Series XIV


851)         Discovering the sweetness of being a slave releases the psychic in the physical.


                Aiø© BshÁÛß uø»Áß.


                The slave of the servant can still progress by becoming the slave of another slave. God in the physical does not reveal to anyone but the slave.


852)         ÷uÁuõ] öu´Ázvß bõÚz v¸Ä¸Á®.


                        The greatness of the soul of  the harlot assumes a divine form behind her human body.


                How can one escape greatness, having served Many?

                Service is selfless even in a public woman.


853)         When a bright child was born, the father in ironic modesty said that the child was no prodigy. His next child was retarded.


                ¤ßÚõÀ Á¸Áøu ©Ú® •ßÚõÀ ÷£_QÓx.


                Speech is best when silent.


854)         Constant remembrance arises when human memory is lost.


                ©Ú® ©Ó¢u¤ß Bz© {øÚÄ GÊ®.


                Sincere remembrance is not in the mind.


855)         The power of the form, its germ of truth to individuality formation is best observed in the English people honouring the privacy of another's letter, especially when they are otherwise pressurising him.


                ¹£® öu´ÃP©õÚx.


                No tyrannical mother who is barely cruel to her daughter will open the letters of her daughter.


856)         Accomplishment is perfect achievement.

                Man achieves; the soul accomplishes.


                ©Ûuß Põ›¯zøu •iUQÓõß. ö£›¯ ©Ûuß \õvUQßÓõß.


                        ©Ûuß •iUSªhzvÀ, Bz©õ \õvUQßÓx.


857)         Wherever the repetition ceased there the physicality is overcome.


                áh®  v¸¨¤z v¸¨¤a ö\´²®.


                Repetition is the hallmark of physicality.


858)         Culture embellishes the crudeness of the situation by euphemism. Language in its harshest form is a euphemism of the reality of life which is venomous.


What Mother gave up after undergoing the torture, the Rishis avoided by a knowledge.


›æPÒ HØP ©Özuøu AßøÚ HØÖ ]zµÁøu¨ £mhõº.


859)         During the periods of physicality, torture was common. Tyranny came into vogue in the vital period and slander in the mental life.


                ushøÚ Põ»zøu ÂÍUS®.


                Rewards and punishments are another symbol of the age.


860)         One needs to cross the border of life to see the Spirit. Whether it is like Lear, or Arjuna or Burgo, or a man who receives the affectionate loyalty of the adorable lady, unless he crosses life, Spirit cannot be seen. In yoga the body must be crossed over.


                'Humour is the savour of life'                  ~  Sri Aurobindo


                íõ쯮 AøÚzøu²® Põmk®.


                        GÀø»ø¯U PhUPõ©À GxÄ® öu›¯õx.


861)         ¼ªmøhz uõshõ©À ½ø» öu›¯õx.


                AÍøÁ «ÔÚõÀ BshÁß.



§  Conscious thought seeking God is worship.

§  Emotions seeking God by themselves is bhakti.

§  Acts never seek God, they actively refuse HIM.

§  We can worship and yearn for Him, but never work for God.

§  Acts seeking God, actively trying to express Him is yoga.

§  uõ÷Ú EhÀ AÁøÚ |õkÁx BÚ¢u®.

§  Matter that is body seeking the inner secret Godhead through sensation is Delight of existence.


EhÀ Enº¢x EÒ÷Í ÷£õ´ öÁÎ÷¯ Á¸Áx ½ø»°ß ÷£µõÚ¢u® áhzøu BÚ¢u©õUSÁx.


863)         öu›¯õx Gߣx G¢u ÷|µ•® Esk, GÁºUS® Esk. Ax öu›²® GßÓõÚõÀ ©Ûuß CøÓÁÚõQÓõß.

                        öu›¯õux öu›Áx CµP쯮.


Knowledge changing into omniscience is man becoming God.


Ignorance becoming omniscience at once is granted already.


864)         Exhausting the resources is the efficiency of energy.


865)         B£õ\® Aئu©õÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.


                Âå® Aªºu©õS®.


                ÂPõµ® Ba]›¯©õÚ AÇPõS®.


                        B£zx, A\®£õÂu® ©ÛuøÚ öu´Á©õUS®.


866)         After the initial readings, The Life Divine yields to thinking, not further reading.  To think through His arguments there overcomes intellectuality. Beyond this, not thinking, but Silence alone will reveal the Book.


                AÍøÁU Ph¨£x Aßø£ AøhÁx.


£i¨¦US®, ]¢uøÚUS®, ö©ÍÚzvØS® AÍÄsk. £›nõ©zvØQÀø». £µ©ÝUS® CÀø».


Reading, thinking, Silence must be followed by reversal of consciousness.


867)         Inner knowledge is the only knowledge. Academic training will still seek the outer which can confirm and clarify the inner. In its absence, the inner expands, flowering, which is fresher still.


bõÚ® APzvØS›¯x, ¦ÓzvØPÀ». AP® ©»º¢x ¦Ó©õÁx ]¸èi. ¦Ó bõÚ® ¦so¯ªÀ»õu bõÚ®.


©Ú® ©»º¢x ©n® Ã_Áx ]¸èi.


Inner flowering fragrantly is creation.


868)         AP® ©»º¢ux ¦Ó®.

                Ax AßøÚ |©UPÎUS® ÁõÌÄ.


869)         Astrology is the science of subtle knowledge that sees the movement of stars in terms of our inner growth. Physical sciences should travel aeons to reach that inner refinement. It is a science of force. Yoga is the Science of Being.


÷áõ쯮 Gmi¯ E¯ºøÁ ÂgbõÚ® Gmh ²P[PÍõS®. Ax `m_© \õìvµ®. ÷¯õP® AøuU Ph¢x ãÁøÚ ÂÍUS® \õìvµ®. Ax Pº©zøuU Ph¢u Põµn©õS®.


870)         Corruption devouring the heroic attainments of freedom is an extension of ahimsa dissipating the spiritually won Freedom in the subtle plane.


                CßøÓ¯ »g\•®, FǾ® AßøÓ¯ Aî®ø\°ß Aµ]¯À E¸Á[PÒ.


The final refusal of the Brahmin, the capitalist's greed, ahimsa in India are the earlier seeds of present corruption in India and all over the world.


871)         The final refusal of the Brahmin, the falsehood that got thus organised, the poverty of today are the ways in which the dormant Spirit protects and preserves itself till the time comes.


÷|µ® Á¸®Áøµ \zv¯zøu ö£õ´ ¦øu¯ø» PõUS® §u©õPU PõUS®.


                The worst of falsehood is best of Truths in disguise.


872)         Biological evolution on earth proceeds in parts which will be followed by the spiritual evolution of the whole.


Põ»zvÀ Á͸® §©õ÷uÂ, Ph¢uøuU Ph¢u Bz©õÄUS Ai÷Põ¾®.


Evolution in Time skips the Timelessness to evoke the evolution in simultaneous integrality.


873)         Surrender is a knowledge of the whole comprising of the knowledge of the parts. Similarly it is power, love and everything.


£SvPÒ ÷\º¢u •Êø© ¤µ®©®. A®\[PÎß £SvPÒ ÷\º¢u •Êø© \µnõPv.


                Totality of methods is surrender.


874)         Words whose meanings are denoted by the context changing by inflexion to have their own precise shade is the way language grows.


                ö\õÀ¾US¨ ö£õ¸Ò ö\õ¢u©õÚõÀ ö©õÈ Á͸®.


                Growth of language is achieved by words acquiring individuality.


875)         Culture is the greatness of the part. The other side will always reveal in



£s¦US GvµõÚ ¦s £UPzv¼¸US®.


Every cultured place will have a pocket of the opposite which will espouse the local culture but will not forget its origins of lack of culture.


876)         Having begun at the psychic of the mind, evolution will be complete when we reach the psychic of the physical. Beyond that lies the entire Sachchidananda before evolution reaches the Absolute again.


©Ú® ÷©õm\zvÀ ¤µ®©zvß J¸ A®\zøu yµ C¸¢x |õ® ÷Põ°À ]ø»ø¯ Án[SÁx ÷£õÀ £õºUQÓx. £›nõ©® |õ÷© ]ø»°ß E°º¨£õÚ öu´Á©õÁuõS®.


877)         Human relationship demands violently total surrender of the other person to his own interests.


                EÓÄ ¤Óº |©US \µn® ö\´Áx.


                        AkzuÁº \µnõPv Aߣ¸US Cu® u¸®.


878)         Consecration of the vital emotions makes the mind subtle.


                EnºÂß \©º¨£n® ©Úzøu `m_©©õUS®.


Subtle planes of the higher levels open when the lower levels resort to consecration.


879)         All-inclusive concentration is thinking by the cells of the body when the mind surrenders thought, vital feeling.


                AqÂß AÔÄ ãÁ{èøh.


                Mind that enjoys thought must cease to think if the emotion should

sail into action. It is much more so if the cells should wake up.


880)         Consecration of the physical urges includes the consecration of emotions and thoughts and therefore matures into surrender.


                Eh¼ß \©º¨£n® ©Úzvß \µnõPv.


                Surrender of a higher level is consecration of a lower plane.


881)         When comprehension is incomplete consecration is needed. Where it is complete it does not enter our mind and bother.


                ¦›¢ux öuõ¢vµÄ ö\´¯õx. ¦›¯õuuØS \©º¨£n® ÷uøÁ.


                Consecration lies in the intermediate zone between comprehension and incomprehension.


882)         Skills and capacities are external. Their becoming subjective awakens the Self. Then knowledge, consecration, etc. become Self-knowledge, Self-consecration, etc.


                bõÚ® _¯©õÁx, Bz©õ Bm] ö\´Áx.

                        Ax Bz© bõÚ®, Bz© \©º¨£n®.


                        ¦Ó ©Ûuß AP Bß©õÁõÁx ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õÁx.


883)         Consecration of the fuzzy impulses in the mind makes the Silence that descends stay.


                ö©ÍÚ® {ø»UP ©Ú® £ÓUS® y]ø¯ \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.


                The deepest Silence does not remain.


884)         The silent secret initiative of the biological female culminates in Shakti dominating, or trying to dominate the Ishwara who tries to fulfil himself in surrendering to Her.


                ]¸èi ö£soß AhUPzvÀ Bµ®¤zx Boß Aiø©°À •iQÓx.


                        The attractive female accepts his surrender ultimately.


885)         Every effort of man is an effort to acquire strength. He does it by initiative. He would get all the strength by surrender.


                ÁõÌUøP •¯Ø]°»õµ®¤zx \µnõPv°À •iQÓx.


                Life is from effort to surrender.


886)         Bz©õÄUS EÓUPªÀø».


887)         GÀ÷»õºUS® Ah[Q¨ ÷£õQÓÁºUS G[S® ¤µa]øÚ°Àø»; GÀ»õøµ²® AhUP¨ ¤›¯¨£kQßÓÁºUS G[S ÷£õÚõ¾®,

¤µa]øÚ Âhõx.


888)         ÷£\ •i¯õu ©Ú® \õvUS®.


889)         ¤Ó¸US Pèh® öPõk¨£uõÀ ©mk® ©ÛuÝUS Pèh® Á¸QÓx. ©ÛuÝøh¯ Pèhzøu »UP •¯ÀÁuõÀ ©PõÝUS Pèh®.


890)         |õ® ö\´u uÁØøÓ Psk¤izx ÂmhõºPÒ GÚ öÁmP¨£kÁuØS £v»õP ÷Põ£¨£k£ÁºPÒ, |õ® AÁºPÒ uÁØøÓ Psk öPõshx uÁÖ GÚ AÔÂUQÓõºPÒ.


                        Man denies the other the right to discover his own faults.


891)             SøÓ TÓ Ta\¨£kÁx |õPŸP®.


{»® ÁÍ©õÚõÀ, £s¦ |õPŸP©õS®.


892)         ö|Ô°¼¸¢x ÁÊÄ® ö|Ô°Àø».


893)         |®ø© AÈUP ¸®¦£Áß ÁõÇ ÷Ásk® Gߣx |Àö»snªÀø», ÁõÌÂß `m_©® ¦›¯ÂÀø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.


894)         PÀ»õÚõ¾® PnÁß GÚ HØ£uõÀ PÀ¾® ÂUµí©õÁøu E»P® Psh÷uõ CÀø»÷¯õ, AߣºPÒ Põn»õ®. Akzu Pmh•® Esk. ©snõÚõ¾® ©øÚ GßÖ HØ£Á¸US ©øÚ E¯º¢u ©øÚ¯õÁõÒ. HØ£x §µn©õÚõÀ ©uµõPÄ©õÁõÒ.



§  AßøÚ°h® Á¢u ¤ß |õ÷© •øÚ¢x Snzøu ©õØÓõÂmhõÀ, Á¼¯ AÁØøÓ ©õØÖ® `Ì{ø»ø¯ AßøÚ u¸QÓõº.

§  •øÚ¢x ©õÖÁx ÷¯õP®,  Á¼¯ ©õÖÁx ÁõÌÄ.


896)         E»P® öÁÖzx KxUSÁx öuõØÖ Â¯õv öÁÖzx Kx[SÁx ÷£õ»õS®.



§  Avºèh® |® PsoÀ £hõ©À ÁõÌÂÀ ö\¯À£k®.

§  Avºèh® |® PsoÀ £hõ©À B£zøu »US®.

§  PsqUS öu›¯õuuõÀ Avºèh® GÚ¨ ö£¯º ö£ØÓx |©USz öu›¯õ©÷»÷¯ ö\¯À£k® vÓÝ® ö£ØÓx.

§  öu›¯õu Avºèh® ÁõÌÂß Ea].

§  öu›²® Avºèh® ÷¯õP ÁõÌÂß §ºzv.

§  Avºèh® v¸èi¯õÁx ÂȨ¦.

§  ÂȨ¦ Gߣx S¸mk Avºèh® ÷¯õP v¸èi¯õÁx.


898)         •UQ¯zøuU P¸vÚõÀ Gx •UQ¯® Gߣx ÷PÒÂ.


899)         áõuPzv¼À»õu Avºèhzøu AßøÚ u¸QÓõº. ©Ûuß áõuPzvÀ»õu Pèhzøu¨ ö£Ó •¯ÀQÓõß.



§  E»P® EÒÍ ©›¯õøuø¯z uµõx.

§  E¯º¢÷uõº E›¯ ©›¯õøuø¯z uÁÓõx u¸Áº.

§  uõÌ¢uÁ¸US E›¯ ©›¯õøuø¯U öPõkzuõÀ öPõkzuÁº ©›¯õøuø¯ Gkzx ÂkÁõºPÒ.

§  E¯º¢u ©Ú¨£õßø©¯õÀ uõÌ¢uÁºUS CÀ»õu ©›¯õøuø¯ AÎzuõÀ AÎzuÁ¸US AÁ©›¯õøu QøhUS®.


÷©Øö\õßÚøÁ E»Pzx \mh®. AßøÚ \mh® Bz©õÂh® ¤›¯® ö\¾zxÁx. ÷©Øö\õßÚøÁ £õvUPõx.



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