Series XVII



301)     Surrender is the bridge between Mind and Supermind.

             ©Úzøu²® \zv¯ ã¯zøu²® Cøn¨£x \µnõPv.   

302)     Heart is on the surface, the psychic is in the subliminal. The Purusha is in the inner mind.

             ö|g_ ÷©À ©Ú®, ö|g_US¨ ¤ßÚõÀ Ai©Ú®. \õm]¨ ¦¸åß EÒ©Ú®.

303)     |mø£z x÷µõPzuõÀ §ºzv ö\´Áx ÁõÌÄ. |mø£ |¯©õP¨ §ºzv ö\´Áx £s¦ £USÁ©õÚ £Âzvµ©õÁx.

Life fulfils friendship by treachery. Friendship elevated by pure culture is transfigured in higher consciousness.

             x÷µõP® ÁõÌÂÀ |mø£z y´ø©¯õUS®.

                   x÷µõP® |m¤ß y´ø©.

304)    "GÚUS } ÷Ásk®; EÚUS |õß ÷Áshõ©õ?"

                   "I need you utterly. Don't you need me?"

             AßøÚ Põzv¸¨£x {¯õ¯©õ?

305)     The greatness of the family lies in the intensity of the intimacy between its members.

             E¯ºÄ EÒÍzvß ö|¸UPzøu¨ ö£õ¸zux.

306)     Time is needed for a work to be completed only when it is not fully understood or half learnt. No time is needed when it is fully learnt.

             ¦›¯õuÁøµ ÷|µ® ÷uøÁ. ¦›¢uõÀ ÷|µ® ÷uøÁ°Àø».

             Time comes when you fully understands.

             ¦›¯õux ¦›¢uõÀ Á¸å® |õÍõS®.

307)     v¸hÝ®, öu´Á•® u® Põ›¯[PøÍa ö\õÀ»õ©À |hzvU öPõÒÁõºPÒ.

Whatever is accomplished is accomplished silently without others’ knowledge.

308)     uø» Âv÷¯ GÚ |õ® HØS® AÁvPøÍ, ²Puº©® GÚ HØ£x \zv¯ 㯮.

What we presently accept as inevitable evil, in Supramental knowledge becomes inconceivable grace.

             'uø» Âv' ²Puº©®.

309)     Immortality on earth is the immortality of Love that is eternal Romance.

             AȯõU PõuÀ ÁõÌÄUS A©µzxÁ® u¸®.

310)     C¢u ÷»õPzøuU Ph¢ux ö\õÀ¾US AP¨£hõx.

             Words fail to express what does not belong to our plane.

311)     ÷Ási¯ÁºPøͨ £õµõmkÁx ö£õ´. £õµõmkUS›¯Áøµ¨ £õµõmkÁx ö©´.

Praise of friends is of false consciousness. Praising those who deserve praise is true Consciousness.

             |k{ø»ø© ö©´.

312)     ©Ú® ö£õ´¯õÚõÀ, Áõ¯õÀ TÖ® A¨£mh©õÚ \zv¯•® ö£õ´US®.

                   A false mind falsifies even truths of purity uttered genuinely.

             EÒÍx £¼US®, ö\õÀÁuÀ».

313)     ö\õÀ»õu CµPì¯zøu `m_©©õP Enº¢x AuØ÷PØ£ |h¨£x |®¤UøP.

                   To sense the undisclosed secret value and respect that is faith.

             ö\õÀ»õu CµP쯮 `m_©®.

314)     CøÓÁß E»SUS Á¢x §÷»õPzvß Ph¢u Põ» \›zvµzøu ö\õºUPzvß GvºPõ» bõ÷Úõu¯©õÚ wºUP u›\Ú©õP GÊu¨£mh ¡À The Life Divine.

Brahman coming down to the world and rewriting the past history of the earth as the future vision of Paradise is The Life Divine.

315)     ÃmiÀ GxÄ÷©°Àø» GÛÀ ©ÚzvÀ GÀ»õ® ªa\©õP C¸US®.

                   In a house too bereft of comforts, man's mind will be saturated with              capacities.

316)        J¸ •¯Ø] £» £»ßPøÍz u¸Áx Bß© ÂȨ¦.

                   The awakened Spirit offers multiple benefits when a single goal is aimed at.

317)     Taste of the Ignorance sets the limits to receptivity.

             ©hø©°ß ©Qø© ©ÛuøÚ {ºn°US®.

318)     ö\õÀ£® Buõ¯zøu |õiÚõÀ AÀ£©õS®. AÀ£® Buõ¯zøuU øPÂmhõÀ ö\õÀ£©õS®.

The small man seeking mercenary benefits becomes meanly petty. Mean pettiness acquiring values rises to be small.

319)     Omen is the inner status reflected in the environment. To change the character of the OMEN is given to the aspiring human consciousness.

             \SÚzøu ©õØÖ® \Sn® ©ÛuÝøh¯x.

320)     Equality of the soul is inability of the mind to react.

             {uõÚ® {uº\Ú©õÚ £USÁ®.

321)     To see the reality of genius for a split second is possible. Love of being a genius makes it a permanent Reality.

             Gøu²® ñn® AÝ£ÂUP AÝUQµí® Esk. {ßÖ {ø» ö£ÖuÀ {øÚøÁ¨ ö£õ¸zux.

322)     One delightful folly of great knowledge is the superstitious hope of influencing another by mental knowledge. As the great knowledge becomes one of identity, the elusive hope becomes an eternal reality, perhaps the only Reality.

             AÔÁõÀ ©Ú® ©õÖ® Gߣx AÔ¯õø©. BÚõÀ AxÄ® ]zvUS®. A¢{ø»°À AÔÄ bõÚ©õS®.

             AÔ¯õø©¯õÚ AÔÄ bõÚ©õP ]zvUS®.

323)     God certainly achieves if man will allow Him.

             ©Ûuß EhߣmhõÀ CøÓÁß AÁÝÒ Gøu²® \õv¨£õß.

324)     Our potentials are endless.

             \õuøÚUS›¯ AøÚzx® |®•Ò EÒÍÚ.

325)     To know the conditions of accomplishment is mental accomplishment.

             G¨£i \õv¨£x Gߣx \õuøÚ.

326)     To mistake the ability to organise as the endowment of accomplishment is human.

             ©Ûuß \õuøÚø¯ vÓø©ö¯ÚU P¸xÁõß.

327)     A high achievement depends more on the organisation than on the endowmens.

             vÓø©ø¯Âh vÓ®£ha ö\´Áx ÷©À.

328)     To conceive of the inconceivable is mental adventure. To make the impossible possible is life adventure.

             |hUPõuøu |hzu •¯ÀÁx bõÚ®.

329)     Development is development of consciousness. To be conscious of the inner knowledge is Genius.

             APzvß bõÚ® APzv¯¸US›¯x.

330)     The best of schools today gives a thousand times better education than 200 years ago. A thousand times better education than today will render any child a genius.

             B°µ©h[S ö£›¯ PÀ Bz©õÄUS›¯x.

331)     Shifting from outside inside, ages become a trice.

             ¦Ó® AP©õÚõÀ ²P® ñn©õS®.

332)     In 1870, Ph.D was for the genius. There was one in the USA. In 1970, US universities awarded 36,000 Ph.Ds. Can we imagine 2010 producing a few hundred men of genius?

             hõUhº £mh® ÷©øuUS›¯ Põ»® C¸¢ux.

333)     Man's landing on the moon was accomplished by organisation. Such a psychological organisation will overshoot genius.

             \¢vµøÚ Gmi¯ ©Ûuß ÷©uõ»õ\zøu GmkÁõß.

334)     Suggestion, discrimination, inspiration, revelation are the four graded faculties of Intuition. The genius who is part of that faculty of Intuition receives the subtle suggestions of life, exhibits the enlightened discrimination, lets himself be divinely inspired till he sees the revelation.

             `m_©©õP Enº¢x, ~qUP©õÚ £õS£õk ‰»®, öu´Á® EØ\õP¨£kzvÚõÀ, bõÚ® Eu¯©õS®.

335)     The impossible is possible, the inconceivable has become eminently possible. Intuition knocks at our doors to raise man to genius.

             CøÓÁß CÓ[Q Á¢x |®ø© ÷©øu¯õUP ÂøÇQÓõß.

336)     ÷Áuõ¢u® Psh bõÚ® ©Úzvß ÷áõv. ¦»ÚÂÌ¢uõÀ ©Ú® bõÚ©õS® Gߣx ÷Áuõ¢u®.

             Removing senses from Reason, Reason becomes Intuition.

337)     Mind learns of the environment through the senses. The body learns a small bit by touch. Mind learns from all senses.

             öuõmk AÔ²® EhÀ ]Ô¯x. öuõø»Â¾ÒÍøu AÔ²® ©ÚzvØS¨ ¦»ßPÒ P¸Â.

338)     The Intuition of the superconscient is Light.

             £µ©Ûß ÷áõv £SzuÔøÁU Ph¢u bõÚ®.

339)     £õuõÍ® Gߣx ÁõÌÄ. ö\¯À Auß •øÚ. bõÚ® ö\¯¾Ò ©øÓ¢xÒÍx.

Life represents the subconscient. Act is its centre. Intuition is involved in the act.

340)     So far the genius appeared on the horizon on his own. Now the society can consciously create him.

             E»P® ÷©øuø¯ EØ£zv ö\´²® ÷|µ® Á¢x Âmhx.

341)     Man is unconscious of the Divine Hand, but conscious of his capacities. Education that is the yoga of the society has come to a point of creating the man of genius, if all conditionings are shed.

             PÀ \‰Pzvß ÷¯õP®.

342)     Thinking rises to intuition through silence and light. So does the yogi rise from man through the muni and Rishi.

             ÷©uõ»õ\® bõÚ®. Ax ›æø¯U Ph¢u ÷¯õQUS›¯x, •Ûø¯U Ph¢u ›æ Aøu¨ ö£Ó ÷áõvø¯ ©ÖUP ÷Ásk®.

343)     Rhythm and balance are the mantras of mind that grows into Silence, Light and Genius.

             {uõÚ•®, £USÁ•®, ö£õÖø©°ß ©Ûu ]ßÚ[PÒ.

344)     Anything can be communicated at a distance or by proxy, but not enjoyment of the physically material. Spiritual knowledge consummates itself when it reaches the very cells of the body.

             Gmh  C¸¢x ö£Ó»õ®, Gøu²® uµ»õ®.  Bß©õ AµÁøn¨¤Àuõß §µn® ö£Ö®.

345)     Man, in his greatness of Self-giving, can give others what he has not.

             uõß ö£Óõuøu ¤Ó¸US¨ ö£ØÖz uµ •i²®.

346)     ö£õÓõø© GÇ •i¯õu ©Ú® ö£õÖø©²øh¯x.

             Patience is absence of jealousy.

347)     Genius is of Intuition. Really mental genius is one part of the all-encompassing spiritual intuition. What we know of as genius is one branch of mental knowledge.

             bõÚ® (intuition) Gߣx §µn Bß«P AÔøÁ ÷|µi¯õP¨ ö£ÖÁx. ©Ú® AuÝÒ J¸ £Sv. ÷©øu GÚ |õ® AÔÁx ©Úzvß B°µ® uSvPÎÀ JßÖ.

348)     Sweetness belongs to the emotion of Truth.

             \zv¯zvß Enºa]US CÛø© GÚ¨ ö£¯º.

349)     Absolute Infinity plays absolute fool.

             ©øh¯ÚõP |iUS® ¤µ®©®.

350)     Practical men unconsciously forge an idealism that renders their mental abilities otiose.

             |øh•øÓø¯ Á¼²Özx£Áº u[PÒ AÔÄz vÓøÚ Aºzu©ØÓuõUQ, Eh¼ß AÔøÁ & AÔ¯õø©ø¯¨ & ÷£õØÖQßÓÚº.


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