Series XVII



501)     Knowledge of Inexperience is ignorance or superstition.

             AÝ£Á©ØÓ bõÚ® AgbõÚ®.

502)     To know the world is unreliable and treacherous is human experience. To know the world is full of divine love is to have spiritual opening.

             x÷µõPzuõ»õÚx E»P® Gߣx AÝ£Á®. AQ»® Aߦ ©¯©õÚx Gߣx Bz©õÝ£Á®.

503)     Remember to Forget.

             ©Ó¨£uß AÁ]¯® {øÚ¸UPmk®.

504)     ö£õÖø©US® •iÂÀø», BÚ¢uzvØS® •iÂÀø».

             Ananda has no end as it is the subjective state of Infinity.

             •iÄÒÍx BÚ¢u©õPõx.

505)     As long as mind goes in one direction in action and the thought in the opposite direction, mind is not ready for equality or silence.

             JßøÓ ö\´¯ ¸®¦® ö£õÊx GvµõÚ Gsn® ÷uõßÖ®Áøµ ö©ÍÚ® {ø»ö£Óõx. \©zxÁ® GßÓ {uõÚ® AøuU Ph¢ux.

506)     EÒ÷Í Psk¤iUPõu Esø© Esø©°Àø».

             What is not discovered inside is no Truth.

             EÒ÷Í°¸¨£x Esø©.

507)     GßÚ Á¸® GÚU ÷PmhõÀ GxÄ® Áµõx.

             Expectation ends in disillusionment.

508)     uøhø¯ EÒ÷Í Põs£x bõÚ®.

             Knowledge discovers the obstacle inside.

509)     There is an act, an emotion or a knowledge that is equivalent  to surrender. Only when that is surrendered, surrender begins.

             \µnõPv°ß £»ÝUS›¯ bõÚ® Esk. AuØS›¯ ö\¯¾® Esk. AøÁ \µn® ö\´¯¨£kÁ÷u \µnõPv.

Surrender has a material result. The spiritual result of surrender is to give up that material result.

510)     Right material result can be a bar to surrender. Surrender that leads to continuous Surrender is Surrender in Truth.

             |À» £»ß \µnõPvUSz uøh. \µnõPv°ß £»ß öuõhº¢u \µnõPv.

          ÷uõÀ öᯮ, öᯮ ÷uõÀÂ.

             Success is failure; failure is success.

511)     The work that gives joy in the doing of it, as well as in the not doing of it, is The work.

             ö\´ÁvÀ Cߣ® u¸Áx ÷Áø». Aøua ö\´¯õÂiÝ® Cߣ® u¢uõÀ Ax CøÓÁÛß ÷Áø». ö\´uõ¾®, ö\´¯õ& Âmhõ¾® Cߣ® u¸Áx ÷Áø» & ÷Áø» Gߣx BÚ¢u®.

512)     B£zvÀ BÁõuÁß {øÚÄUS® Áµ ©õmhõß.

             The rival's name will not enter the mind at times of dangerous crises.

513)     ö\´Áx BÚ¢u® ö\´¯õ©¼¸¨£x ÷£µõÚ¢u®.

             Bliss is experiencing Existence. Evolving is Delight.

             To do is to be blissful; NOT to do anything is Delight.

514)     No complete surrender is made by an articulated thought.

             ö\õÀ¾U÷Põ, ö\¯¾U÷Põ AP¨£kÁx \µnõPv°Àø».  ÷|õUP•® Pøµ¢x ãÁß GÊ¢x Põ»zøuU Ph¢x Põ»zvÀ ©»ºÁx \µnõPv.

             \µnõPv ö\¯ø»U Ph¢ux.

515)     To see the knowledge in the act and the act in the knowledge is perception.

             ö\¯¼À öu›²® bõÚ® ö\ÔÁõÚ bõÚ®.

516)     ÷Áø» ö\´Áx ©Ú® øP°Àø».

             Not the body, but the Soul, does the work.

517)     That which does not move Matter is not Spirit.

             áhzøu Aø\¨£x Bz©õ.

518)     Á͵õux ¤›¯ªÀø».

             Ever increasing growth is the ever present index of Love.

             That which does not grow is not Love.

519)     GxÄ® ö\´¯õu ö£õÊx GÀ»õ® ö\´u {øÓÄÒÍx £›nõ© ÷¯õP {ø».

             To have the richness of fulfilment while not doing anything is the evolutionary state of Yoga.

             Aø\ÁØÓ ö£õÊxÒÍ Aø\Âß {øÓÄ.

520)     |® Gsn® SÇ¢øu°ß ö\¯À.

             Our child does what is a thought in us.

521)     Non-cooperation of others is a reflection of non-cooperation with others of the same type.

             |õß £»÷µõk JzxøÇUP ©ÖzuõÀ A÷u Sn•ÒÍ ©ØÓÁº GßÝhß JzxøÇUP ©õmhõºPÒ.

522)     ©Ú® Ah[Q EhÀ Án[SÁx AhUP®.

             A quiet mind in a supple body that submits is humility.

523)     Bhakti is man's need of God. God's need for man is Grace. God's needing man because he needs God is man's evolutionary efflorescence called Marvel.

             |õ÷Ú BshÁß GÚ AÔ¢x AÁøÚ |õkÁx _¯|»ªÀø», Bz©õÂß Aº¨£n®.

524)     Intimacy is enriched with sweetness in an atmosphere of frank freedom.

             ö|¸UP® ö|QÌ¢u CÛø© uµ •øÓø¯U Ph¢u _u¢vµ® AÁ]¯®.

          |m¦ _u¢vµzvß _øÁ.

525)     Betrayal is the negative strategy of the ego that seeks its own dissolution. Loyalty positively destroys the ego.

             AP¢øu ußøÚ AÈUP •iÄ ö\´u¤ß |À»Áß ÂìÁõ\zuõ¾®, öPmhÁß x÷µõPzuõ¾® Aøu {øÓ÷ÁØÖQÓõß.

526)     Know you are wanted by God, when no one wants you.

             ©ÛuÝøh¯ öÁÖ¨¦, BshÁÛß AøǨ¦.

527)     Ever-present Non-Existence.

             G[S® {øÓ £µ®ö£õ¸Ò PsqUSz öu›¯õuÁß.

528)     ö£›¯uØS¨ ö£›¯x® ]Ô¯x® Jß÷Ó.

             To the great, small and big are the same.

529)     An idealist's work is completed when he discovers the reality of that ideal at the level of life where he entered.

             C»m]¯Áõv uß C»m]¯® uß ÁõÌÂß Bµ®£ Põ»zvÀ §ºzv¯õÁøuU PshõÀ, §µn® ö£ÖQÓõß.

530)     EÒ÷Í ÷£õÁx ÷¯õP®. öÁÎ÷¯ ö\¯À£kÁx ÁõÌÄ. EÒ÷Í ÷£õ´ E»øP ußÝm öPõÒÁx §µn ÷¯õP®.

             Yoga is inside; life is outside. Purna Yoga is the inner life that includes the outer life.

531)     The Greatest thing in us is not moved by us. It moves on its own.

             We move the small. The great moves by itself.

             Aø\Áx ö£›¯x. Aø\¨£x ]Ô¯x.

532)     The irresistible joy of the emerging Spirit or its knowledge is the stamp of one who has moved from his mind to the SOUL.

             Bz© bõÚ® BÚ¢u® u¸Áx ©Ûuß ÷¯õQ¯õÚuß •zvøµ.

533)     The great soul is one who acts out of the inner joy of the act and not out of an ideal or duty.

             Bz©õÚ¢uzuõÀ ö\¯À£k£Áß ö£›¯ Bz©õ. Phø©²®, C»m]¯•® PnUQ»P¨£hõ.

534)     Skill is physical organisation. Interest is vital organisation. Idea is mental organisation.

             Eh¾US›¯ vÓø©²®, EnºÄUS›¯ BºÁ•®, AÔÄU& S›¯ Gsn•® ìuõ£Úz vÓÝÒÍøÁ.

535)     EßøÚ¯Ô¯ |õß GßøÚ¯Ô¯ ÷Ásk®.

             He who does not know himself cannot know others.

536)     EÒ÷Í ÷£õ´, EÒθ¢x öÁÎ E»øPU Põs£x EÒ÷Í ÷£õÁuõS®.

             EÒ÷Í öu›Áx Esø©¯õÚ E»P®.

             Inside is that which can see the outside from inside.

537)     A mechanic is one who is fully conversant with every part of a machine without being able to know it theoretically. The scientist is a mechanic of Nature with a vengeance.

             £Sv°ß •Êø©ø¯ AÔ¢uÁß £õ©µß.

538)     Põ»zøuU Ph¢uÁÝUS ¦x Á¸å® ¦x²P©õS®.

To enter the New Year through Mother's consciousness, it becomes a door to slip out of Time.

539)     |À»x, ö£›¯ |À»x |©US |h¢u£i°¸UQÓx. |õ÷© AÁØøÓU öPk¨£øu AßøÚ uk¨£vÀø».

Great GOOD continues to happen. Mother does not prevent our intentional spoiling it.

540)     ©ø»ø¯¨ ¦µmh»õ®; ©ÛuøÚ ©õØÓ •i¯õx.

             Can move the mountain; man will not change.

             ©ø»°Ý® ö£›¯x ©Ûu _£õÁ®.

541)     Secrecy enables knowledge to escape the raping of crass ignorance.

             CµP쯮 ©øh¯Ûhª¸¢x bõÚ® öPõkø©¨£kzu¨-- £kÁøuz ukUS®.

542)     The Life Divine-CÀ EÒÍ ö£¸® P¸zxPÒ

1) IÁøP •µs£õk, 2) ¤µ®©zvß •Êø©US›¯ ‰ÁøPPÒ, 3) Põ»zvß ‰ßÖ {ø»PÒ, 4) Ai©Ú®& ÷©À©Ú®, 5) ]¸èi°ß 5 Pmh[PÒ, 6) \zv¯ 㯮 ]¸èiUQÓx, ¤µ®©õ°Àø», 7) ©Ú® ÁõÌøÁ²®, áhzøu& ²® EØ£zv ö\´ux, 8) \µnõPv v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®, 9) AP® ¦Ó©õÁx ²Pzøu ñn©õUS®,10) Á͸® Bß©õ, Bß«P¨ £›nõ©®, 11) ãÁõz©õ÷Á £µ©õz©õ, 12) GÊÁøP AgbõÚ®, 13) |õÀÁøP bõÚ®, 14) _¯©õÚ |Àö»sn®, _¯ AÚ¢u®, 15) AgbõÚ®, bõÚzøuÂh¨ ö£›¯x.

543)     ö£›¯ ©Ú_ ö\´x ©ßÛ¨£øu ÷£µõÚ¢u FØÓõP AÔÁx §µn bõÚ Eu¯®.

             Do you pardon God for His revealing Himself to you?

544)     A¼¨§º AÝ£Á® ÿ AµÂ¢u u›\Ú®.

             To have His Alipore experience is to have Sri Aurobindo's Darsan.

545)     Can you exhaust your faith and consecrate it?

             •i¢uøu •ÊÁx® ö\´x, ö\´uøu \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx ÷¯õP®.

546)     £µÁ\®, ußÁ¯©õÁx Põ»zxÒ Põ»zøuU Ph¢u {ø».

             To act in our daily routine in a self-forgetful bliss is the simultaneous Time.

             £õ©µÛß £µÁ\® |õµõ¯n u›\Ú®.

547)     £õ©µÛß £µÁ\® ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

Man becomes Sri Aurobindo when the Rishi in him acts in life and Time.

548)     All finite men are destined to reach their own infinity. Only the path is different. Superiority has no place there.

             BshÁøÚ¯øhÁx AøÚÁ¸US® EÒÍ £õøu. E¯ºÄ, uõÌÄUS A[S E›ø©°Àø».

549)     JÎÄ, ©øÓÄÒÍx EÓÁÀ».

             Secrecy is alien to relationship.

550)     The secret for the great SOUL lies in accepting his own psychological individuality while for the smallest of men it is the ability to accept a great soul as the last word.

             ö£›¯ Bz©õ uß Bz© CµPì¯zøu HØ£x®, ]Ô¯ ©Ûuß ö£›¯ Bz©õøÁ HØ£x® ÁõÌÄ®, uÁ•® ÁÍ® ö£Ó EuÄ®. CÁºPmS¨ §µn ÷¯õPªÀø».


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