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Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 359, 360 & 362

June 28, 2023
Mr. Garry Jacobs

Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 359, 360 & 362

359) True humility is to be aware of the divinity in others which tries to teach you through ignorance. Humility is the awareness of Ignorance behind our knowledge and Jnana behind others'  Ignorance.

360) Caustic jokes, remarks, and conversation scorch the initiative of others and are expressive of the opposite of humility, the Ego. Not to be aware of one's caustic nature is unconscious Ego.

362) As the asuras possess the money when spiritual seekers shun it, in human relationship the gap between any two if not filled in by Truth, is filled in by Falsehood, i.e. when the man of truth out of politeness restrains, the man of falsehood asserts.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut