Series XIV


501)         {ø»ø© GxÁõÚõ¾®, |À» •øÓ°À \¢÷uõå® EÒθ¢x GÊ©õÚõÀ, {ø»ø© ©õÔ \¢÷uõå® {ø»US®.


                        \¢÷uõå® \ºÁ £›Põµ®.


                        No trouble can defy native cheerfulness.


502)         To seek Mother in inability is to seek ability. To seek Her while you are able is to seek Her.


                |©US AßøÚ •UQ¯©õ? |®ø© Âh AßøÚ •UQ¯©õ?


                        •iøÁ |õhõ©À AßøÚø¯ |õkÁx |øh•øÓ°À |®ø© Âh AßøÚ •UQ¯® Gߣx.


503)         Dead knowledge cherishing its living death and intensely enjoying it is called orthodoxy.


504)         Unless a man is incapable of expressing his feelings to another, he would not really feel.


                ö\õÀ¼À AP¨£k® Enºa] Enºa]¯õPõx.


                        Words are not the medium for feeling.


505)         ö\õÀ¼À AP¨£k® Enºa] £hzvÀ öu›²® ©Ûuß ÷£õ»õS®.


                        Words expressive of emotions are like pictures of persons.


                        ö\õÀ»õS® £h®.


506)         ©›¯õøu AP¢øu°ß £ÁÛ. Aߦ Bz©õÂß |Ö©n®.


507)         Problem is resistance to growth.


                        Áͺa]ø¯z uk¨£x ¤µa]øÚ.


508)         Consecration of the physical made civilisation possible.

Mental consecration will lead to yoga.


EÒÍ Á\vö¯À»õ® EhÀ ö\´u \©º¨£nzuõÀ.

÷¯õP® ©Úzvß \©º¨£n®.


Progress comes by need.

Mental, vital needs have given present progress.

Supramental need will give yoga.


509)         Man’s growth is a pyramid of growth based on widening support. Growth is determined by his seeking, support by his physical accomplishment.


                •øÚ E¯µ ‰»® ›Áx ÁõÌÄ.


©Ûu ÁõÌÄ ¦x Ai¨£øh°ß «xÒÍ Áͺa].


510)         øu›¯zuõÀ Á͸® ©ÛuÝUS vÓø© AP¾® Ai¨£øhø¯z u¸®.


                        To know what one is is the quest.

                Quests range from the physical to the spiritual.


                        vÓø© Eh¼ß bõÚ•® øu›¯•©õS®.


511)         Man grows inwardly and expresses it outwardly.


                Áͺ¢u APzøu ÁõÌÁõUSÁx ¦Ó®.


512)         Bz© Áͺa]°ß AP {ø»ø¯ Áºo¨£x \õÂzv›.

Aøu ¦Ó©õUSÁx ÷¯õP®.


513)         To know the social outside, one should know his own outside in his family and himself. Life of man is a series of experiences of that description. It is his physical, vital, mental, spiritual, supramental growth.

Sri Aurobindo moved us from the body to the supramental. We love what we are. Mother loves our opportunity.


514)         From Viswamitra to Sri Aurobindo one’s own life travels through Jesus, Buddha, the Rishis, the Avatar of Krishna. Man making his own choice is human history.


                The Life Divine is the mental or conceptive history of the Absolute seeking Himself for sheer Delight. Man joining this unfoldment at some point is the life of the individual.


515)         A story is fascinating as we know what a story is. The Life Divine is the story of the Absolute in Man on earth. For that book to become a page- turner, one needs to know the story of the universe. The Mother rewrote that story as a play and lived it in Her own life. That is Agenda.


516)         The Life Divine will be a page-turner to the mental psychic; Synthesis of Yoga will be an interesting guide to the vital psychic. The Agenda is the history of the evolving psychic in the physical.


                ÿ AµÂ¢uøµ¨ £ØÔU ÷PÒ¨£kÁx ÷£µ¸Ò.


517)         A form can evoke a response as if there is content when there is no real content, but the spirit of content is there.


                ÷uõØÓzvß Esø©US® Âå¯zvß Esø©¯õPz öu›²® vÓÝsk.


518)         The maximum one can do is to be in a constant state of consecration. The next best is to act through understanding, while the minimum is full protection.


                SøÓ¢u £m\® £õxPõ¨¦, AvP£m\® \©º¨£n®.


519)         Memory brings events to the mind as long as one needs to learn from them. It goes out of his memory the moment he has learnt everything he needed to learn.


                        AÝ£Á® AÔÁõP ©õÖ® Áøµ {PÌa]PÒ {øÚ¼¸US®.


520)         To be able to explain an event after it has happened, to be able to plan a work and do it successfully are great endowments, but they are not the full possession of effective knowledge.


                |h¢u ¤ÓS \›¯õÚ ÂÍUP® u¸Áx®, vmhªmk öÁØÔPµ©õP ö\¯À£kÁx® ö£¸® vÓø©PÒ GßÓõ¾® Ax •Ê uzxÁ bõÚ©õPõx.


Complete possession of theoretical knowledge will be able to predict the future precisely, even if prediction abridges the possibilities.


521)         India experienced the birthpangs of Freedom in the communal carnage as she first divided herself. Bharat Mata gave the ecstasy of Freedom in a bloodless transfer. Human mind made it bloody.


                ©Ûu ÁõÌÂÀ Aªºu® B»Põ»©õQÓx.

                        B»Põ»® Aªºu©õÁx AßøÚ ÁõÌÄ.


                Let harmony heal the division. Poison will turn into nectar.


                        ¤ÍÄ Âå®, JØÖø© Aªºu®.


522)         Evolution that begins with the physical energy becoming physical skill ends with the talent and ability of the psychic in the physical being.


                Eh¼ß vÓø©, Eh¼À Bz©õÂß vÓø©¯õÁx ©Ûuß CøÓÁÚõÁx.


                Man works in the body by his mind. God reveals Himself in the Body as his evolving Spirit of the psychic.


523)         As USA started afresh in the last few centuries to build herself in the image of Europe and overpassed her, so USSR is now starting afresh to catch up with the industrialised world. She will outdo USA.


                \ÖUQ ÂÊ¢uÁß GÊ¢uõÀ ©ØÓÁøÚ ªg_Áõß.


524)         AßøÚø¯ AÔ¯ ¸®¦Áx A¸Ò Bz©õÂÀ ö\¯À£kÁuõS®.


525)         The Mother living among men and working was the Universal Mother taking a human body and guiding the unconsciousness to consciousness by identifying Herself consciously with the human unconsciousness.


                öu›¯õuxhß öu›¢x Cøn¢ux AßøÚ |®•hß ÁõÌ¢ux.


                Mother’s Life was the unconsciousness of Her own evolving consciousness.


526)         Thoughts and Aphorisms is the summary of the evolving supramental consciousness in the mind of man.


                ÂÈzxU Psh Põm] Bß«P ]¢uøÚPÒ.


                        Bß«P ]¢uøÚø¯ ©Úzv¾®, E°›¾®, Eh¼¾® PshõÀ ÁõÌÄ vÚ•® J¸ ö\´v u¸®.


527)         Evolution is the lower planes learning from the higher planes that descend. Abandoning physical destruction, seeking higher comfort, quest for wider, deeper understanding, aspiring for peace, acquiring the spiritual capacity to move matter are the stages of civilisation.


                EøÇUPõ©À bõÚ® ö£ÖÁx |õPŸP®.


528)         The ideal that begins by demolishing the society aspires for social approval.


                        ¦µm] EÒθ¢x GÊ¢uõÀ £¼UPõx.


                        You cannot destroy something from inside.


                        EÒ÷Í°¸¢x öÁÎ÷¯ ÷£õÁx ¦µm].


529)         USA has successful practical work organisation at the individual and collective level and is left with no energy to develop emotional appreciation of the emerging individual. Russia is emotional and would not accept any organisation that is not already endorsed by its collective emotional enjoyment. Indian spirituality must organise the one in the context of the other.


                Bß©õ ©»¸® £»ß BÚ¢u©õÚ vÓø©¯õÀ Á¸®.


530)         Man resents demands on his attention, but feels lonely when all such demands are withdrawn.


                ÷ui¨ ÷£õÚõÀ ©Ûuß \¼zxU öPõÒÁõß.

                   GÁ¸® |õhÂÀø»ö¯ÛÀ öÁÔaö\Ú°¸US®.


                Loneliness is for one who longs to repel friendship.


531)         Depression cannot be self-existent as it arises out of a dependence or relationship with someone or something outside.


                Á¸zu® ¤ÓµõÀ Á¸®.

                        \¢÷uõå® ö\õ¢u©õÚx.


                Depression is social or psychological, cannot be spiritual.



·         A no-story can be filmed with all others aspects being excellent as an interesting view.

·         By a captivating delivery, a piece of no-news could be listened to with spellbound attention.

·         Excellent externals can give full life to non-living content.


E¯º¢u ¦Ó® CÓ¢u APzvØS E°º u¸®.


533)         ©Ú® u¯õµõÚõÀ ©ø» uõ÷Ú |P¸®.


534)         Indifference that leads to forgetting precedes consecration.


                A»m]¯•®, ©Óv²® \©º¨£nzvØS •¢øu¯ {ø»PÒ.


535)         Movements in the gross and subtle planes are irrevocably interrelated.


                `m_©•® áh•® ¤›UP •i¯õuøÁ.


536)         ]Ô¯ÁÝUS _u¢vµ® Gߣx öPõmh©i¨£x, AÈa\õmh® ö\´Áx.


537)         Emotional disturbance is vital’s understanding.


                Esø© ¦›¢uõÀ EÒÍ® |k[S®.


538)         Aspiration is actual burning of the being for the goal as Karna desired to know his father.


                PºnÛß BºÁ® ÷£õ¼À»õux BºÁªÀø».


539)         Warm emotions rising giving an idea will disappear in minutes as it is ascent. Formed idea descending giving warm emotions is lasting loyalty.


                Bø\ Aøµ {ªå®.

                        ÂìÁõ\® »P •i¯õux.


                Loyalty is mental. Sudden bursts of emotions are vital.


540)         The power of the letter of law depends on the spirit with which the unwritten law is accepted.


                \mh® £¼UP uº©® uøÇUP ÷Ásk®.


541)         The emerging individual was the centre and life of democracy. Spiritual communism centres around the Spiritual Individual.


                Bß©õ ÁõÌÂÀ BÒÁx ÷\õå¼ézøuU Ph¢u P®³Û\®.


                        Bß«P ÷©õm\÷©õ, Aµ]ß P®³Û\÷©õ ÷uøÁ°Àø».

                        ÷uøÁ Spiritual communism Bß«PU P®³Û\®.


542)         Martin Luther, the mental individual, wanted to find God himself. The spiritual Individual wants to discover himself as God.


                ußøÚ¯Ô¯ ¸®¤¯Áß ©UPÍõm]ø¯U öPõsk Á¢uõß. ußøÚ BshÁÚõP AÔ¯ ¸®¦£Áß Bß«PU P®³Û\® öPõsk Á¸Áõß.


543)         A right, better still a product, can make world union a reality. In fact, it should be a formula whose powerful reality can be reached through modern technology – the Internet.


                GxÄ® _®©õ Áõµõx. P®¨³mhº _®©õ ÁµÂÀø».



·         £÷µõ£Põµ® £k A£\õµ®.

·         £÷µõ£Põµ® ©ÛuÛß A¸Îß öÁΨ£õk.

·         AÍ÷ÁõkÒÍ £÷µõ£Põµ® A¸Ò.

·         Eu ÷Pm£Áß A¸øÍ AÔ¢uÁß.

·         ÷Pm£ÁÝUS ÷PmS® AÍÂÀ ö\´²® Eu A¸Ò.

·         ]Ö Eu ÷Pmhö£õÊx ö£¸ Eu ö\´Áx B£zx.

·         ö\¯¼ß AÍøÁ AÔ¯ HØ£mhx ÁõÌÄ.

·         ]Ô¯Áß _¯|»® £µ|»®.

·         ö£›¯ÁÛß £µ|»® _¯|»®.

·         _¯|»® £µ|»©õÁx ÷¯õP®.


545)         Even the unremitted curse will have the force of curse.


                Enºa]US ÷ÁP® Esk, {¯õ¯ªÀø».

                        {¯õ¯ªÀ»õÂmhõ¾® ÷ÁP® £õvUS®.


                Curse is the formula of the intense vital.


546)         For the Being of Becoming there is spiritual relationship above the mind; there is no social relationship which is below the mind.


                        ÁõÌÂÀ ©»¸® Bß©õ ¦µm] ©»º.


                        ¦µm] ©»¸US ÁÓm]°ß Ásn[PÎÀø».


547)         Betrayal is possible only when something is thrust on another against his own will.


                |õi¨ ÷£õPõÂmhõÀ x÷µõP® ö\´¯ •i¯õx.


                Betrayal betrays one’s ignorance of the law of action in the existence of life.


548)         The higher cannot benefit the lower nor the lower seek such a benefit from the higher, unless the higher in the lower awakes and acts.


                £i¨¤À ©õnÁÝUSÒÍ BºÁ® B]›¯¸US® ©õnÁÝUS® EÒÍ öuõhº¦.


                The seed cannot become the tree unless it is live.


549)         The good health of the forester is the balance his body strikes with his work. The Rishi’s health is governed by the light of the Spirit.


                        EhÀ ö£Ö® EÖv EÒÍ® ö£Ö® öuÎÄ.



·         £] Ehø»U Põ¨£õØÖ®.

·         ©›¯õøu E°øµ ÁͺUS®.

·         AÔÁõÀ ©Ú® Á͸®.

·         BºÁzuõÀ Bz©õ öÁÎ Á¸®.

·         BshÁÚõP ©õÔÚõÀ Aئu® öu›²®.


As urges rise in the scale, man becomes God to witness the Marvel.


Bß©õ Eh»õÁx £›nõ©®.



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