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Quote for the Day
One who has the sincerity to eliminate his ego, cannot fail to achieve his heart’s wish.
— karmayogi
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மலர்ந்த ஜீவியம்
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Pride & Prejudice
Spirituality & Prosperity
» Spirituality & Prosperity
Spirituality & Prosperity
001. The Time has come
002. Functioning from the Spirit
003. Chrysler
004. Where Man Ends, the Divine Begins - I
005. Where Man Ends, the Divine Begins - II
006.Where Man Ends, the Divine Begins - III
007. Spiritual Atmosphere of India -- Genius
008. Spiritual Atmosphere of India – Power
009. Spiritual Atmosphere of India – Prayer
010. Invocation of the Spirit
011. Three-Day Prayer
012. Sales in a Small Company
013. Rain is Divine Grace
014. What is Spirituality in Daily Life?
015. Wisdom of the World
016. The Power of Rituals and the Power the Reality Is
017. The Voice of a Tree
018. Subtle Vision
019. Spirit is Utter Truth
020. Truth and Spirit
021. Meteor that Falls
022. Faith Restoring Lost Speech
023 and 024. Silent Will
031. Spirit Changes Bad Omens into GOOD Omens
032. Life Response – I
033. Life Response – II
034. Life Response – III
035. Life Response - IV
036. Rishyasringar in California
037. Petulance Prevents Spiritual Prosperity
038. Spiritual Power of Flowers
039. Evil Spirits
040. The Turning Point
041. Karma
041. Karma
042. Methods of Invoking the Spirit in Life – I
043. Methods of Invoking the Spirit in Life – II
044. Methods of Invoking the Spirit in Life – III
045. Methods of Invoking the Spirit of Life, the Psychic -- IV
046. Method of Invoking the Spirit in Life – V
047. Methods of Invoking the Spirit in Life, the Psychic – VI
048. Miracles that Became Commonplace
054. The Inflow of Money Increases with the Outflow
055. The Ever-Increasing Income
056. Power of Values to Earn Money
057. The 100-fold Power of Values
058. Genius is a Power of Spirit
059. Why are Pious, Orthodox, GOOD People Sometimes Poor?
060. Astrology, Numerology, Omen, Vaastu, Auspicious Hour
061. Tradition and Spirituality
062. Spiritual Experiment in Daily Life
063. The Spirit of the Sea
064. "In Search of Excellence"
065. No Industry in India Need Fail
066. Prosperity Movement
067. Peaceful Sleep
068. Promotion to a Clerk
069. Pity, Sympathy, Compassion, Grace and Supergrace
070. Understanding without Thinking
071. Individual Truthfulness Renders the Indian a Spiritual Giant
072. Punctuality is Abundant Prosperity
073. Depression
074. Silence Destroys Enemies and Their Plots
075. Human Personality
076. An Experiment – A Conversation
077. An Experiment – Complete Preparation
078. An Experiment – Silent Execution
079. The Three Aspects of a Token Experiment
080. Several Aspects of Shifting to the Spirit
081. The Spirit Awaits our Call – Will Man Call?
082. The Spirit in Life
083. Faith in One's Spirit
084. Spirit is Far More Powerful than Reason
085. Inner Fullness
086. The Spirit of Appreciation
087. The Climax in a Music Performance
088. Examination Fever
089. Consecration is Invocation of the Spirit
090. Gratitude
091. Who Am 'I'?
092. Unsold Stock
093. Inner and Outer
094. Opinions and Attitudes
095. Debt Burden
096. Mind, Heart and Spirit
097. Hurricane
098. Dacoits in the Train
099. Dreams
100. Law and Justice
101. That Which Has an End is Not Patience
102. Scarcity is NOT Real
103. The Spirit in Planning
104. Determined Refusal of Good Luck
105. Correspondences in Life
106. Censor, the Index of the Spirit
107. Form and Content
108. Silent Suffering
109. Darsan in the Subtle Plane
110. Birthday
111. Restoration of Lost Property
113. Sweetness is the Knowledge of Love
114. Abolition of Space
115. Generosity – Meanness
116. Power Failure
117. Failure in Spirit is still Success in Life
118. Faith Must be Pure, NOT Dependent on Other things
119. Invocation of Spirit Makes Luck Possible
120. Love that Knows NO Failure
121. Micro-nutrients of Personality
122. Power of Thought Uttered or Unuttered
123. Lost Eyesight
124. Large as Life
125. Life's Determinism
126. Human Determinism
127. Spiritual as well as Psychic Determinism
128. The Unfailing Success of the Psychic Determinism
129. Characteristics of the Psychic Determinism
130. Invisible Potentialities
131.Outer Expression of Inner Consciousness
132. St. Antony
133. From the Bottom 5% to the Top 5 %
134. Power of Cleanliness
135. Chanting of Om
136. Life Version of Chanting OM
137. Birth of Freedom in the Mind of Life
138. Word of Mouth
139. Spirit is Infectious
140. Happy Home
141. Persistence in the Righteous Course Brings Reward
142. Krishna's Flute
143. The Auspicious Hour
144. The Grace of the Copious Rainfall
145. Carrying out Instructions Precisely in Their Spirit
146. Imagination is the Power of Future Potentialities
147. Wedding is a Gift of the Benevolent Spirit
148. Strength of Timidity
149. Know Thyself, Know Your Strengths
150. Pilgrimage to Prosperity
151. The Godhead I Love and Adore
152. Self-justification Fortifies the Present
153. The Touch of Low Consciousness
154. The Music of Human Life
155. The Invisible Spiritual Infrastructure in Human Personality
156. The Role of Management in Nation Building
157. Luck is Psychological Management
158. The Spiritual Power of Truth in Ordinary Life
159. The Dominant and the Submissive
160. Flat Dullness, Interest and Liveliness
161. Self-awareness is Self-evaluation
162. Pre-occupation of the Being
163. The Fisherwoman of Paramahamsa
164. Quarrel is the Uncultured Embrace of the Ununderstanding Vital – (feelings)
165. Sign of the Presence of the Spirit
166. I Do Not Know What to Pray For
167. The Soul's Longing for Spiritual Peace
168. Home Sweet Home
169. Universal Love
170. The Quest of the Scientist for the Ultimate Reality
171. Theory of Creation
172. Follow the Heart
173. Family Deity, its Blessings and Limits
174. Unemployment and the Unemployed
175. Discovery of India
176. Not a Pretty Face; but a True Heart
177. Disbelief in Superstition
178. Let Thy Will be Done; Not My Will
179. Strange Are the Ways of Life
180. Examination Results
181. An Accomplishment Out of the Ordinary
182. Sincerity of Purpose
183. Salary Arrears
184. Sin and Virtue
185. Srinivasa Ramanujam
186. The Genius of India
187. Eisenhower
189. Longing for the Spirit
190. Rain in Kutch
191. The Roving Ambassador of India
192. Establishment and Political Leadership
193. The Grace of Culture
194. Individuality
195. Two Sides of Human Nature
196. Pilgrimage
197. Suffering from Surplus
198. Spiritual Truth in Human Life
199. Truisms of Spirit in Life
200. U Thant
201. Fear of Death
202. Lending Money to a Friend
203. Romance is the Adventure of Consciousness
204. 'The Last Englishman to Rule India'
205. Science of Life
206. Darshan in the Subtle Plane
207. Prosperity not Austerity
208. A Further List of Spiritual Truths in Life
209. "The Hound of Heaven"
210. The Significance of the Insignificant
211. What Do We Mean by Taking to the Spirit?
212. Self-Giving
213. Knowledge is Power
214. The Upanishads
215. Greater Mastery of Human Life
216. Failure Leads to Greater Success
217. The Life Divine
218. Demand for Proof
219. Incommunicable JOY
220. Invisible Profits
221. Profits in a Small Business
222. Income of the Family
223. Positive Value of the Negative Person
224. Increasing Accomplishment
225. Proverbs of Tamil Nadu
226. Unconscious Oblivion
227. Pieces of Good Fortune Come Together
228. Why Good People Suffer
229. The Children of The Mother
230. Letters of Love
231. Problem–Free Life
232. Human Potentialities and Actualities
233. The Indian Mind
234. The Leaders of the World
235. Tyranny and Fairness
236. Teaching and Learning
237. SMILE
238. Surface Mind and the Subliminal Depth
239. Token Practice
240. Token Act -- Psychological
241. The English are Wedded to Democracy
242. Coconut Never Falls on a Man
243. Proposal
244. Efficiency
245. Spirit in Action
246. Interruption of a Speech
247. Chronic Illness
248. Accomplishment of Indians Abroad
249. The First Waking Thought
250. Worry is Absence of Faith
251. Falsehood Prospers
252. Choice Helps to Invoke the Spirit
253. The Power of the Press
254. Spiritual Transformation
255. Yawning
256. Problem Solving by the Spirit
257. Reaching the Higher Consciousness
258. The Greatness of the Birthday for the Great
259. Positive and Negative
260. Building up India
261. The Politician and the Administrator
262. Good Will Towards the Spirit
263. Overriding Personality
264. Home is a Centre of Personality
265. Tenfold Expansion in Ten Years.
266. Back Pain
267. What is Left Unsaid
268. Product of Prosperity
269. Marriage is Essential
270. Prestige and Prosperity
271. Wealth Lies in Self-Employment
272. Incentives to National Prosperity
273. Education is an Instrument of Prosperity
274. Levels of the Spirit Emerging in Man
275. The Many Ways in which the Spirit Comes to Us
276. The Reward of Loyalty
277. The Different Aspects of Spiritual Power
278. Subtle Inversion
279. The Causal Plane
280. God Proposes; Man Disposes
281. The Great Indian Dream
282. Psychic Sadness
283. "Count Your Chickens Before They are Hatched"
284. December 28, 1928
285. Out of Dust
286. Ambition Versus Achievement
287. Where the Spirit is Helpless!
288. Spiritual Courage
289. Mathematical Formula of Life
290. "After all, I am a Useless Person"
291. The Value of OIL
292. The Various Strengths of Human Nature
293. A Bi-Monthly Magazine for Spirituality
294. The Prince and The Pauper
295. The Essence of Enduring Success
296. Authority of Love
297. Validity of a Contract
298. This Once
299. Indira Gandhi's Question
300. Spiritual Equality
301. One Week's Work in One Day
302. The Solution Lies in the Problem
303. Oblivious Selfishness
304. A More than Human Effort
305. The Successive Coils of Personality
306. The Twelve Crores
307. The Act Repeats
308. The Native Generosity of the Human Heart
309. The Honesty of Servants
310. Receptivity -- Initial and Long Lasting
311. Spiritual Experience
312. A Movement for Indian Prosperity
313. Self-Respect
314. Academic Excellence
315. Stiff Thumb
316. Affluent House; Affectionate Home
317. The Legend of Brahman
318. Complete Folly
319. The Power of Low Consciousness
320. I Can Accept what I Understand
321. Success is Determined, Organised Effort
322. Half an Hour with The Mother
323. Self-Awareness is Soul-Awareness
324. Significance of a Word
325. The Aristocracy of India
326. The Mystery of Accomplishment
327. Maximum Effort
328. Human Helplessness
329. How Men Sometimes Receive Grace
330. Business Week on India
331. Social Consciousness
332. The Handicapped Wife
333. Housemaid’s Assertion
334. Generosity and Vanity
335. Feb. 29th, 1956 – The Day of the Lord
336. Loss of Speech
337. The Smile on the Face
338. Consciousness Responsibility
339. Unself-consciousness
340. Hasten Slowly
341. Observer, Thinker, Censor
342. Goodness
343. Ardent Devotees
344. Kalyana Sraddha
345. Brahma Jananam
346. Sri Ramalinga Swamigal
347. Ego, Purusha, Psychic Being
348. Comprehensiveness of Accomplishment
349. Linguistic Capacity of Memory
350. Levels of Reading
351. Body is a Rock of Offence
352. How Man Adores the Woman
353. Understanding Our Own Personality
354. Acquiring Humility
355. Life of Organised Luck
356. Mental Nature
357. The French Revolution
358. Concentration and Distraction
359. Mathematical Precision in Life
360. Egoistic Assertion
361. Every Truth has its Opposite Truth
362. Obesity is Poverty Consciousness
363. Integrity
364. Lawrence of Arabia
365. Minor Injustices of Life
366. 'I Cannot Accept What I Have Not Earned'
367. "I am Lost in the Work"
368. What is Life?
369. Undeserved Luck
370. Attention Matures into Affection
371. Spirituality is Equality
372. The Rewards of Life
373. Best School
374. Water Supply
375. Yoga of Self-Giving
376. What is Education?
377. Levels of Faith
378. Sarva arambha Parithyagi
379. Revolution of Rising Expectations
380. Consecration in the Subtle Plane
381. The Westernised Indian
382. The GOOD Man
383. The Words that Ring True
384. Moral Attitude to Work
385. The Power of Co-ordination
386. How Consecration Accomplishes Itself
387. Flourishing Evil in the Country
388. Insight and Intuition
389. The Wisdom of Superstition
390. Flawless Perfection - 1
391. Flawless Perfection - 2
392. Good Will vs. Ill Will
393. Innate Goodness and its Limits
394. Duty is More Powerful than Grace
395. Youth versus Age
396. The Power of Will
397. Simplicity, Austerity and Luxury
398. "Count Your Chickens Before They are Hatched"
399. 800 Years of Slavery
400. Who is the Creator?
401. The Nation's Growing Wealth is Personal Prosperity
402. The Role of Education in Personality-building
403. Advanced Stage of Cancer
404. Perfection of Magnificent Idealism
405. The Power of the Word
406. Personality of an Act
407. Invocation of Spirit
408. Entrepreneur
409. Every Gesture Has a Meaning
410. The Value of Scales
411. Inexorable Law
412. Facts, Ideas, Original Ideas
413. Public Awareness
414. The Future and the Past
415. Native Efficiency
416. Levels of Management
417. Indian Buses on the Roads of USA
418. Technology
419. Spiritual Light
420. Politeness in Matters Spiritual
421. Man is Greater than Money
422. Who Will Pay the Two Rupees?
423. Realities of Life
424. Skepticism
425. Prayer is Superfluous
426. Upanishad in Life
427. Spiritual Value of WORK
428. India’s Economic Growth
429. Nirupama – India – Unconscious Man
430. The Spiritual Status of Help
431. The Length of One’s Life
432. Initial Response of the Divine
433. Evoking a Serious Response from the Divine
434. Significant Response -- Opportunity
435. A Wider Response from the Divine
436. Deep Response from the Divine
437. Yogic Response from the Divine
438. Uniqueness is a Type
439. The Newspaper
440. Value of a Promise
441. Organisation and Opportunities
442. The Value of Choice
443. The Value of Attention
444. Conceptualisation is Mental Consciousness
445. Human Conception of God
446. Person Beyond Personality
447. Inner Joy
448. Mother Never Punishes
449. Chandrasekaran
450. Eternal Romance
451. Effective Microorganisms
452. The Small Significant Thing
453. The Snob & the Spirit
454. Resistance to New invention
455. The Value of the Mother Tongue
456. Guaranteed Employment
457. Eradication of Poverty
458. Political Leadership
459. The Age Old Wisdom of Man
460. The Invisible Resources
461. Eternal Romance
462. Spiritual Intelligence
463. Perfect Form
464. Work that Energises
465. Value of Good Manners
466. True Values are Truly Valuable
467. The Power of Chastity
468. Standard Operating Procedures -- SOP
469. The Importance of Memory
470. The Spiritual Atmosphere
471. Inflow of Money
472. Higher Consciousness
473. Inner Richness that is Spiritual Fullness
474. There is No Evil
475. Wisdom After the Event
476. How the Mind Understands
477. “Why Do I Suffer?”
478. Flawless Scholarship
479. Maximum Becomes the Minimum
480. The Westernised Mind
481. The Neo-Rich
482. Filial Piety and the Rigour of Life
483. Moment of Truth
484. The Sparkling Crystal of Individuality
485. Pettiness of the Small Mind
486. Spiritual Dimension of Food
487. Subtle Knowledge of Professionals
488. Effective Communication
489. Four Feathers
490. Missed Opportunities
491. The Inner Voice
492. A Culture of Honour
493. Purity of Science
494. Reversal of Consciousness
495. Opening of the Being to its Depths
496. Importance of Infinity
497. Discovering God
498. The Meaningfulness of the Medium
499. The Ideal Teacher
500. Discovery of Blood Circulation
501. What is Truth
502. The Value of Precision
503. Pure Courage
504. Reading Habit
505. Ultimate Source of Prosperity
506. Sardar Vallabhai Patel
507. The Miraculous Swiftness of the Spirit
508. The Significance of Population
509. Spiritual Opulence
510. Body Alone is Real
511. Perfection and Lapse
512. Moving Away from the Surface Mind
513. The Wider Fulfilment
514. Intellectual Content
515. All-Inclusive Inner Movement
516. Health and Disease
517. Theories of Science
518. Good Emerging out of Evil
519. Spur of Idealism
520. Variations of Memory
521. Prosperity of Small Towns
522. Origin of Life
523. Sleep that Nourishes
524. Cleanliness
525. Success of Idealism
526. The Unfailing Failure
527. Computer
528. Inner Determination
529. Robert Macfarlane
530. The Healer
531. Significance of Speech
532. The Ultimate Sources of Knowledge
533. DEO’s Inspection
536. Total Positivity
540. Great Attainments
541. Haemoglobin Capsules
542. Fixed Behaviours
543. There is No Loss
544. Psychological Accomplishment
545. Old Age Home
546. Transforming Anger
547. Consciousness of Matter
548. Good Will
549. Editorial of ‘Consecration’
550. Social Skills
551. Words and Concepts
552. Educational Awakening
553. The Future of India
554. Understanding the Parent
555. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
556. Subjectivity-Objectivity
557. Gall Bladder Stone
558. The Chosen People
559. World Army
560. Politics
561. Catching up with the Pioneer
562. Pride of a Nation
563. Political Wisdom
564. The Efficacy of Planning
565. Jatropa
566. All or Nothing
567. No Cycle Please
568. Emulating Faith
569. War Against the Banks
570. The Act Repeats
571. The Future of the Blacks
572. Technology
573. Resourcefulness
574. Sabda Brahman
575. The Rationale of the Emotions
576. The Eternal Seeking
577. Daydreaming
578. The Valuable Significance of News
579. The Medium for the Power of Mantra
580. Fundamentalism
581. The First Yogic Realisation
582. Upward Social Mobility
583. Wearisome Unproductive Work
584. The Inner Voice
585. The Milk of Human Kindness
586. Intuition and Grace
587. Sri Subramania Bharathiyar
588. Landmarks of Civilisation
589. The Essence of Essences
590. Good Emerges Out of Evil
591. Decision-making
592. A Convict’s Conviction
593. Means and Ends
594. The Brilliant Future
595. Indian Spiritual Wisdom
596. Contract Farming
597. Health Insurance
598. Selfishness and Self-Giving
599. Liberty and Freedom
600. The Power of an Idea
601. What Makes an Idea Powerful
602. The Roots of Terrorism
603. The Power of Promise
604. Ireland
605. Job Efficiency
606. Addiction
607. Walking
608. What is Duty?
609. Opium of the Masses
610. The Westernised Mind
611. Periods of Transition
612. Time is on Our Side
613. Reliability
614. The Place of Aid in Development
615. Swami Vivekananda’s Vision
616. The Power of Cleanliness
617. Decision and Determination
618. The Impersonal and the Personal
619. Veerampattinam Kali
620. Eminence of a Nation
621. The Divine Mother’s Protection
622. Peaceful Life
623. Variations of Human Nature
624. Meteoric Rise
625. The Problem of Population
626. Abolition of War
627. Japan’s Insularity
628. The Machine Age
629. Index of Culture
630. Indian Political Leadership
631. Faith Works in the Body
632. Betrayal of the Beloved
633. Customs and Culture
634. Success of Falsehood
635. A Spiritual Magazine
636. Patriotism
637. The Irrational Politician
638. Business Competition
639. Strength of the National Currency
640. Right to Break a Contract
641. The Past Initiated Act
642. Emotion of Falsehood
643. Jane Austen
644. The Subconscious
645. Radha and Krishna
646. Luxuries vs. Necessities
647. The Boon Internet Is
654. Love is Blind
655. Food Security
656. Viswarupa Darshan of the Lord
657. India as Leader of the World
658. Silence
659. Pain in the Neck
660. Unmarked Chest
661. Gratitude to Grace
662. An Independent Administration
663. M. Visveswaraiah
664. The Other Side of Idealism
665. The March of Time
666. Seminars
667. The Power of Keeping a Secret
668. The 21st Century
669. The ‘Virtue’ of the Excesses
670. Open Mind
671. Neglected Arrears
672. Infinity in Life
673. The Personality of Karna
674. Collection of Arrears
675. The Opposites are True
676. Capacity to Defend Oneself
677. Creation of Wealth
702. Vivian Thomas
703. Letter Writing
704. Real-Idea
705. The Period of Transition
706. A Letter from a Reader
707. Radha and Arjuna
714. Love at First Sight – I
715. Love at First Sight – II
716. Love at First Sight – III
717. Love at First Sight – IV
718. Love at First Sight – V
719. Bhishma’s Vow
720. The Key and the Lock
721. The Spiritual Atmosphere
722. Subtle Worship
723. Human Cruelty
724. Organisational Inconsistencies
725. The Stark Reality
726. Spiritual Family
727. Self-Awareness
728. Self-righteousness
729. The Royal Rival
730. College Pupil Leader
731. Draupadi’s Curse
732. Word of Honour
733. The Hour of the Spirit
734. That Little Extra Effort
735. The Knowledge Commission
736. Social Symbols
737. Viswarupa Darsan
738. “My Way”
739. The Real Value of Man
740. Fair Weather
741. Men of Great Capacity
742. The Role of a Sister
743. Ekalavya
744. Insupportable
745. Boston Brahmin
746. A Positive Product
747. The Golden Age
748. Spiritual Experiences
749. Karna
750. Magnificent Sari
751. God’s Grace
752. Ambition
753. Summary of The Life Divine
754. Offering and Service
755. Sisupala
756. Rajiv Gandhi
757. The Grace of Refusal
758. The Human Aspiration
759. Libby Prison
760. Mahatma Gandhiji
761. Days are Years
774. What is Possible?
775. Indian Science Abroad
776. Work and Reward
777. Where is She?
778. The Other Man’s Point of View
779. Significance of Money
780. Devotion
781. Subtle Insight
782. Orthodoxy
783. Unsuspecting Nature
784. Dantes in Prison
785. The Treasure
792. Human Culture
793. Mercedes
794. ‘Vengeance is God’s’
795. Upward Social Movement
796. Sources of Income
797. Karna and Bhishma
804. Salaried Employment
805. Life of a Journal
806. Colours of Spiritual Light
807. ‘Shut up’
808. Om Namo Bhagavathe
809. Villefort
810. Progress
811. Light in Life
812. Punya Bhoomi
813. Captivating Charm
814. The Unregenerate Vital
815. God and Life
816. Shakespeare
817. Preface
818. Payment
819. The Thirties of the 20th Century
820. The God of the 20th Century
821. Ireland
822. Silence and Activity
823. The Emotion of Love
824. The Boundless Finite
825. The Value of Man
826. The Economic Crash of 1929
827. The Genius of a Language
828. The Secret of the Veda
829. What is Conquest?
830. Obedience vs. Punctuality
831. The Wisdom of the World
832. Mahalaxmi of the House
833. Transformation
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Pride & Prejudice
by Dr. Radut