851)         Money and power bring greater command of our circumstances. Where they fail, Mother works. We do not try to replace money and power by The Mother. Why? We rarely realise it is our choice.


                JßÖ |h¢uõÀ AzuøÚ²® |hUS®.


                JßÖ |h¨£x vÓø©. JßÖ £»ÁõP EÖv ÷uøÁ, vÓø©°Àø».


852)         Forgetfulness helps man’s ever-present negativity to not come into play.


                Gsn® GÊÁõ°À öPmhuõÄÒÍx.


                ©Óv ©Ú® öPõkø©ø¯ ©ÓUP EuÄ®.


853)         Survival demands elimination of problems which requires excess of knowledge over ignorance.


                ©Ûu Áͺa] AÔÂß •¯Ø]. 


                Man marches ahead by increasing his knowledge.


854)         It is possible to pardon one who has changed his criminal attitude, not one who retains it. When given up, it moves from Time to Timelessness.


                ©õÔ¯ÁøÚ ©Ú® ©ßÛUS®. ©õÙuÁøÚ ©Ú® HØP ÷Ásk®. Ax PiÚ®. 


                To accept one who has not changed, one should move from Time to simultaneity.


855)         We now feel vital joy. JOY is the sensation in us of the highest we know of.


                AßøÚø¯ EnºÁx BÚ¢u®.


                Bliss is Sat sensing itself. TO SENSE the evolving Spirit in us is the joy we are after.


856)         Purna Yoga is fully realised when the physical substance senses the evolving inner God expressing in one’s life.


                PhÄøÍ ö\¯¼À EnºÁx, Enº¢x EhÀ ¦À»›¨£x ÷¯õP® ]zv¨£uõS®.


                The conscious physical sensation of the Absolute is the realisation of God in the matter of the body.


857)         Thought emotionalises when the inner being opens.


                ÷¯õP® ©Ûu ‰»zvß |õPŸP®.


                EnºÄ AÔøÁ HØÙÀ EÒ ©Ú® ÷©À Á¸®.


                Civilising is the yoga of humanity.


858)         Superstition is to rationality what intellectuality is to intuition.


                bõÚzøu £SzuÔÄUSU TÓ bõÚzøuU Ph¢uÁàÀ •i²®.


                £SzuÔÁõÀ bõÚ® ö£Ó •¯ÀÁx ‰h |®¤UøP.


                Only Integral Experience can present Intuition to intellectuality.            


859)         Adherence of principles will wait to yield results till the appropriate values are accepted as strategies.


                \Uv »m]¯zvØS›¯x, £»ß £s¦US›¯x.


            »m]¯® £»ß uµ £sø£ HØP ÷Ásk®.


860)         Man always met with vast opportunities. Now he is buried under an abundance of incalculable opportunities. He does not see them, perhaps because he is buried.


            \¢uº¨£® ÷Ásk® GßÖ ÷PmP»õ©õ?


                `›¯øÚ EØÖ¨ £õºzuõÀ C¸mhõP C¸US®.


861)         One knows a thing fully when he knows it through Brahman. Any other knowledge is knowledge of that plane, meaning ignorance of that level.


          ¤µ®©zuõÀ AÔÁ÷u AÔÁx.


                Know Brahman before trying to know anything else.


862)         To conceive that genius is the energy equivalent to the lazy man is supramental perception.


                \ºÁ® ¤µ®©® GÛÀ £õÁ•®, ¦so¯•® \©®, ÷©øu²®, ©øh¯Ý® \©®.


863)         The woman who is deprived of all rights and strengths is offered chastity that excels all virtues and endowments.


                Pøµ Ph¢uÁÝUS PØ¤ß P¸øn²sk.


864)         Law takes the psychological effort of not considering the criminal as criminal till it is proved. It does not equate the criminal and victim when the crime is proved.


                öPõø»¯õÎø¯ {µ£µõv¯õP {øÚUS® {¯õ¯® AvPõµzvß A{¯õ¯®.


                The ‘fairness’ of one who equates the criminal and victim is the most outrageous danger for justice.


865)         Example educates when education is missing, not always.


          |®©õÀ •i¯õuøu¨ ¤ÓøµU ÷PmPU Thõx. |®©õÀ •iÁuõÀ ¤ÓµõÀ •i²©õ?


                To follow another is not necessarily possible.


                Following is desirable, not always possible.


866)         Attraction ostensibly generated by wealth, status, or beauty may or may not be right. Man is not endowed with the capacity to know the cause of attraction. The fact he is unaware attracts more.


                öu›¯õux PÁ¸®.


                Unawareness is attraction.


867)         Less energy makes for inefficiency. More of energy does not ensure higher efficiency unless it is also organised.


                uõ´ ö©õÈ GߣuõÀ ©mk® ö©õÈ°À vÓø© Áõµõx. ©Úz öuÎÄ ÷uøÁ. ö©õÈ°ß ]Ó¨¦ ©Úzvß öuÎÄ.


                Language is an organisation of mind.     


868)         Is there any act behind which does not lie the experience of the past, its principle as theory?


                ÂÍUP©ØÓ ÷Áø»ö¯õßÖshõ?           


                When the obvious must be argued for, unconsciousness is total.


869)         The computer is more human than the human parents.


                ö©æÝUSz vmhz öu›¯õx.  


                The computer humanises the children by a great volume of information and by its capacity not to be negative.


870)         The revolutionary of today is the reactionary of tomorrow when he is attached to his attachments.


                Attachment qualifies one to be reactionary.


                £õ\® \»Úzøu¨ £ØÔ {Özx®.


                Movement is Becoming. We need Being of the Becoming.   


871)         Ph¢ux {PÌ¢uuõàÀ PhÀ Ph¢x ö\¯À£h •i²®.


                Põ»•®, Ch•®, P¸zvÝÒ.


                Abridging Time into the present, one abridges Space into a point.


872)         |õmøh J¸Áß BÒÁx ÷£õÀ, E»øP J¸Áß ©ÚzuõÀ BÒÁx ÷¯õP®.              


                The world is not too big for the soul awakened in the being. 


873)        _øÁ¯õP \ø©¨£ÁàÀ, |õmøh ]Ó¨£õP BÍ •i²®.  \ø©¯À v¸¨v uµõÂmhõÀ Ax •i²®.


                Achieve perfection anywhere without attachment. It gives the capacity to rule the world.


                AP¢øu¯ØÓ vÓø© E»øP¯õЮ.


874)         Grace removes the unwanted elements from us. We long to restore their relations.


                Ph¢uøu ©Ó¨£x ©ÚzøuU Ph¢u {ø».


875)         To accomplish in higher consciousness, one has to be a whole at his own position. It is more difficult than to rise to higher consciousness.


                ]Ô¯Áß ö£›¯øu ö\´Áx Aئu®.


876)         The wronged soul is the fit instrument to remove wrongs from the world.


                £õÁzvß \zv¯® £õÁzøu AÈUS®.


                The best can still emerge out of the worst.


877)        ¤µõºzuøÚ²® ÷¯õP©õS®.

                ÷£a_® ÷¯õP©õS®.       

                ö\¯¾® ÷¯õP©õS®.


                Yoga should acquire a new definition for the prayer, speech and act to be yoga. Yoga which means union, should mean unity.


878)         ÷£\UTi¯ÁØøÓ £PÁõß ÿ AµÂ¢uº TÓÂÀø».

                AÁº TÔ¯ÁØøÓ ö\´¯ •i¯õx?


                ö\õÀø»²®, ÷£aø\²®, ö\¯ø»²® Ph¢u {ø» ÷¯õPzvØS›¯x.


                The Silence behind the Silence is the plane of yoga.


879)         µõá ÷¯õPzøu 3 |õÎÀ ö\´uÁ¸sk.

                \µtPvø¯ 30 Á¸åzvÀ ö\´¯ •i²©õ?


880)        \µtPvø¯¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒÁx bõÚ ÷¯õP®.


881)         The energy needed for education takes it away from subtle appreciation.


                JßøÓ ÂmkU öPõkzx Akzuøu¨ ö£ÖÁ÷u ©Ûu C¯À¦.


                Focussing is to draw away from other fields.


882)         Absence of education in a subtle mind makes him see the divine hand in life.


                £i¨¦ `m_© bõÚzøu ©Ê[Pa ö\´²®.


                Education that enlightens is accompanied by the deadening influence on subtlety.                  


883)        Eh÷Ú |hUP AÁ\µ¨£kÁx ©Ú®.       


                AÁ\µ® AÁ]¯® Aȯ ÷Ásk®.          


                Hurry is in haste for its dissolution. That is why it rears its head.          


                ©Ú® »Põ©À ©u›Àø».


884)        Eh÷Ú |h¨£øu J¸ •øÓ¯õÁx £õºUPõ©À AߣµõP •i¯õx.


                ©Ú® »QàÀ Eh÷Ú |hUS®.


                What delays is the mind.


                Eh÷Ú |h¨£x öuõhº¢x |h¢uõÀ ÷¯õP® Bµ®¤UQÓx.


885)         Computer is the Messiah of Mental Peace and Material Prosperity  of the world that wipes out the gaps in development. Anyone who wants to catch up with anything, can.


886)         Total sacrifice of one’s preferences is necessary to please another on his own terms. Yoga demands we do it to all.


                ußøگȨ£x ÷¯õP®. Ax uõ÷Ú AÈÁx ]Ó¨¦.


                Neither pleasing, nor elimination of ego is the aim. To let Her move us is.


887)         |® Âå¯zvÀ ¤Óº ©õÓ |õ® AßøÚ Âå¯zvÀ ©õÓ ÷Ásk®.


                ©Ú® ©õÓ ©QÇ ÷Ásk®.                                                                    

                Change your attitude to Mother, if you want others to change towards you.


888)        ö£õÙø©°¸¨£x uÁÔÀø». Aøu ÷£õØÖÁ÷uõ, ©øÓ¨£÷uõ uÁÙS®. Aøu HØÖ ©õØÖÁx \›.


                ö£õÙø©US uÁÖ ö\´¯z öu›¯õx. ©Ûuß uÁÖÁõß.


                Why hide jealousy? Have the courage to accept it and seek the adventure of its transformation.


889)         Enlightened self-interest can never be offended and so sensitivity will ever surface as long as the knowledge that it is served well, amply and widely is there.


                ¦›¢u ¤ß ¦s£h Hx® CÀø».


                The human heart that longs for the Divine nectar receives the offence as grace. A greater offence is supergrace.  


890)        ¤Óº ö\´u öPõkø©ø¯ BshÁß ö\´u A¸ÍõP AÔÁx Bß©õ ÁõÌÂÀ bõÚ® ö£ÖÁuõS®.    


                öPõkø©ø¯ AÔÁx ©Ú®.

                A¸øÍ Põs£x Bz©õ.


                Seeing tyranny as grace, man becomes god.      


891)        ©Ú® ©õÔàÀ, ©ÛuºPÒ ©õÔ ÂkÁõºPÒ.                       


                All the changes in our behaviour will not touch the attitude of others towards us. Change of heart changes others.


892)         Prudishness is not purity, nor is it chastity.


                        GxĪÀ»õuÁÝUS GÀ»õ® EÒÍ Pئsk.


                Chastity is the virtuous strength of a disciplined mind.


893)         Surrender is a value and as such yields its result only when it is complete and perfect.


                        \µtPv áhzøuU Ph¢x `m_©zøu²® öuõh ÷Ásk®.


                As surrender takes us to the causal plane, it must be completed in the subtle, i.e. the very impulses must be surrendered.


894)        What is your own, if it is in other hands for any reason, will not come unless you force it out of their grip. But, even to think of it is not right for you. The intensity of your desert will bring it to you when you know it is NOT yours but Mother’s.


                •Ê E›ø©²ÒÍøu²® {øÚUP E›ø©°Àø».


                Her right is not your right, your right too is not yours.          

                It is right to disown all rights.                                                                

                Right is not right.


895)         The highest known efficiency is the taking over of the subconscious from the conscious. The conscious surrendering to the subconscious generates the highest efficiency.


                Gx ÂÈUQßÓ÷uõ, Ax \µn® ö\´²®.              


                The thought, feeling, act, thinker, feeler, doer is the order of surrender which ends in the being surrendering to the Being.


896)         He said yoga is for the Divine, surrender is man’s part. Who is to surrender to whom? He said the soul should surrender to the Divine.


                ÷¯õP® CøÓÁÝUS


                \µtPv Bz©õÄUS


                ©ÛuÝUS›¯x ¤µõºzuøÚ ©mk®.


897)         A great action in a higher plane is excelled by the consecration of a small act in a lower plane.


                        ö£›¯vß ]Ö xÎ ]Ô¯øu¨ ö£›¯uõUS®.


                Consecration is the achievement of the universe over the ages in the individual.


898)         ¤Óº ö£¸ø©ø¯ uß E¯ºÁõP EnºÁx \zv¯ 㯮.


                £õµõmiàÀ £µ© £u® Esk.


                To appreciate another’s endowments as one does his own is a path to Supermind.


899)         Eh÷Ú |h¨£x E»PzøuU Ph¢u ö\¯À.                            


                Eh÷Ú |hUPõux, |hUPõx.      


                What is not instantaneous is not Mother’s action.


900)         To know the distance between the potential and the actual is only a decision to make the will the will of the Force.


                {»® ©P`À uµ ÷|µ® ÷uøÁ°Àø».


                {øÚ¨¦ ©P`À & EßàÀ {øÚUP •i²©õ?

                ©Ûuß {øÚzuõÀ ©õu[PÍõS®.           

                ©ÚzøuU Ph¢x {øÚzuõÀ Põ»zøuU Ph¢u £»Ýsk.               

                Raising the thought is result.             



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