waste if he is working all the time. When the perspective is to be, doing absolutely no work at all still creates no waste.


                Aºzu©ØÓ ö\¯»õÀ µ¯® Á¸®.


                There is no waste for anyone. It is only a point of view or the view of having no view.


750)         To recognise the newest organisation and explain it to the world is a rare mental joy.


          ¦v¯øu HØÖ¨ ÷£õØÖÁx ¦zxnºÄ.



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