Series XVII



951)     AèhõÁuõÚ®, \uõÁuõÚ® BQ¯øÁ ©Úzvß •iÁõÚ Bß«P ]zvPÒ. AzuøÚ²® CßÖ ö£õ´ ö\õÀ»¨ £¯ß& £kQßÓÚ.

Capacity to answer eight or a hundred difficult questions in succession is a consummate spiritual realisation in the mind. All those potentials are now used in the service of Falsehood.

952)     Man should avoid the aristocrat and the diplomat today, as they avoided the untouchables long ago.

             wshõuÁøÚ AßÖ Â»UQ¯x÷£õÀ, AßÖ Â»UQ¯Áº& PÒ CßÖ Â»UP¨£h ÷Ásk®.

             Falsehood is the untouchable for Truth.

953)     Aµ]¯ÀÁõv°ß £n® £miÚzuõº ö\õzx÷£õÀ ÁÇ[P¨& £k®.

             Wealth of politicians should be disbursed as Pattinathar's wealth.

954)     The academic system enables even the brainless to acquire a degree with credit.  Such a person may not be academically literate in his own mother tongue.

             uõ´ ö©õÈø¯z uÁÔßÔ PØP •i¯õuÁÝ® ö£¸® £mhzøua ]Ó¨¦Ó¨ ö£Ó»õ®.

955)     The last drop of energy being exhausted is one symptom of consecration and it releases a bout of energy.

             öu®¦ Aȯõ©À \©º¨£nªÀø». AÈ¢u öu®¦ ¯õøÚ
 £»® u¸Áx® \©º¨£nzvß ußø©.

956)     Rarely do we know how full of hostility we are. At the moment of perceiving it, offering the opposite devotion is best.

             A_µß öÁΨ£k® ÷|µ® £Uvø¯ Gʨ¦Áx v¸Ä¸& ©õØÓ®.

             A_µøÚ AÔÁx AhUP®.

957)     The centre of thinking rises above the head when the mental ego dissolves.

             ]¢uøÚ ø©¯® uø»US ÷©À ÷£õP ©Úzvß AP¢øu Pøµ¯ ÷Ásk®.

958)     Nobody knows another is the first rule of life. A greater rule is nobody thinks of another.

             ©ØÓÁÛ¸¨£øu AÔ¯õu ©Ú® ©Ûu ©Ú®.

959)     ¯õµõÁx |® |®¤UøPUS¨ £õzvµ©õPz ÷uÖÁõºPÍõ GßÖ Bµõ´a] ö\´ÁøuÂh |õ® ¯õ¸UPõÁx A¨£i ÷uÓ ÷Ásk® Gߣx |ßÖ.

Instead of looking for someone who will deserve our confidence, let us deserve somone's confidence.

960)     It is mental intelligence that understands subjects. The vital intelligence in the mind understands life.

             AÔÄ Â÷ÁPzvß £Sv.

961)        Consecration of an act is possible when the MOMENT becomes the FULLNESS of Time.

             ÷|µ® {øÚÁõQ {øÚÄ {ø»¯õÁx \©º¨£n®.

962)     Consecration converts the darkness of the mind into the golden light of supermind.

             \©º¨£n® C¸øͨ ö£õßöÚõίõUS®.

963)     ÁõÌÄ®, uÁ•® EÒÍ E»PzvØS uÁa ]Ó¨£õÚ ÁõÌøÁ ÿ AµÂ¢u® u¸QÓx.

To a world of life and tapas, Sri Aravindam offers a life that has the richness of tapas.

964)     Ego cannot serve the Divine. It can only do disservice.

             v¸hß PõÁ¼¼¸¢uõ¾® v¸kÁõß, PõÁÀ PõUP ©õmhõß.

965)     If you are planning, plan in the plane you are.

             vmh® ÷£õmk ö\¯À£h ÷Ásk©õÚõÀ, øP°À EÒÍuØS vmh® wmk. ©ÚzvÀ {øÚ¨£uØSÒÍ vmh® øPUS Áõµõx.

966)     Not to have faith in our capacities means one should emerge in the physical as Spirit.

             |®ø© |®¦Áx Gߣx |® ©Úzvß AÔøÁ÷¯õ Eh¼ß ö\¯ø»÷¯õ |®¦ÁuõS®. Eh¼ß ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß AÁØøÓU Ph¢ux.

967)     "Bø\UPõP¨ ÷£\UThõx. AÁ]¯zvØPõP¨ ÷£\ ÷Ásk®".  A¢u AÁ]¯® |©UQÀø».

Man has no need to speak, except his desire to relate with others.

968)     Concentration needed for consecration is a concentration of Silence, not of thought.

             \©º¨£nzvØS›¯ v¯õÚ® ö©ÍÚzuõ»õÚx, ]¢uøÚ& ¯õ»À».

969)     Initial changes of attitude in a rival or life are invitation for misadventure.

             Gv›°ß |À» ö\õÀø» |®¤ ö\¯À£h •i¯õx. ÁõÌÄ Gv› ÷£õßÓx.

970)     As I am not the body or mind but the soul, so I am not even the soul but the evolving Soul.

             |õß Bz©õĪÀø», ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åß.

971)     Man's effort to forge a relationship with God prevents God from possessing man. Surrender enables it.

             BshÁøÚ¯øh¯ ©Ûu •¯Ø] BshÁß |®ø© BmöPõÒÍz uøh. \µnõPv Azuøhø¯ »US®.

972)     One who practises self-giving cannot stay away from this atmosphere physically.

             \©º¨£nzøu ÷©ØöPõshÁµõÀ AßøÚ `Çø» ÂmhP» C¯»õx.

973)     Pøh]¯õP ©Ú® öÁÀ»U Ti¯x Gvº£õº¨£x. Ax AÁ\µzøu²® Ph¢ux.

             The final victory is over expectation. It is beyond impatience.

974)     The impulse that wants to rescind the right decision of consecration usually wins as long as the consecration is imperfect.

             \©º¨£n® £¼zu¤ß Aøu «Ô¨ ÷£õPa ö\õÀ¾® E¢xuÀ ö£õxÁõP¨ £¼US®. \©º¨£n® §µn©õÚõÀ £¼UPõx.

975)     \©º¨£n® uµ ÷ÁÖ ÷Áø»°Àø» GÚ AÔ£Áß \õuPß.

             Sadhak is one who knows there is no other work than consecration.

976)     ußÝøh¯ ¸¨¦ öÁÖ¨¦PøÍU P¸x£Áß _¯|»ª, \õuPÛÀø».

             'I don't like,' 'I like' are the guidelines of selfishness, not of Sadhana.

977)     BshÁÝUS¨ ¤izuøu |©US¨ ¤izuuõP HØ£x `m_©®, ö\´Áx Põµn®.

One becomes subtle by accepting HER ideas, moves into the causal by living up to them.

978)     Conciousness makes for progress while partial consciousness creates artificial problems.

             ÂȨ¦ •ß÷ÚØÓ® u¸®. ÂȨ¦ AøµSøÓ¯õÚõÀ, CÀ»õu ¤µa]øÚPøÍ EØ£zv ö\´²®.

          AøµSøÓ bõÚ® Aºzu•ÒÍ AgbõÚ®.

979)     Creativity controls its results. Productivity is controlled by its results.

             ãÁÝÒÍ ÷Áø» uß Pmk¨£õmi¼¸US®. ãÁÚØÓ ÷Áø»ø¯ Auß £»ß Pmk¨£kzx®.

             ãÁÛß ]¸èi°À ¤µa]øÚ°Àø».

             ¤µQ¸v°ß ]¸èi ¤µa]øÚ¯õS®.

             Harmonious creativity.

             Problems of productivity.

980)     Being knows no problems.

             Problems are for the Becoming.

             Being of the Becoming lives in the Marvel.

             ãÁÛÀ ¤µa]øÚ°Àø».

             ¤nUS ¤µQ¸vUS›¯x.

             Aئu® ¤µQ¸v°ß ãÁÝøh¯x.

981)     There is only one person whom you can trust with the most important emotions of your life. He is inside. If it is yourself it will be oppressive, if the Divine, it is liberation.

             EÒÍöuÀ»õ® J¸Á÷µ. AÁº EÒ÷Í°¸UQÓõº. ©ÛuÝUS¨ £õµ®, CøÓÁÝUS¨ £›nõ©®.

982)     Each man achieves as much as the whole achieves as the world is now an organisation.              

             E»P® ußøÚ ìuõ£Ú©õPa ö\´uuõÀ E»Pzvß •ß÷ÚØÓzøu J¸Áß uß ÁõÌÂÀ ö£ÖQÓõß.

983)     vÓø©²ÒÍÁÝUS •uÀ 50 Á¸å  handicap Eu¯õS®.

             Capital for a talented man is a handicap of fifty years.

984)     ©Ûuß vmkÁõß, A{¯õ¯® ö\´Áõß. |õ® ö\´¯õ ÂmhõÀ, AkzuÁº |©US ö\´Áº.

             Man exploits. If you don't, you will be exploited.

985)     Regularity is a virtue of the Mind, not when we rise above it.

             ©ÚzøuU Ph¢u¤ß JÊ[QØS AÁ]¯ªÀø».

986)     Generosity of mind is emotional sensitivity.

             ¤›¯zvß £USÁ® £µ¢u ©Ú©õS®.

987)     Consecration that matures into surrender reveals the Marvel.

             ¤µ®©® ¤µ®© áÚÚzvÀ •i¢uõÀ \©º¨£n® \µnõPvø¯ Aøh²®.

988)     Consecration reveals the whole of the Infinite the finite is.

             \©º¨£n® Pshzøu APshzøuU Põmha ö\´²®.

989)     Consecration is possible for him who can consecrate the most defying vibration in him.

             •i¯õux •i¢uõÀ \©º¨£n® TiÁ¸®.

990)     To evaluate the emanations of greatness as the expression of his personality is an outrage that passes by the name adoration.

             ]Ô¯x ö£›¯øu¨ ÷£õØÓ •¯ÀÁx yØÖÁvÀ •i²®.

991)     As you move up, indulgence changes into enjoyment.

             ]Ô¯ÁÝUS AÈÄ, ö£›¯ÁÝUS BÚ¢u®.

992)     Indulgence is the inverse of enjoyment in the sense it reverses the capacity to proper enjoyment.

             AÈÂß Bº¨£õmh® BÚ¢uzvØS Gv›.

993)     £ÇUPzøu «Ö® AøǨ¦ \©º¨£n®.

             The calling that overcomes habit is consecration.

994)     E»Pzvß Ea]US¨ ÷£õÚ¤ß uõ® ¤Óøµ¨ ÷£õßÓÁ÷µ GßÓ AÔÄ Â÷ÁP®.

Having attained world fame knowing he is an ordinary person is wisdom.

995)     Calling from the last chakra from below the feet is calling.

             Põ¾USU R÷Ç°¸¢x AøǨ£x AøǨ¦.

996)     As long as one seeks a miracle, he is physical.

             áh® Av\¯¨£h Bø\¨£k®.

997)     To resent sympathy is emotional weakness.

             AÝuõ£zøu ©Ö¨£x Aºzu©ØÓ Enºa].

998)     Silence that abides comes on its own.

             ö©ÍÚ® Á¢ux u[P ÷Ásk©õÚõÀ uõ÷Ú Áµ ÷Ásk®.

999)     At some point our effort becomes Hers. It is the point we create.

             |® •¯Ø] A¸ÍõS® {ø» |õ® {ºn°US® {ø».

1000)   The routine becomes alive when you cease to be yourself.

             |õ® APßÓ ö£õÊx ãÁÚØÓx ãÁÝÒÍuõS®.


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