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Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 639 & Pt.640

November 2, 2023
Mr. Garry Jacobs


Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 639 & Pt.640

639)   Mother says mind has gone and when the old ways come back, they come again.

          What we do decides the plane in which we are. Thinking keeps us in the mind, feeling in the vital. Thought ceasing to exist, we go out of Mind, into the Supermind. It must cease in all forms, even as drishti. 

640)   Elimination of thought in any form eliminates mind. From there one can move into consciousness. One who wants to touch the Absolute must be able to undo in himself the forms and forces of manifestation and then destructure the substance which expressed as forms and forces. Done through pure mind and pure spirit, one reaches the Absolute unmanifest. Done through Supermind and Ishwara, one can land in the Absolute in Manifestation.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut