Series XIX                              


951)        Even the sin of indulging another’s selfishness can be done as a service to the Divine.

                £õÁzøu²®, ¦so¯©õPa ö\´²® \©º¨£n®.

952)        Hostility is there in all, either in his being or his acts or words.

                ©Ûu Cµõ] A_µ Cµõ]. öÁΨ£k® ÁøP ÷ÁÖ.

953)        To come to adore the abhorrent is to rise from the mental-vital to the spiritual-mental.

                B£õ\® Aئu©õÚõÀ AÔÂß Enºa] Bz© ©»ºa] ö£Ö®.

954)        At any given time the actual accomplishment and the potential of any nation equals any other nation. All nations are equal at any given time.

                ÷ÁÖ£k® ÷uõØÓzvß¤ß AøÚÁ¸® \©®.

955)        To copy a page from print is an occasion for us to discover our familiarity with the nuances of the language.

                J¸ £UP® £õºzöuÊvÚõÀ ©Ú® ö£ØÓ öuÎÄ® vÓø©²® öu›²®.

956)        Knowledge is Silence.

                ö©ÍÚ® bõÚ®.

957)        Problems are social or moral. Neither Nature or God has any problem.

                ©ÚUSøÓø¯ ©ØÓvÀ Põs£x ¤µa]øÚ.

958)        Neither eternal romance nor a consecrated life need rest, as romance as well as consecration is full life.

                CøÓÁß «x GÊ® PõuÀ \©º¨£n® GÚ¨£k®.

959)        v¸¨¤U öPõkUS® uSv Á¢u ¤ß PhøÚz v¸¨¤z uµ ÷Ási¯vÀø».

                The purpose of credit is to create the ability to repay.

960)        The subconscient wonder is a superconscient Marvel.

                £õuõÍ® £›©Î¨£x £µ©õz©õ ©»ºÁx.

961)        Energy is interest. Interest issues out of knowledge.

                Bø\ öu®¦ u¸®. bõÚ® Bø\US Ai¨£øh. Ax Bø\¯õ, BºÁ©õ Gߣx |®ø©¨ ö£õ¸zux.

962)        Silence thinks silently.

                ö©ÍÚzvß ]¢uøÚ ©ø»°ß Aø\Ä.

963)        The joy of surrender is the Marvel of Self-discovery.

                Aئuzøu BÚ¢u©õ´U Psöhk¨£x \µnõPv ©»ºÁx.

964)        Characterless capacity too can rise to its acme.

                ÷|ºø©¯ØÓ vÓø©²® ö|g_ {øÓ²® öÁØÔ ö£Ó •i²®.

965)        Suspicion sublimated is credulity absolute.

                I¯® }[Q¯ ¤µ®©® Aºzu® ÂÍ[Põu Aئu®.

966)        Inability to feel gratitude is insolent impertinence.

                |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ ¤ÓUS•ß SuºUP® ÷Põ£©õP GÊ®.

967)        Fidgeting is the birth of thought in the brainless.

                ‰øÍ°À»õuÁÝUS ÷£aö\Ê¢uõÀ EhÀ ö|β®.

968)        Politeness describes impertinence as liveliness of Mind.

                Âå©zøu ÂÖÂÖ¨ö£Ú HØ£x |õPŸP®.

969)        Man works physically or mentally but his work begins only when he tries to express his spirit in work. It must be taken inside to work on his subtle thoughts. To work inwardly to adore Her is the ultimate work, if it can be called so.

                ö|g_ {øÚÁõÀ {øÓ¢x ªÎºÁx ÁõÌÄ.

970)        The video has life and movements but is still a representation. It is not the REAL for us to interact.

                Ãi÷¯õÂÀ Sµ¾® Aø\Ī¸¢uõ¾®, |õ® ÷£\ £ÇP •i¯õx.

971)        The outer atmosphere is like a cloud. The inner atmosphere is like a flood. Beyond is the substance of the person.

                öÁΰÀ ÷©P©sh»®, EÒ÷Í ¦µÐÁx öÁÒÍ®. ©Ûuß AøuU Ph¢x BÇzv¼¸UQÓõß.

972)        The supramental vision of Sri Aurobindo in jail rises when the Mind sheds its pre-possessions.

                ©Ú® ö£ØÓøu CÇ¢uõÀ ÷£Ö ö£Ö®.

973)        To be able to see Brahman in the tree and the tree in Brahman and to be able to see both simultaneously is the vision of Brahman, ÿ AµÂ¢u u›\Ú®.

                ©µzøu²®, ¤µ®©zøu²® J÷µ \©¯zvÀ JßøÓ ©ØÓvÀ Põs£x ÿ AµÂ¢u u›\Ú®.

                Aøu \õv¨£x ©Úzvß \µnõPv.

                ©Ú® öÁØÔh©õÚõÀ ÿ AµÂ¢u u›\Ú® GÊ®.

                ©Ú® ußøÚ¨ £ØÔ²ÒÍx. ¤µ®©zøu¨ £ØÓ \µnõPv ÷Ásk®.

            ─ Of the many ideas the Mind should give up, one is that the      Absolute is a vacant void. It is better to give up the other ‘idea’ that it is not a void.

974)        As Ireland rose by IT, it is eminently possible for India to emerge into great Prosperity by extensively drawing upon the values of computer.

                One contact of the highest value has the capacity to raise the lowest to the highest.

                ö£›¯vß u›\Ú® ]Ô¯vß ÷©õm\®.

975)        Education is a non-stop continuous process.

                PÀ •i¯U Ti¯vÀø». ©ÛuøÚU PØ£Pzu¸ÁõUPU Ti¯x PÀÂ.

976)        He who revolts seeks the patronage of that which he revolted against.

                Gv›°ß ö£¸ø© Gß C»m]¯®.

977)        The limit of harmless enjoyment is the penultimate point to the loss of energy. Enjoyment increases energy in higher consciousness.

                |èhªÀø» GßÓõÀ uÁÔÀø». ©Ú® E¯º¢uõÀ AÝ£Á® öu®ø£ AvP›US®.

978)        The deeply buried habits that are to be given up are not unknown. We are reluctant to be conscious of them and when they present our will has no energy to exert itself.

                öu›¯õ©¼Àø». öu›¢x® ÷£\õ©¼¸UQ÷Óõ®.

979)        Marriage, a course, or a career fixes one’s course of life largely when the Mind endorses it. But Mind need not be limited by any of them. In that case it will be his Personality that will be guiding his life. Short of the Psychic doing so which is yoga, Personality steering one’s life will be yoga in social life.

                uøÍPøÍ HØPõu ©Ú® u͵õu ÁõÌÄUS AiUPÀ.

                v¸©n®, £mh®, öuõÈÀ, ©Ûu ÁõÌøÁ Áµ®¦USÒ ÁͺUS®. Áµ®¤À»õ©À Á͵ ©Ú® uº©zuõÀ Pmk¨£hUThõx. Ax ÁõÌÂÀ ÷¯õP®.

                ÁõÌÂÀ ÷¯õP®’ – Avºèh® £¼UP ©Ú® Áµ®ø£ HØPU Thõx.

980)        Definition of terms is an intellectual tool. It has the capacity to determine the scope of accomplishment as the definition of knowledge by Veda has done.

                P¸Â P¸zøu {ºn°US®.

981)        Peace of Mother is DYNAMIC, i.e. it is full of energy of Peace.

                \Uv Áõ´¢u \õ¢v P»Áµzøu Aø©v¯õUPÁÀ»x.

982)        |õ® {øÚ¨£x uõ÷Ú |h¨£x |õ® \›¯õP C¸¨£uõP Aºzu®. |õ÷© Bµ®¤zuõÀ |õ® \›°Àø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

                Initiative is ego.

983)        {øÚÁõÀ AøǨ£x ö|g_ AøǨ£x. ãÁÚõÀ AøǨ£x ¤µ£g\® AøǨ£x.

                Let the world in you call going beyond the thought.

984)        Eternal Romance is Eternity in Infinity.

                Põ»zøuU Ph¢x PõuÀ E»Pzøu²® EmöPõÒЮ.

985)        Tension is the sensation of the restraint of the Negative.

                £h£h¨¦ Gvº¨¤ß ußÚhUP®.

986)        Gratitude is the Inconscient’s sensation of becoming the Superconscient.

                áh® £µ©õz©õøÁz öuõk® EnºÄ |ßÔ¯ÔuÀ.

987)        Loyalty is the awareness of the different parts of the being of the central being.

                £Sv •Êø©ø¯ AÔÁx ÂìÁõ\®.

988)        To be able to see the Infinite in the finite as well as the infinitesimal is to know Infinity.

                ]Ô¯xÒ ö£›¯x ©øÓ¢v¸¨£øu AÔÁx AÚ¢uzøu AÔÁuõS®.

989)        Work in our consciousness can be interesting or we can dislike it. Work in the substance is like counting the sands on the beach or a blind man beginning to draw a picture. To achieve the integrality of work one has to complete the work in the substance. To him is the real fame unsought. Everyone who is popular has a touch of it.

                Ãs ÷Áø»ø¯ ¸¨£©õP ö\´u ¤ßÚ÷µ ÷Áø» •i²®. ÷Áø» •i¯õ©À ¦PÌ Áõµõx. ¦PÇøh¢u AøÚÁ¸® K›øǯõÁx Cøua ö\´x •izv¸¨£õºPÒ.

                Ãs ÷Áø» ÂsnÁº ÷Áø».

990)        Enjoyment of consciousness enervates the substance. We call it rest.

                ÷ÁP® CÛUS®. ©snõÚ Eh¾US AxÄ® \¼US®. \¼zuõÀ yUP® Á¸®.

                \¼¨¦ yUP®.

991)        Cleanliness is important not so much for the place to be clean but we must exert ourselves to do it.

                ö\´£Á¸US _zu® £»ß u¸®.

992)        Strength is strength of substance as substance is being. Dhyana of the being prevents Samadhi. It enjoys work in the substance.

                Ãs ÷Áø»ø¯ ¸®¤a ö\´Áx ãÁß v¯õÚzv¼¸¨£x.

                ¸¨£©õÚ Ãs ÷Áø» ãÁ {èøh.

                All-inclusive concentration is the enjoyable reading of a wearisome book.

                Enjoyment of boredom is all-includive concentration.

                Betrayal of the Beloved is Body’s transformation into Being.

993)        Impatience is nervous energy in excess unorganised into mental values.

                AÔÂß £s¦ Bu›UPõu öu®¦ AÁ\µ®.

994)        Verbal energy accepting the form of thought is understanding.

                ©Úzvß Enºa] Gsnzvß E¸Á® ö£ÖÁx AÔÄ.

995)        Body ultimately accepting gratefully what the taste chose and mouth chewed is digestion.

                EhÀ ¸]ø¯ |ßÔ²hß HØ£x ãµn®.

996)        Mental understanding willingly endorsing the vital energy’s attraction is liking.

                EnºÂß ÷£õUøP EÒÍ® HØ£x ¤›¯®.

997)        The small demanding the acceptance of the great expressed physically is stealing.

                ö£›¯x ußøÚ ÷\ºUP ÷Ásk® GÚ ]Ô¯x ¸®¤ ö\¯À£kÁx v¸mk.

                Inverted love insisting on possession is stealing.

                v¸mk öÁÖ¨ø£ ¸¨£õUP •¯ÀQÓx.

998)        Verbal love is communication.

                Eøµ¯õhÀ ö\õÀ ö\õ¢u® öPõshõkÁx.

999)        Shame is the self-awareness of the socially unfit.

                \‰Pzøu¯Ô¯õuÁß ußøÚ¯ÔÁx öÁmP®.

1000)     Excessive energy of the enchanting form is charm.

                AÀ£ Enºa]°ß A£›ªu©õÚ AÇS PÁºa].


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