Series XIX                              


901)        Let us move from evolution of the Spirit in Time to the evolution of the spirit in Simultaneous Time.

                ©Ûu¨ £›nõ©® Bß© £›nõ©©õÁx ÷¯õP®.

                Time evolves the mutable spirit. Timelessness evolves the immutable spirit. Simultaneous Time evolves the whole Spirit.

                Põ»zvÀ Á͸® Bß©õ ö©xÁõP ÁͺQÓx. Põ»zøuU Ph¢x \õm] ¦¸åß ÁͺQÓx. Cµsk® ÷\º¢uõÀ •Ê Bß© £›nõ©® ÷ÁP©õP Á͸®.

902)        The grace of love once offended in life, rarely pardons the culprit. Man does it all the time.

                A»m]¯® AߤØS B£zx. Pkø©ø¯U Ph¢x Aߦ «sk® GÇ ÁõÌÄ AÝ©vUPõx.

903)        Between spiritual equality of strength and mild submissiveness lies the mental state of perversity.

                AÔ¯õø©°ß Aø©vUS® Bz©õÂß \©zxÁzvØS® Cøh÷¯²ÒÍx SuºUP®.

                Aø©v¯õÚ AÔ¯õø© ö£Ö® AÔÄ SuºUP®.

                Superstitious quiet beginning to think develops petulance and perversity.

                Perversity is knowledge of weakness.

                SuºUP® AÔ¯õø©°ß ]¢uøÚ.

904)        The infinity emerging out of the infinitesimal giving the being the sensation of spiritual gratitude is the one aim worth living for.

                The sound of that emergence is Divine hearing.

                Aspiration is the process of the part discovering it as the whole.

                £Sv°ß ö\õÀ •Êø©°ß Enºa]¯õQ ãÁß |ßÔ¯õÀ ¦À»›¨£x £Uv BºÁ®.

                For the body yearning for the Touch of the Mother and expanding in that yearning into the sensation of gratitude is spiritual ardour.

905)        Thought becoming the sensation of the act is consciousness transforming into substance.

                ãÁõz©õ \µnõPv¯õÀ £µ©õz©õÁõÁx v¸Ä¸©õØÓ®.

906)        The non-existence of historical records in India is a factor that compels them to understand by an inner effort.

                EÒÍ® AÔÄ ö£Ó E»P® uß \›zvµzøuU TÓÂÀø» ÷£õ¾®.

907)        Abstract ideas can be presented as observable unbiased facts by one who is free from prejudice.

                ö£›¯ Âå¯zøu ]ÖÁºUSa ö\õÀ» ö£¸¢ußø©US¨ ¤›¯® ÷uøÁ.

908)        All creative relationships are in harmony, where the individuality of those who voluntarily cooperate releases its energies.

                _•Pzvß ö£¸¢vÓß _u¢vµzvß \Uv.

909)        Relationships are one of possession or domination.

                AvPõµ•® AhUP•® ÷\º¢ux EÓÄ.

910)        It took several millenniums for Nature to evolve Mind out of the vital. The Life Divine is a Book that explains Supramental Creation. Its arguments are intelligible to a trained Mind. They stay in the Mind in proportion to its interest. Recognition of arguments can move to remembrance by interest. Interest arises out of aspiration. To recollect the sequence of arguments as they are laid out in its parts and chapters is the first stage of exercise in creating supramental comprehension. It is further developed when one goes paragraph by paragraph. The final stage can enjoy in living the individual arguments and their logic within the paragraphs. By this time comprehension becomes consciousness of some intensity. This is a process of creating Supermind in the Mind. HE offers this in a lifetime. This is only the mental part, not the whole of yogic process of the Being.

                The Life Divine ©Úzv¼¸¢x \zv¯ ã¯zøu £›nõ©zuõÀ EØ£zv ö\´QÓx.

911)        ]Ô¯x £õk£mk¨ ö£ÖÁøu ö£›¯x £õºøÁ¯õÀ ö£Ö®.

                Vision includes comprehension.

                Any higher effort includes all the result of all the lower existence and its endeavour.

                The higher that does not include the lower is not the real higher power.

                ]Ô¯x ö£›¯uß £Sv.

912)        Instantaneous miraculousness is seen in the creation of Supermind by comprehending it.

                £õºøÁUS¨ ¦›²®. ¦›¢uõÀ £¼US®.

                ©Ú® \zv¯ ã¯zøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõsh ©õzvµ® \zv¯ 㯩õS®.

                The process of creation of Supermind is to understand it.

                Comprehension is creation.

913)        The greatest joy in the world is to commune with God. Its human version is to discover that relationship with a woman.

BshÁøÚU Põs£x AئuzvÀ »°¨£x. ©Ûu ÁõÌÂÀ BqUS¨ ö£s AÚ¢uÛß Aئu®.

914)        In all physical efforts there is the second wind.

                áh® •¯¾® ö£õÊx •¯Ø] •i¢u ¤ß öu®¦ ö£¸S®.

915)        Belief in the second wind will release energy. One need not believe it.

áhzøu¨ ¤µ®©©õP AÔ¢uõÀ •¯Ø] ÷uøÁ°Àø».

916)        Yoga is to become the child of The Mother from being the body of the Mind.

                E°µõÀ ÁõÊ® ©Ûuß Esø©¯õÀ E¯ºÁx ÷¯õP®.

917)        Give up your beliefs. She will be born in you as Faith.

                AÔÄ HØÓx APßÓõÀ AßøÚ |®¤UøP¯õP Eu¯©õÁõº.

918)        The Self-discovery of the Self-lost Brahman begins as the Self-awareness of the infinitesimal.

                The Infinite’s Self-discovery is the Self-awareness of the infinitesimal.

                ¤µ®© áÚÚ® ¤µ®© bõÚ®.

919)        Heart is always fulfilling when it is saturated with emotion, but the elevation comes from an aspiring mind. The Mind that elevates the heart is noble.

{øÓ²® ö|g\® {ø»ø¯ E¯ºzuõx. ö|gø\ E¯ºzx® AÔÄ Eshõ?

920)        Surrender, work, results.

                Our part is surrender, Mother does the work. The result is Hers.

|©US ÷Áø», Phø© GߣvÀø». £»ß AøuU Ph¢ux. \µnõPv |® £[S. ÷Áø»²®, £»Ý® AßøÚ²øh¯x.

921)        Work comes to a stop when we refuse to do what is possible NOW. Doing that, WORK moves non-stop.               

                •i¢uøua ö\´uõÀ •i¯õux •i²®.

922)        As a retreating army demands a greater discipline, to keep the consciousness from dissipating while there is no energy, a far greater inner, deeper, steadier discipline that is patience is needed.

                {ø»Sø»¢u¤ß {uõÚ® {uº\Ú®.

923)        Supreme is Sat in Timelessness. Matter is Sat evolving in simultaneous Time.

áh® ©»¸® \z ¦¸åß.

924)        Mind that understands Mother is Supermind.

AßøÚø¯ •Êø©¯õP ©Ú® AÔ²®ö£õÊx Ax \zv¯ 㯩õS®.

925)        The sublime in subtle perception becomes commonplace when expressed in words.

                ©»›ß AÇS® ©n•® ö\õÀ¼À AP¨£hõ.

926)        PsoÀ £õºøÁ ©Úzvß v¸èi¯õÚõÀ, PÀ¼ÝÒθ¢x PõÎ GÊÁõÒ.

                The naked eye too can be supramentalised to see the MARVEL.

927)        Yoga by the intellect is like astronomy by the naked eye.

                A»[Põµ® AÇS uµõx.

928)        Human ambition transforms into aspiration for the Divine. Even that becomes our impermissible inner Initiative.

                uõÌ¢ux® E¯µ»õ®. E¯º¢ux® uõÌ¢uuõP»õ®.

929)        Spiritual Romance is Brahman discovering its forgetfulness.

                ©Ó¢ux {øÚÄ Á¸Áx ©õ{»® ©ÚzxÒ öuÎÁx.

                Remembering the forgetfulness is involution transforming into evolution.

930)        Tiredness is to shift from the higher to the lower consciousness.

                ÷©¼¸¢x R÷Ç Á¸Áx Pøͨ¦.

931)        Challenge is to recognise the inner weakness.

                SøÓ öu›Áx \Áõ¼ß {øÓÄ.

932)        Nothing creative can repeat.

                PhÄÒ Põ»zv¼Àø».

933)        _¸UP® öuÎÄ.

                Clarity is concise.

                Clarity is mental; Supramental clarity is cosmic vision.

934)        Creation is involution that is reversal.

                ¤µ®©® ¤µsk CÓ[SÁx ]¸èi.

            ©Ûuß v¸®¤ HÖÁx £›nõ©®.

                Man’s ascent of reversal is evolution.

935)        To cure a diseased consciousness is transformation of the physical substance.

                |»©õS® ¯õv |õ{»® Ah[S® {øÚÄ.

936)        Experience of environmental treachery is culture.

                E»Pzvß x÷µõPzøu AÔÁx £s¦.

937)        Proximity discloses strength as weakness.

                Bµõ´a] Bz©õøÁ B£zuõPU Põq®.

938)        To know an object is to let it expand in one’s consciousness.

                ö£õ¸Ò  EnºÂÀ ›Áx ¦›ÁuõS®.

939)        To do is to make the inner consciousness an object to its sensation.

                EnºÄ ¦»ÝUS¨ ¦ÓzvÀ ¦»¨£kÁx ÷Áø».

940)        Strength is to be able to decide without the desire to be understood.

                ©Ú® SÖUQmhõÀ Á¼ø© SøÓ²®.

                Strength is to be on one’s own.

941)        The system of credit card compels one to be honest. A system of inner values will compel the outer circumstances to be cooperative.

                ¦Ó® APzøuU Pmk¨£kzxÁx ÷£õÀ AP®, ¦Ózøu²® APzøu²® ÷\ºzxU Pmk¨£kzx®.

942)        The virgin land America was given the world leadership by the immigrants. Similarly, one incapable of an ordinary act can be given infinite strength for ecstatic enjoyment.

                ©mh©õÚ vÓø©°À»õuÁÝUS Aªºu©õÚ Aئuz vÓø©ø¯ AΨ£x öu´ÃP Aߦ.

943)        The physical Silence of the cities in the West sustains the buzzing activities of its citizens. Their individual personal aloofness that is not loneliness supplies energy for their dynamism.

                ö©ÍÚzxÒ ¤Ó¢u ©PzxÁ®.

                Silence sustains activity.

944)        The practical organisation of the West is in seeking what works.

                ÷Áø»ø¯ ©mk® PÁÛzuõÀ Â寮 §ºzv¯õS®.

                |hUP ÷Ási¯øu¨ £õº, ©ØÓøu Âk.

                Work alone is the criterion.

945)        \µnõPvø¯ \µnõPv ‰»÷© Aøh¯»õ®.

                The Psychic alone can surrender.

946)        ÷£\¨¤iUPõu ö©ÍÚ®, ÷£\ •i¯õu ö©ÍÚ®, ÷£aø\°Ç¢u ö©ÍÚ®, ö\õÀ E¸ÁõPõu ö©ÍÚ®, ö\¯»ØÓ ö©ÍÚ®, Aø\øÁ°Ç¢u ö©ÍÚ®, BQ¯ÁØøÓU Ph¢ux ¤µ®© ö©ÍÚ®.

                Silence too can become absolute, because the Absolute is also Silence.

947)        Popularity is the power of the society received by personal merit.

                \‰P® ÷\Pµ® ö\´u AvPõµzøu vÓø©US¨ £›\õP AΨ£x ¤µ£»®.

948)        Efficient execution ends when nervousness shows.

                vÓø© öu®ø£¨ ö£õÖzux.

949)        For physical, vital or mental men, accomplishment differs. Activity is accomplishment. Relationship is the end; There is nothing beyond understanding, are their attitudes.

                ußøÚU öPõsk E»Pzøu¨ ¦›¢x öPõÒÁx _£õÁ®.

950)        Supramental knowledge is power, not merely knowledge.

                £¼US® ö\õÀ £Âzvµ©õÚ bõÚ®.


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