Series XIV


601)         Personality is of Nature. Individuality is the result of Purusha individualising the experience of the world-being in one soul. It is that which seeks uniqueness in the very thumb print.


                uÛz ußø© öu´Á® ©ÛuÛÀ Psh •iÄ.


602)         B°µ® Bsøh _¸USÁx ©¢vµ®.

                Á͸® AÔÄ _¸[S® ö\õÀ.


                        Superstition is vociferous. Knowledge is mantra.


                }sh \mh®, _¸UP©õÚ {¯õ¯®.


603)         SøÓ Tº¢x GÊ¢x ¤Óøµz uõUS®.


                Insufficiency is never insensitive.


                Offence is the vigorous self-defence of insufficiency.


604)         Human nature never pardons those who helped. Even when that knowledge is not there, it never fails to offend.                        


                        Eu ö\´u¤ß E£zvµÁ® uÁÓõx Á¸®.


605)         Character does not surface in daily work. Only we see manners then. In critical moments only character emerges.


                ö|¸UPi¯õÚ ÷|µ® Á¢uõÀ BÌ¢u £ÇUP® öÁΨ£k®.


                        PsqUSz öu›Áx P¸zvØS›¯uÀ».


606)         The silent soul evolves when it is conscious of moving into Nature.


                ©Ú® ¤›¢u Bz©õ, ¦¸åß, DìÁµøÚ ÷\ºzx¨ £õºzuõÀ \zv¯ 㯩õS®.


                        ¦¸åÛß Aø\Ä ¤µQ¸v.

                ¤µQ¸v°ß ÂȨ£õÚ ö©ÍÚ® DìÁµß.


607)         Man who sees the process of creation is a realised Ishwara – the psychic being.


                ø\zv¯ ¦¸åß ]¸èiø¯ ußÛÀ PõsQÓõß.


                        ußøÚ DìÁµÚõP AÔÁx ø\zv¯®.


The evolving Purusha witnesses the process of creation in his own life.


608)         To arrest the Becoming into Being is the office of concentration.


                ]¸èi ¦¸åÚõÁx {èøh.


                        Creation is Purusha moving into Prakriti.


                Concentration immobilises movement.


                Aø\øÁ Aø©v¯õUSÁx {èøh.


609)         Ununderstanding irresponsible apathy is unconscious surrender.


                AÔ¯ ¸®£õux AÔ¯õø©°ß AÔÄ.


                        |h¨£x |hUPmk® Gߣx ö£õÖ¨£ØÓ Ps‰i¯õÚ AÔ¯õø© & AÔ¯ ¸¨£¨£hõu {ø».


610)         The ultimate satisfaction for the intellect is to know, not to act.


                AÔÂÀ §ºzv¯õÁx ©Ú®.


611)         Mind acting through the matter in the brain is intellectuality.


                áh® ©ÚzvÀ ö\¯À£kÁx AÔÄ.


612)         The low is the real great that comes to consider itself low. Brahman, forgetting himself, can appear as low even to Himself. The great who are great can know themselves as low when they identify themselves with the social consciousness.


                |õ® |®ø© G¨£i AÔQ÷Óõ÷©õ, Ax÷Á |õ®.


                We choose what we are and we can do it consciously or unconsciously.


613)         Can the Absolute forget itself?  That which can forget cannot be the Absolute. But it has the right to create Ignorance into which it can forget Itself.


                ©Ó¨£x® ¤µ®©zvß ©Qø©.


614)         Energy not organised for work generates tension.


                öu®¤ØS vÓø©°À»õu ÷|µ•®, vÓø©USz öuÎÂÀ»õu ÷|µ•® £h£h¨¦ GÊ®.


                Work and energy not in organised harmony is tension.


615)         The 20th century was one when the major wars came to an end. Till then the role of the Kshatriya was pre-eminent. Before that, the quest for knowledge was in the forefront. The 21st century is one of man’s service to his fellow men. Therefore the Sudra will rise to prominence after the Vaisya exhausts his mission.


                Á¸® Põ»® ÷\øÁUS›¯x GߣuõÀ `zvµß BÒÁõß.


616)         Man moves from physical, mental illusion to objective intellectuality; from there he touches outer intuition, which when moved inward, reaches Supermind.


                        AP® ¦Ó©õQ, ¦Ó® AP©õÁx Bß«P¨ £›nõ©®.


617)         uõ] ©i°À £kzv¸¨£ÁÝUS®, AÔ¯õø©ø¯ AÔÁõP {øÚ¨£ÁÝUS® Põx ÷PmPõx.


                        AÔ¯õø© EnºÂß ©¯UP®.


                Vital infatuation equals that of superstition.


618)         Present equality is ours; the future results are not.


                CßøÓ¯ Aø©v |©US›¯x; GvºPõ»¨ £»ÛÀø».


619)         For the Force to act, ego – physical, vital, mental – is the obstacle. Later even the structures of mind, vital, etc. can be obstacles unless their structures are transformed.


Aȯ ÷Ási¯x GxĪÀø». AzuøÚ²® y´ø©¯õP ÷Ásk®.


                        ©Ûuß HØ£kzv¯x Aȯ ÷Ásk®.


620)         What inspires is not action but an action in tune with the social     consciousness. No wonder bright ideas remain bright.


                Âøͯõk£ÁÝUS £õh® ¤iUPõx.

                        £ÒÎUTh® vÓ¢u ¤ß £õh®.


                To prepare the society to respond one must universalise himself. It is Transcendent grace for the individual in the universe.


621)         A great idea of one person will work for another who is in work, not for him, until he works successfully.


                Á°ØÖ Á¼¨£Áß \ø©¯À ©ØÓÁºUS ¸]US®.


622)         The first move to overcome the influence of money is not to earn it, but to perceive it can be earned more by moving away from it.


                \®£õvzx £nzøu öÁÀ» •i¯õx.

                        öÁÀÁuõÀ \®£õvUP»õ®.


623)         The lure of money cannot be successfully used to lure man away from money. It grows on what it feeds.


                AizxU öPõßÖ Aßø£ EØ£zv ö\´¯ •i¯õx.


624)         Surrender is for the initiatives. Not to have initiatives is a state of ever-present surrender. Equality is of that state.


                ÷uõßÓõu {ø» xønÁÝUS›¯x.


                        ÷uõßÓõz xøn |õuß Aø©v ö£ØÓ Bz©õ.


625)         The opening paragraphs of The Life Divine are inspiration and the rest are explanations.


                £PÁõß TÖ£øÁ Bµ®£zv¾®, ¤ßÚº ÂÍUS® GÊzuõPÄ® Aø©¢u ¡À The Life Divine.


626)         Silence, drshti, intuition, knowledge are the steps to self-knowledge. Consecration skips all the steps in between.


                •iÄUS •ßÝÒÍ Pmh® GzuøÚ¯õÚõ¾®, ñnzvÀ Ph¨£x \µnõPv.


627)         Power, rather skill that can use the power gives the result. Knowledge sees the process. Neither the result nor the process is ultimate. Essence of Brahman is.


                £»ß ÁõÌÄUS®, •øÓ AÔÄUS® BÚ¢u® u¸Áx. Bz©õ ÷ukÁx •øÓ°ß ‰»®. Ax ¤µ®©®.


628)         Reversal of consciousness and past consecration are expressions of the sincerity of soul.


                Ph¢u Põ» \©º¨£n® Bz© \zv¯®.


                There is no shorter cut in foreign travel than air travel.  Despising the plane is despicable.


629)         Surrender is for the conscious Soul, not for the active mind or energetic vital.


                ÂÈzu ¤ß Bz©õÄUS \µnõPv²sk.

                        ]¢uøÚ y[S® ©ÚzvØS›¯x.


                Thinking is of the active mind that is asleep.


630)         Domination is the pleasure of power expanding its territory. JOY is the ananda of the soul and the evolving soul dissolving in creation to expand in evolution.


                AvPõµ® u¸Áx v¸¨v. Aߦ E»QÀ ußøÚ AÈzx ö\õºUPzvÀ ©»ºÁx BÚ¢u®.


631)         JOY is not for the vital which knows only pleasure.


                EnºÄUS BÚ¢u® öu›¯õx.


632)         Man, in asking for his rights, awakens to his own inner depths which will happily renounce all rights.


                E»Pzx E›ø©ø¯U ÷Pm£Áß EÒÍzx E›ø©ø¯ Âhz u¯õµõÚÁß.


633)         Capacity to own is love of our psychological fetters.


                E›ø©US›¯ E›ø© EÒÍzvß ]Öø©.


634)         Emerging knowledge is the first perception, while JOY finding the new height is final.


bõÚ® •uÀ ÷£µõÚ¢u® Áøµ ÷¯õP® \µnõPv¯õÀ |h¢x ö\À¾®.


He asked us to emerge as knowledge and said the supreme discovery is the creation of the Superconscient.


635)         Beginning with the mind, one meets the first realisation in the vital as the Pranamaya Purusha.


                Bµ®£® \©º¨£n®. ÁõÌÄ •uØ ]zv.


                        •iÂÀ EhÀ ußøÚ BÚ¢u öÁÒÍ©õP AÔ²®.


636)         One who can meet Vyasa, Valmiki, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or Newton won’t like to spend his time reading newspapers.


                ¤µu©¸US £g\õ¯zx G»Uåß ©Úøuz öuõhõx.


637)        To know that the longest route is the shortest is Supermind’s comprehension in life.


                Gso GkzxU öPõÒ Gߣx ÷PõiUPnUPõÚ ¹£õ²US® _¸UP©õÚ ÁÈ.


                There is no shorter route to earning than taking crores by counting.


638)         The same goals can be reached by total frankness or total secrecy. Each has its own route.


                J÷µ C»USUS¨ £» £õøuPÐsk.


                        CµP쯮 \õv¨£øu öÁΨ£øh¯õP¨ ÷£_Áx® \õvUS®.


639)         Hß C¨£i GÚ GÁøµ²® Põµn® ÷PmPõ©À, |õ•® {øÚUPõ©¼¸¨£x, \©º¨£nzvØS \©©õÚ Aø©v.


                        ÷PÒ GÇõu ©Ú{ø» \©º¨£nzvØS›¯x.


                        Absence of mental consideration of an issue is the penultimate step for consecration.


640)         Affection received as attention is still sweet.


                Aßø£ PÁÚ©õP HØ£x® Esk.


                        PÁÚ® Aßø£ P¸zuõÀ ö\¾zxÁx.


641)         Explaining His logical thought in terms of the logic of life is to apply His thought to life.


                ÿ AµÂ¢u® AßÓõh ÁõÌÁõÁx AßøÚ ÁÈ£õk.


642)         Surface is disgusted by what the subliminal longs for.


                ©Ú® GuØPõP H[SQÓ÷uõ Aøu öÁÖ¨£x _£õÁ®.


                Repulsion is the seeking of the subliminal.


643)         We came to Him to discover ourselves as God; we ask Him to do it for ourselves.


                CµP쯮 ÷Áshõ®, £»ß ÷Ásk®” -- ©Ûuß.


644)         ãÁõz©õ £µ©õz©õøÁ¯øhÁx ÷©õm\®. £µ©õz©õ £õ©µÛß Bz©õÁõQ, Ax AÁß ©Ú® ÁÈ Áõ̾® Eh¼¾® ö\¯À£kÁx \©º¨£n®, \µnõPv.


                    To realise one’s soul is moksha. For the soul to become the Superconscient

                and realise itself in the trance of the Inconscient is our aim. That soul living its life on earth in mind or body is the new definition of trance of Sri Aurobindo.


645)         To be aware of the process of involution and consciously reverse that is surrender.


                ]¸èi ©ÚzvÀ £›nõ©©õÁx \µnõPv.


646)         The art of ruling is simple to understand, not easy to execute, because it is fairness and common sense exercised by power.


                AvPõµzvß {uõÚ® BЮ vÓß.


647)         Creation can be explained in terms of the eight planes – Sat to Matter – which means one fully understands The Life Divine.


                \z áh©õÁx®, A¢u áh® |õ® GÚÄ®, «sk® |õ® \zuõÁx®, Life Divine TÖÁx.


648)         To know the process of creation 1) in terms of its powers, 2) planes,

                3) processes,  4) Time, and be able to unite all of them into ONE idea is to know The Life Divine very well.

                uzxÁzuõ¾®, \Uv¯õ¾®, Põ»zuõ¾® ]¸èiø¯ AÔÁx The Life Divine ¦›ÁuõS®.


649)         Sat becomes Truth by objectifying and again creates the world out of Truth by apprehending Supermind which is objectifying again which by becoming subject creates life and matter.


                \z ¦Ó©õQ \zv¯©õQ, «sk® ¦Ó©õQ ]¸èizx AP©õQ ÁõÌøÁ²®, áhzøu²® EØ£zv ö\´ux.


650)         To become objective is to become intellectual, which makes earth matter. For the intellectual to become subjective is to become Sat.


                ¦Ó©õÚõÀ ¦zv Á¸®, AP©õÚõÀ Bß©õ ÂÈUS®.


                Objectivity first, subjectivity next.



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