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Prana-Life Force-Pranayama, Multiple Personalities & Duality of Soul & Nature; Ego & Psychic

March 21, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Stages in release of the universal life force. Pranayama is a method to increase the intensity subject to the distortions of our consciousness in the lower nature. Therefore they advocate the method opening, calling, surrender of the lower to the higher so that the higher nature can express in and through us. He describes in SOY Self-Consecration the multiple personalities of the human consciousness and how through consecration we seek to discover the real individual in us which is the psychic being not the surface sense of ego. Most of the time we are totally identified with our nature and we feel no separation. Even our sense of I is only the ego-sense which is a part of nature. Spiritual progress begins when we are able to detach from total immersion on our mental, vital, physical nature and experience the soul, purusha, self, psychic which is the true individual in us. Discovering the soul can liberate the spirit or lead us to moksha but our life will still be a life of ignorance in the lower nature. Perfection of life requires liberation of our nature as well, transforming lower nature into higher nature. Only then we are truly and fully free. It is always the best that happens but it can always be better than it is if we change our consciousness.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut