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Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 887 & Pt. 888

February 18, 2024
Mr. Garry Jacobs


Daily Messages Series 1 Pt. 887 & Pt. 888

887)   The physical organisation HE speaks of is that which acts instantaneously. The time that passes between two such acts is the time that is required to prepare the next act. The physical plane needs this lapse of time but not the vital or mental. Man moving from the physical to the vital organisation will move several millennia. HE asks us to directly move to the Supramental organisation.


888)   When Delight descends into life, it splits itself into two halves and we can enjoy it fully only when we enjoy both halves: they are pain and pleasure. There is no question of enjoying the full intensity of delight missing the experience of pain.

Reference: Thoughts & Aphorisms 135 — All disease is a means towards some new joy of health, all evil and pain a tuning of Nature for some more intense bliss and good, all death an opening on widest immortality. Why and how this should be so, is God's secret which only the soul purified of egoism can penetrate. - Sri Aurobindo


daily_discussions | by Dr. Radut