Series XV


101)     Capacity to achieve issues from the capacity to give up.

             Âh •iÁx ö£Ó •iÁøu {ºn°US®.

             Capacity acts both ways.

             Accomplishment is decided by detachment.

102)     He who enjoys the absence of a joy greater than its presence has overcome physicality.

             CÀ»õuö£õÊx C¸¢u ö£õÊx AÝ£Âzuøu Âh AvP©õP Aݣ¨£Áß áhzøuU Ph¢uÁß.

103)    bõÚ® ö£ØÓ ¤ß ö\¯ø» {øÚ¨£x ¤µ¯õn® •i¢u ¤ß µ°ø» {øÚ¨£x ÷£õ»õS®.

             Events are dead after they had yielded the knowledge.

104)     He who has enjoyed the kicking of the cruel feet can fully know the expansive joy of the complementing woman’s insistent domination.

             öPõkø©°ß CÛø©ø¯¯Ô¢u Cu¯® CÛø©°ß Pkø©ø¯ Cu©õPU Põq®.    

105)     The experienced civil service under the power of the inexperienced politician is exactly the situation of man with life.

             ÁõÌÂß ö£›¯ •iÄPøÍ AÝ£Á® Á¸® •ß GkUP ÷Ásk®  Gߣx Pmhõ¯®.    

106)     The mercenary appearance of the idealist is part of his idealism.

             C»m]¯Áõv uß C»m]¯zøu Buõ¯ ÷|õUPõÀ ©øÓ¨£øu C»m]¯©õPU öPõÒÁxsk.

107)     Mental comprehension of life based on yoga is still mental activity, not desirable for yoga.

             ÷¯õPzøu AvP©õP AÔ¯ •¯ÀÁx® ÷¯õPzvØSz uøh.

             E¯º¢u ]¢uøÚ²® ÷¯õP©õPõx.

108)     Excess physical energy organising itself into practically efficient behaviour is rudeness.

             EøǨ£õ롧 BºÁ® ÷Áø»ø¯z vÓø©¯õP |hzu •¯ÀÁx ö\õÀ»õÀ •µmkzuÚ©õP öÁΨ£k®.

109)    ÷PmP©õmhõºPÒ GßÓ ChzvÀ ©mh©õP AvPõµ® ö\´£ÁºPÒ A¢uìxÒÍ ChzvÀ £›uõ£©õP¨ £oÁõºPÒ.

             Mean domination will offer squeamish submission.

110)     When the time is right, partial work will achieve success of a total scheme.

             ÷|µ® Á¢xÂmhõÀ ö£›¯ ÷|õUPzvß ]Ô¯ vmh® ö£›¯uß £»øÚz u¸®.

111)     There is no organisation in the world of today that looks at the problem of the world in toto.

             •Êø©ø¯ |õk® E»P Aµ[S HØ£hÂÀø».

112)     Even devotion to Mother can be selfish or superstitious.

             £Uv²® ‰h |®¤UøP¯õP C¸¨£xsk.

113)     Selfish people attaining a position tend to eliminate all others from there.

             _¯|»® AøÚÁøµ²® ußøÚ¯Ô¯õ©À »US®.

114)     Before gratitude is born, relief gathers. Prior to it being born, one celebrates it as one’s own success.

             |ßÔ GÊ•ß ö\õ¢u ö£¸ø© E¸ÁõS®.

115)     One’s inner urge can push another to involuntary action.

             _¯|»® ¤Óøµz uÚUSa \õuP©õPa ö\¯À£h¨ ¤Óøµz ysk®.

116)     Fear is ultimately transformed into Love, not courage.

             £¯® AߣõS®.

117)    ©ÚzøuU Ph¢u ÷|ºø©°À uÁÖ ö\´¯ ÷|ºÁx ÷¯õP® £¼¨£uõS®.

             Having crossed the mind,  if one is impelled to do wrong, he is responding to yoga.

118)    E¯ºÂß BÇ® ]Ó¨¦.

             Values in substance is perfection.

             The achievement of the West is the individual’s perfection in collective effort.

119)     Delight is always delight, not dependent on what one does.

             BÚ¢u® GßÖ® EÒÍx. GßÚ ö\´Q÷Óõ® Gߣøu¨ ö£õ¸zuvÀø».

             Delight is self-existent.

120)     In every admirable work like a good film, the technicians reach a Perfection in performance. Mother’s grace demands that level of perfection in upholding Her values.

             \õuõµn ©ÛuÛß ]Ó¨£õÚ •¯Ø] öhUÚõ»â°À E»P¨ ¦PÌ u¸QÓx. A÷u •¯Ø] AßøÚ°À u¸Áx §÷»õPa _ÁºUP®.

121)     Surrender of understanding will help understanding surrender fully.

             \µnõPv ¦›¯ \µnõPv EuÄ®.

             Surrender of understanding is revealing.

122)    {øÚÄ EnºÁõQ |ßÔ¯õÚõÀ uøh¨£k® \©º¨£n® §ºzv¯õS®.

             v¯õÚ® ãÁ{èøh¯õÚõÀ uøh »Q \©º¨£n® §ºzv¯õS®.

             Thinking that is a bar to consecration changes to feeling and sensation when all-inclusive concentration takes over.

             Concentration changing into all-inclusive concentration removes the obstacles to consecration.

             Gratitude overcomes the obstacle of thinking for consecration.

123)     The Supracosmic is the Transcendent. It has created the Superconscient, conscient and the subconscient.

             ¤µ®©® £µ©õz©õøÁ ]¸èizux.

             The Superconscient is the opposite of the Inconscient whereas the Supracosmic is Self-existent. 

124)     People admiring the wealth of the king plundered from them is one way of human admiration. They do so because that is what they aspire to do. They were plundered because of that aspiration.

             öPõÒøͯiUP ¸®¦£ÁøÚ AkzuÁº öPõÒøÍ-¯i¨£õº.

125)    ]µ¦g]°À ö£´²® ©øÇ ÷Põøh°À SiUP EuÁõx.

             AßøÚ°ß ÷£µ¸Ò ¤µÁõP•® Aºzu©ØÓÁÝUS AÁ\µzvØ& SuÁõx.

             Organisation offers permanent confetti, not the deluge that comes down in spurts.

126)     Birds and animals are very intelligent. Man has taken the trouble to get rid of his intelligence and organise ignorance. His ignorance is not to be frowned upon, but exercised.

             ©ÛuÛß AÔ¯õø© •¯ßÖ ö£ØÓx. AuÚõÀ ÷£õØÓ¨£h ÷Ásk®, yØÓU Thõx.

             ²Põ¢u Põ»©õP ÷ui¨ ö£ØÓøuz uÁ® ö\´x ©Ûuß Â»USQÓõß.

127)     Partners are couples who totally distrust each other but always do things together. When they come to enjoy their trust in the other, they can never act alone.

             AߣõÀ Cøn¢uÁº uÛzx ö\¯À£h •i¯õx. |®¤UøP ¤ÓUS® Áøµ²® uÛzv¸UP •i¯õx.

             |®¤UøP CÀ»õu ö£õÊx®, C¸US® ö£õÊx® uÛzv¸UP •i¯õux EÓÄ.

128)     Shamelessness announces its unity with others by its attitude.

             öÁmP® öPmhÁß £µ©õz©õÂß IUQ¯zøu £õ©µÚõP öÁΨ£kzxQÓõß.

             There is no vibration in creation which does not express one or the other of His Virtue.      

129)     ‘Sabrina’ illustrates the essential role played by the concrete practical reality of physical security. What it made possible is not double or ten times, but a phenomenal result.

             A®\® ö£›¯uõÚõ¾®, Avºèh® ÷ui Á¢uõ¾®, |® •¯Ø] £»ÚõP •iÁx AÁ]¯®.

130)     Perversity has taken possession of the highest form of surrender and asks the Divine to do the surrender on its behalf.

             SuºUPzvh® ¤µ®©•® u¨£•i¯õx.

             Of all the resourcefulnesses, the resourcefulness of perversity excels.

131)     Sense of shame is according to one’s values and sensitivity, not according to the act concerned.

             öÁmP® ÷Áø»ø¯¨ ö£õ¸zuuÀ», ö\õµønø¯¨ ö£õ¸zux.

             v¸hß ö\õÀ£ öuõøP v¸i¯uØS öÁmP¨£kQÓõß. »g\® Áõ[P»õ®. \õµõ¯©õP Áõ[SÁx öu›¯U Thõx GÚ {øÚUQÓõß.

132)     Man enjoys going after power. He enjoys power chasing him. His seeking woman is going after psychological charm. It rises to its heights when she is after him for a higher ideal.

             £uÂø¯ Âh Bs ö£søn |õkQÓõß. ußøÚ |õk® £uÂø¯ Âh ußøÚ |õk® ö£s BqUS Aئu©õÚ C»m]¯®.

133)     The Truth of this yoga can be said that man can learn anything experiencing it once. Repetition is taste of ignorance.

             |À»ÁÝUS J¸ ö\õÀ, |À» ©õmiØS J¸ Ai.

             Man wants to acquire anything from anyone so that he can destroy him with that.

134)     To FEEL that a spouse is an individual is to outgrow social consciousness. For us to outgrow biological consciousness we must feel so with a blood relative.

             ©øÚÂø¯ ©Ýæ¯õPU P¸xÁx®, Ehß ¤Ó¢uÁº EÓøÁ Eh¼À PøÍÁx®, \‰Pzøu²®, Cµzu £õ\zøu²® Ph¨£uõS®.

             Wife is social, brother is biological.

135)     Unformed personalities do not learn their mother tongues even after graduation.

             uSv¯ØÓÁÝUSz uSv u¸Áx \‰P®. Aøu ©mh©õP AÝ£Âzxz wº¨£÷u AÁß SÔU÷PõÒ.

             £mh® ö£ØÓ ¤ßÝ® uõ´ ö©õÈ ÷£\ ÁµõuÁº E¸Á® ö£Óõu Ezu©º.

136)     The scope for progress can be seen only when you are at your best. It is infinite. Some avail of it. Others enjoy tase of Ignorance.

             EÒÍøu ¯õ÷µõ J¸Áº ö£ÖQÓõº. ©ØÓÁº ©Ö¨ø£ BÚ¢u©õP AÝ£ÂUQÓõº. Ea]US¨ ÷£õÚõÀ EÒÍx öu›²®.

137)     That man can rise very high in spite of holes in his fundamental personality is due to the fact that each part is a whole and can progress on its own.

             £iUPz öu›¯õuÁß |õmøh BÍ»õ® Gߣx ©ÛuÛß ]Ó¨¦.

             Ambition negatively reveals aspiration.

138)     Internet is the brain of the brainless, even as education educates those who do not seek education.

             Aºzu©ØÓ ©ÛuÛß AØ£©õÚ ÁõÌøÁ öhUÚõ»â Aºzu& ¦èi²ÒÍuõUSQÓx.

             |µP® ö\õºUP©õÁx |õPŸP®. 

             Law makes the dishonest honest.

139)     Software jobs are the results of US progress. To know how they have progressed is knowledge.        

             C¢v¯õÄ® Aö©›UPõÄ® \¢vUP AÁºPÒ ö\´uøu |õ® AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®. |õ® ö\´¯õuøu AÁºPÒ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

             To know how the Indian Spirituality was preserved and how US prosperity has been achieved combines both.

140)     Man unfailingly moves when No.3 moves No.7.        

             AÔ¢ux |hUS©õÚõÀ AÔ¯õuÁÝ® ö\¯À£kÁõß.

             •i²® GÛÀ |hUS®.

141)     Romance is the adventure of unknown. Adventure can be conscious also, as adventure of consciousness.

             Adventure of consciousness is Divine Romance in creation.

142)     Surrender is to give up what we have. Total surrender is to give up what we are capable of acquiring in the future.

             C¸¨£øu ÂkÁx \µnõPv. Áµ¨ ÷£õÁøuU øPÂkÁx §µn \µnõPv.

             §µn \µnõPv §µnøÚ EÒ÷Í §µn©õP AÔ²®.

143)     The transcient impulse is capable of commiting someone for a lifetime.

             ñn ]zu® ÁõÌøÁ¨ £n¯® øÁUPU Ti¯x.

             The wisdom of a fleeting impulse will pledge one’s life forever.

144)     To be loyal to the Superconscient one has to recognise the value of the subconscient.

             £õuõÍzøu HØ£Á÷Ú £µ©ÝUS›¯Áß.

             To find the heights in the depths is integrality.

145)     Fame and power are at the pinnacle of life but are outside the pale of spirituality or at its lower end. This is attainable by the flavour of Spirit that can express through one avenue still available. Supramental perfection will be denied to one even if he admits one imperfection for whatever righteous cause.

             S¨ø£°À Qh¢uõ¾® SßÖ©o SßÖ ©o÷¯¯õS®.

146)     The very fact Kashmir remains unsolved for half a century, is an indication that Pakistan will rejoin India.

             ]ÖSøÓ }sh |õÒ SøÓ¯õÚõÀ, ö£›¯ SøÓø¯ }US® Aøh¯õÍ® Ax.

147)     A problem affects one when he is of that plane, not when he rises above.

             £õv¨£x ©Ú® HØÓx. Gv¼¸¢x ©Ú® »Q¯÷uõ Ax ©Úzøu¨ £õvUPõx.

             Issues turn problems when you are of their level.

148)     The criminal and harlot are souls in the body unconsciously.

             Bz©õøÁ Bz©õÁõP AÔÁx uÁ®. Bz©õøÁ Eh¼À AÔÁx §µn÷¯õP®.

             Great souls do so unconsciously to begin with.

149)     One can see any process of creation described in The Life Divine, if he is looking for it. One reader experienced the Force creating the instrument it needs and explained it.

             \õÂzv› öu´ÃP ÁõÌøÁU Ph¢ux.

             When a theory rises to a height, it includes all that is below.

             ©Põ£õµu® ÁõÌøÁU Ph¢ux.

150)     The velocity of a work also depends upon the momentum of the movement.

             |P¸® ÷Áø» |Pºzx£Áøµ²® ö£õ¸zux.


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