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Going Within: Developing Personality and Spiritual Individuality

May 27, 2022
Mr. Garry Jacobs

How to maintain higher consciousness in relationships with others? Most people belong to collective society and share its values, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, habits, etc. Therefore they take on the consciousness of those with whom they relate. We grow in consciousness first by developing character traits of personality such as physical self-reliance, vital independence, emotional courage, thinking for themselves mentally. This makes us a leader in society who influences others and who others follow. Beyond that we have to develop spiritual individuality which means detach ourselves from identification with our surface lower nature (prakriti) which is dominated by ego and desire soul and discover the psychic being which is our true individuality. Going within can be done in many ways. Negatively by detachment, rejection of our surface movements, and non-reaction. Positively by thinking of Moter, calling Mother,  consecration our acts, seeing Mother inside ourselves and relating to Mother in those we relate to. The more we separate from the movements of our surface personality, the more our psychic can come forward and Mother's consciousness can descend into us.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut