Series XIX                              


851)         Silence speaks in inner voice.

                A\Ÿ› A¢uµõz©õÂß ö©ÍÚ®.

852)         Those who demand no control really ask for more control.

                ÷Áshõ® GßÓ Sµ¾US AvP©õP ÷Ásk® GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

853)         Man seeks accomplishment for popularity. Young men who are popular for various reasons do not court accomplishment.

                ¤µ£»® \õuøÚUS Gv›.

854)         Thoughts arise out of motives, attitudes, convictions, central reference, etc., apart from the running ones. Better to consecrate the origins of thought.

                ‰»zøu \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx \µnõPvUS EuÄ®.

855)         How can the royal dictatorship object to the dictatorship of the proletariat? He took it only from the previous regime.

                Gv› GßøÚ¨÷£õ»z uõ÷Ú C¸¨£õß.

856)         Understanding The Mother is surrender.

                AßøÚ ¦›Áx \µnõPv.

857)         World Army, International currency, World union, comprehensive organisation based on the other man’s point of view, language that expresses universal ideas belong to the future. Paper currency, national armies, national governments, competitive economics, and Shakespeare’s language that expresses life’s realities are the present life.

                International currency and the World Army go together.

                Money that represents production belongs to the competitive society. Mother’s money represents the emerging spiritual individual and belongs to a non-competitive society.

                £ØÓõUSøÓ \•uõ¯® ÷£õmi°k®.

            ÷£õmi ÷£õh •i¯õu \•uõ¯® A£›ªu©õÚx.

858)         The Absolute does not anymore create than the society creates Money. The society manifests the power it has as Money.

                AÚ¢uß AøÚzøu²® ußÝmöPõshÁß. AÁß ]¸èi¨£vÀø».

859)         When the emotions accept the knowledge it becomes power. It turns into result, if the bodily sensation receive it as reality.

                bõÚzøu HØÓ Enºa] vÓø©. bõÚ® Eh¾US Esø©¯õÚõÀ Ax EhÚi¨ £»ÚõS®.

860)         Surrender is the attitude of our central being to the Inner Absolute that enables us to achieve identity.

                ¤µ®©zxhß Cøn²® ÷|õUP® \µnõPv.

861)         Action raising the energy is of the Infinite. It is not by effort, nor even by passivity. It is by a surrender that renders passivity the base of infinite action.

                ÷Áø» ö\´uõÀ öu®¦ AvP›¨£x AÚ¢u®. AÚ¢uøÚ •¯Ø]¯õ÷»õ, \©õv¯õ÷»õ ö£Ó C¯»õx. •¯Ø]US Ai¨£øh¯õS® \©õv ÷uøÁ. Ax \µnõPv.

862)         Emotions flowering in knowledge is evolution.

                EnºÄ AÔÄ ö£ÖÁx E»P® E¯ºÁx.

863)         Bodily sensation acquiring mental knowledge is instinct being equipped with higher power of accomplishment.

                EhÀ ö£Ö® AÔÄ E»QÀ EÒÍ vÓø©ø¯ E¯ºzx®.

864)         To us war is cruel. To the soldiers on either side it is a game of great importance.

                |©US £¯[Pµ©õÚx vøµ©øÓÂÀ Aئu ½ø»¯õS®.

865)        Life that is the expression of the Many is bound by Time. Life that seeks the One in the Many can emerge out of Time, not into Timelessness, but into simultaneous Time.

                ÁõÍõÚ ÁõÌÄ Põ»zvØS® Pº©zvØS® Em£mhx. Põ»zvÀ Põ»zøuU Ph¢uÁøÚz ÷uiÚõÀ ÁõÌÄ Aøu²® Ph¢x, Aئu©õS®.

866)        Sense of superiority of a superior person is not pardonable because it is not real. The sense of superiority of one who does not even have it, is not only not pardonable but punishable.

                C¸¨£ÁÝøh¯ PºÁ® \›°Àø». CÀ»õuÁÝøh¯ PºÁ® £›uõ£zvØS›¯x.

867)        Beyond a certain level of prosperity population is a strength.

                Ai¨£øh \›¯õÚõÀ GÎø© Á¼ø©¯õS®.

                Right foundation converts weakness into strength.

868)        For me to invoke Thy will, I must know it is Thy will that acts now and has acted all along.

                v¸ÄÒÍ® £¼UP GßÖ® £¼¨£x v¸ÄÒÍ® GÚ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

869)        At any moment there is a Right thing to be done that will open us to the Marvel.

     It is surrender.

     It is the absence of self-importance, a humility.

G¢u ÷|µ•® |õµõ¯n u›\Ú® ö£Ó |õ® ö\´¯U Ti¯x \µnõPv, SøÓ¢u £m\® J¸ÁøP¯õÚ AhUP®.

870)        For the world to be discovered as Marvel one has to concede that it has always been a Marvel. To hasten its progress is given to the world. They have offered it to us.

                ]¸èi G¨ö£õÊx® Aئu® GÚ Enº£Á¸US AÆÁئu® öu›²®.

871)        The hostiles create a great weakness out of your great strength, a reverse transformation.

                A_µß |À»øuU öPmhuõP ©õØÖÁõß.

872)        Having transformed your strength into weakness the Asura will taunt you for that.

                AÁ÷Úõk EÓÄ C¸¨£uõÀ £»ïÚzøu EØ£zv ö\´x, ÷P¼ ö\´Áx A_µ Sn®.

873)        Love of an Asura, even good relations with him will blind you to the vulnerability he consciously creates.

                A_µß HØ£kzx® SøÓ ‰»® |©US AÁß B£zx Âøͨ£õß. AÁß «xÒÍ Aߦ Psøn ©øÓUS®.

874)        The acid test of falsehood is his capacity to transform your greatest strength into your greatest weakness.

                Á¼ø©ø¯ GÎø©¯õUS£Áß A_µß.

875)        Imagination has the power to convert a future possibility when it is pregnant into a present reality.

                ÁõÌÂß GvºPõ» ¹£[PøÍ {PÌPõ» {uº\Ú©õUSÁx PØ£øÚU P¹Å»®.

876)        GßøÚÂh GkUS® •¯Ø] GßøÚ Á¾¨£kzx® ö\¯»õPÄ©õS®.

                Ego is  so all pervasive that it turns an endeavour to surrender into one that fortifies it.

                AÈøÁ BUP»õUS® Aªºu® AP¢øu.

877)        Mental comprehension begins when the heat of the mental energies calm down to peace of mind.

                AÔÄ öuÎÄ ö£Ó ©Ú® uß `møh CÇ¢x, Aø©v²Ó ÷Ásk®.

878)        One’s accomplishment is determined by the calm and quiet of his higher member.

                ©Ûu \õuøÚ ©Úzvß Aø©v.

879)        To overcome anger, jealousy, selfishness and meanness one must cease to be human.

                ©ÛuÝøh¯ ]Öø©PÒ ©Ûu _£õÁzvß ]Öø©PÒ.

880)        In those days the throne was never meant for a commoner. In future that seat or its power will never be for those of human consciousness.

                GvºPõ»® AߣºPmS ©mk® E›¯x.

881)        That which is offended in me by another man’s pride is my own pride.

                ¤Óº PºÁ® |® PºÁzøu¨ £õvUQÓx.

882)        Each man thinks his common place joys are unique. There is a truth in it. Even if they are common place, his enjoying them is unique.

                ö£õxÁõÚøu ]Ó¨£õP Aݣ¨£x ©ÛuÝU÷P²›¯ ]Ó¨¦.

883)        Man is unable to forget the wrongs done to him, small and big. At the same time, he is unable to remember, in his ignorance, similar wrongs he has done to others. Knowledge is to know that and through that pardon others. Now he must be able to see that his own vibrations are coming back to him.

ußøÚ¯ÔÁx ÷£õÀ ¤Óøµ AÔÁx bõÚ®.

¤Óº ö\´u öPõkø© ©Ó¨£vÀø».

¤Óº ö\´u |À»x {øÚ¸¨£vÀø».

|õ® ö\´u uÁÖ ©Ó¢x Âk®.

|õ® ö\´u |À»x {øÚ¸US®.

_¯ bõÚ® Gߣx CÁØÔØS GvµõÚx.

Ax Á¢u¤ß |©US Á¸ÁöuÀ»õ® |®•Ò EÒÍx GÚ¨ ¦›²®.

884)        Expectation is the process of creating what is not.

CÀ»õuøuU PØ£øÚ¯õÀ EØ£zv ö\´¯ ©Ûuß Gvº£õºUQÓõß.

                Expectation is creation in the subtle plane.

885)        Every man, in whatever field he excels, looks for his fulfillment in a woman. He who gets such a woman in his own field is lucky. There is a higher reach for man. It is to meet his feminine complement not in any particular field, but in his psychological plane.

                ö£õ¸zu® ö£õxÁõÚx, SÔ¨£õÚuÀ».

886)        Because the Absolute surrenders His absoluteness to the demands of creation, the created conscious Individual needs to surrender to the demands of evolution to reach his origin..

                ¤µ®©® AßÖ ö\´u \µnõPvø¯ CßÖ ©Ûuß ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®.

887)        The greatest capacity of the Mind is after all a part, as any household skill is a part of the earning capacity which is a whole.

                ¤µ®©zvß •Êø©US ©Ûuz vÓø© £Sv¯õS®.

888)        £Sv vÓø©¯õÀ öÁÎaö\ÀQÓx. Auß •Êø© EÒ÷ͲÒÍx. Aøuz vÓø©¯õÀ Gmh •i¯õx. \µnõPv¯õÀ Aøh¯»õ®.

                Capacity is partial; surrender is the whole.

889)        Creation is by the Supermind, management is by the Mind.

                \zv¯ 㯮 ]¸èi¨£øu ©Ú® {ºÁõP® ö\´QÓx.

890)        Mind can never understand creation.

                ©ÚzvØS \zv¯ 㯮 ¦›¯õx.

891)        Surrender is an end in itself, not even the result of service out of it. Even the personality of the worker or the instrument is not to be sought.

                \µnõPv÷¯ ‰»•® •iÄ®.

892)        The Board of a company is the comprehending Supermind which contains all the activities of the company in potential. Each act of the company is the apprehending Supermind which projects one activity holding behind it all the rest in existence.

                ©Ú® AøÚzøu²® EmöPõshx. ö\¯À JßøÓ öÁΨ£kzv ©ØÓøÁ AøÚzøu²® vøµ©øÓÂÀ ©øÓzxÒÍx.

                The founder is the comprehending part while the apprehending part is the management. While the founder can manage, the manager is incapable of founding.

893)        Values express in all activities while all activities are implicit in each value.

                All is in each is comprehending. Each is in all is apprehending.

                All the activities of a company are found in each decision of the Board while each value of the company is found in all activities of it.

                AøÚzx® APzxÒ. ¦Ózvß ¤ß AøÚzx® ö£õv¢xÒÍx.

894)        Conservatism is the individuality of the part in the past ignorance.

                £Sv Ph¢u Põ» AÔ¯õø©ø¯¨ ÷£õØÖÁx Pmk¨ö£mi.

895)        Idea, will are self-effective when they are one. Separated they are in effective.

                PØ£øÚ £¼UP Ax P¸zxhß CµshÓU P»UP ÷Ásk®.

896)        Thought separates. Silence unites. Feelings also unite. Silence in emotion unites better.

                ö©ÍÚ•®, Enºa]²® ¤›²® Gsnzøu ÷\ºzx¨ ¤iUS®.

897)        Silence and emotions reverse the thought in two different ways.

                ö©ÍÚ® Gsnzøuz uø»R÷Ç ©õØÖ®. EnºÄ® ÷ÁÖ ÁøP¯õP Aøu÷¯ ö\´²®.

898)        Determination is different from execution. One is by the understanding of the decision; the other is by the organised power of the mental energy that reaches the vital.

                •iÄ ]µ©®. §ºzv ö\´¯ •iÄ ÷£õuõx. •iÄUS öuÎÄhß öu®¦® ÷Ásk®.

899)        Love can make stupidity sweet.

                Aºzu©ØÓvÀ Aºzu® Põs£x ¤›¯®.

900)        GsnzuõÀ GxÄ® ö£Ó •i¯õx GÚ BÌ¢x En¸® Áøµ Gsn® GÊ®.

                Thought will rise until you realise thought is useless.


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