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Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 630, Pt. 631 & Pt. 632

October 27, 2023
Mr. Garry Jacobs


Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 630, Pt. 631 & Pt. 632

630)   The customary neutrality of life is disappearing, says Mother. The least positive efforts produce great results while the smallest lapses, catastrophes. We know that if we are not progressing, we start decaying. In the initial stages of a plane, life admits of positive, neutral, and negative sectors while at the final stages either you are here or there, never in the middle. Either you are married and are part of the society or fall out of it, never is there a neutral zone there. 

631)   For those who sincerely feel that the Divine is the only solution, calling for a few minutes produces miraculous results. To initiate such a call, one should move to the Divine in himself. Being in the surface mind, one cannot voice such a call nor can he feel that the Divine is the only solution. 

632)   Substance has become denser and more concrete than Matter. Life has lost its neutrality. These are two symptoms of the Supramental Consciousness acting on earth. [Peace has become Golden Peace. Individuality has become Nothingness.]

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut