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Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 674, Pt. 675 & Pt. 676

January 29, 2024
Mr. Garry Jacobs


Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 674, Pt. 675 & Pt. 676

674)   It is by shunning the lower values and habits that man moves to higher values and practices. Still, having reached the higher plane, the longing for the pride of lower values will be significant emotion individually as well as socially. The charm of physical values remains after entering into portals of democratic power; nor does the money value disappear after taking to sannyasa.

675)   Systems are creative in the beginning, later get rigid and die. As any system is only a human creation in the circumstance, it is possible to widen the circumstance a little by a creative idea and make the system creative for a while. Marriage, religion, private property have that status now. Even the outmoded system of cruel tyranny by a more outmoded authority can be brought to life by drawing upon the virtues of tyranny which are intensity and obedience. 

676)   The truth that the work of a leader and a worker is the very same in its essence is known to those familiar with the inner secrets of things; but the worker is often a failure as a leader for want of the required strength.

daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut