Series XVII



901)     The inner voice is heard when the seven Ignorances are shed in the subtle plane.

             GÊÁøP AgbõÚ•® `m_©zvÀ AÈ¢uõÀ A\ŸŸ  ÷PmS®.

902)     Character and Personality are the organised and unorganised energies of man, not the mental and vital occupation of the social being.

             §ºÁ öáß©•®, ö£Ø÷Óõ¸® AÎzu vÓø©US _£õÁ® GÚ¨ ö£¯º. |® ©Ú EøÍa\ø» _£õÁ® GÚU öPõÒQ÷Óõ®.

903)        ö£Ø÷Óõ¸®, §ºÁ öáß©•® AÎzux _£õÁ®. CøÓÁøÚ¨ ö£ØÓÁÚõP AÔ¢x öáß©zvß §ºÁ® ¤µ®©©õP AÔÁx \µnõPv.

Surrender gets us the character and Personality of Ishwara – Psychic being.

904)     Discover the Infinite somewhere. Without it, you are unqualified. Discovering it is luck and Grace.

             ¤µ®©zøua ö\¯¼À K›hzv»õÁx Põnõ©À Auß öÁΨ£õhõÚ Avºèh©õÚ A¸øͨ ö£Ó C¯»õx.

905)     G¢u ÷|µ® J¸ ¤µa]øÚø¯ {øÚUS® ö£õÊx G›a\À CÀø»÷¯õ, A¢u ÷|µ® Ax w¸®.

When the contemplation of a problem does not irritate you, the same moment it will dissolve.             

906)     ¤µa]øÚ £¯® uµõÂmhõÀ, ¤µa]øÚ°¸UPõx.

When a problem presented does not create fear, there will be NO problem there for you to contend with.

907)     Unless you discover Brahman in at least one activity, you cannot see the luck of Mother.

             J¸ Âå¯zv»õÁx •Êø©ø¯ (perfection)&U Põnõ©À AßøÚ Avºèh® ¦›¯õx. •Êø© ¤µ®©®.

908)     {ø»ø© «Ô¯ ö£õÊx® {ø» Sø»¯õuÁº B°µ©õ°µ® ÷£º Esk. AÁºPÒ AøÚÁ¸US® Avºèh® Esk.

Tens of thousands of men and women do not lose thier poise even when life exceeds in her crual tyranny. All those are entitled to Her luck that is grace.

909)     Man's routine energy is of no significance. His non-routine enthusiasm of excess energy matters in life. It rises to the Spiritual.

             ÁÇUP©õP |h¨£x PnUQÀø». EØ\õP® u¸® öu®÷£ PnUS. Ax Bß©õÂß EØ\õP®, Á͸® Bß©õÂß EØ\õP©õP C¸zuÀ |»®.

             Replace the routine by psychic energy.

910)     The substance does not become conscious even after the Consciousness does. Its touch in the Consciousness makes it powerful so that no one can resist its word.

             áh® ]Ôx ÂÈzuõ¾® ã¯zvÝÒ EÒÍ áh® Û¯® öPõÒЮ. Áõºzøu £¼US®. £õºøÁ wmø\ u¸®. 죺\® AÝUQµí©õS®.

911)     Subtle knowledge is received, not given.

             `m_©® AP® ö£Ó ÷Ási¯x.

912)     ÁõÌÂÀ CøÓÁß {øÚ¸¨£x \©º¨£n®.

             The predominance of God's memory in life is consecration.

To remember life through God is consecration.

913)     Consecration completes a work either according to our desire or against it.

             \©º¨£n® Bø\ø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´Áx® Esk, µzx ö\´Áx® Esk.

914)     Intense consecration is capable of raising intense inner opposition.

             \©º¨£n® wµ©õÚõÀ, EÒθ¢x GÊ® Gvº¨¦® wµ©õS®.

915)     To consecrate without raising inner resistance, one must be centred in the psychic.

             ©Ú® \©º¨£n® ö\´uõÀ Gvº¨¦ GÊ®. ø\zv¯¨ ¦¸åÝøh¯ \©º¨£nzvØS Gvº¨¤Àø».

916)     A consecrated work will always be done by a higher power than is usual.

             \©º¨£n® ö\´u¤ß AÆ÷Áø»ø¯ ÷Áø»US›¯øuÂh E¯º¢u \Uv ö\´²®.

917)     A consecrated work requires to be completed in all its aspects only by consecration.

             \©º¨£n® ö\´¯¨£mh ÷Áø»°ß GÀ»õ A®\[PЮ \©º¨£nzuõÀ §ºzv¯õÁx AÁ]¯®.     

918)     Man appeals to Mother but takes the work in his hands at some time.

             \©º¨£nzuõÀ AßøÚø¯ AøÇzu¤ß |õ® AÆ÷Áø»ø¯ J¸ PmhzvÀ ÷©ØöPõÒQ÷Óõ®.

919)     When consecration works, it sets in motion forces stronger than our minds can release.

             \©º¨£n® £¼US® ö£õÊx |®ø©Âh Á¾ÁõÚ \UvPÒ ö\¯À£k®.

920)     Consecration is to organise by consecration, not thinking.

G¨£i \©º¨£n® ö\´¯»õ® GÚ ÷¯õ]¨£x £»ß uõµõx. A¢u ]¢uøÚø¯ \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx £»ß u¸®.

921)     Bø\ |®ø© «Ô ö\¯À£kÁx ÷£õÀ BshÁß |®ø© «Ô ö\¯À£kÁx \©º¨£n®.

             As desire overrules our discipline, God overcoming us is consecration.

922)     PÁø»°¸¢uõÀ \©º¨£nªÀø».

             Worry indicates absence of consecration.

923)     Consecration enables us to live in the moment, to live the MOMENT.

             \©º¨£n® Põ»zøu {PÌPõ»zxÒ öPõsk Á¸®.

             \©º¨£n® ¦Ózøu AP©õUS®.

             \©º¨£n® Ph¢u Põ»zøuU Põ»zxÒ öPõsk Á¸®.

924)     ñnzvÀ |hUPõux \©º¨£n©õPõux.

             Consecration acts instantaneously.

925)     Reflection is mental response. Consecration should precede that.

             ©Ú® wsk•ß |õ® wskÁx \©º¨£n®.

926)     Thoughts that are urged by the physical are difficult to consecrate as consecration here involves consecrating the physical.

             áhzøu \©º¨£n® ö\´¯õ©À áh©õÚ Gsnzøua \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ •i¯õx.

927)     Consecration begins when the mind and memory withdraw.

             ©Ú•®, {øÚÄ® ©øÓ¢u¤ß GÊÁx \©º¨£n®.

928)     The problems we forget are away from our pre-occupation. It is partial consecration.

             ©Ó¢uøÁ ©ÚzuõÀ ]uÓõ.

929)     ÷PmhõÀ QøhUS® GÚ {øÚ¨£x ©hø©. AvPõµ® ö\´x ÷PmhõÀ {a\¯® QøhUS® GÚ {øÚ¨£x ©Ú® uß Áͺa]°À CßÝ® ©hø©ø¯ GmhÂÀø» GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

The fool feels he will get things for the asking. He who has not yet evolved to be a fool thinks he can abusively demand what he is not worth.

930)     |õ÷© J¸ Âå¯zøu {øÚÄ£kzxÁx \©º¨£nzvØS Gv›.

             To remind ourselves of a problem will not help consecration.

931)     |õ÷© J¸ Âå¯zøu {øÚzx \©º¨£n® ö\´ÁøuÂh, Ax uõ÷Ú GÊ® ö£õÊx \©º¨£n® ÷©À.

Consecration as the thought presents is better than thinking of it and consecrating it.

932)     \©º¨£n® ÷uõßÓõux C¯À¦; ÷uõßÖÁx A¸Ò.

             To remember consecration is grace; not to remember it is natural.

933)     At the moment of surrender all the existing problems will vanish.

             \µnõPv £¼US® ÷|µ® C¸US® GÀ»õ ¤µa]øÚPÒ Eh÷Ú w¸®.

934)     The greatest value of the press is not giving the correct news, but the prevention of rumour.

             |À»Áß |À»x ö\´ÁøuÂh ¤Óº ö\´²® uÁØøÓz uk¨£õß.

935)     One who is romantic never loses it later. In many people there is no romance.

             J¸ •øÓ ©»º¢u Cu¯® E°º EÒÍÁøµ T®¦ÁvÀø». ©Ú® ©»µõu ©UPÐsk.

936)     The flat moments of Life are like the TV being off. Life is lively when the TV is on.

             ãÁÚØÓ ÁõÌÄ öÁÖ® TVø¯¨ ÷£õßÓx. TV £h® PõmkÁx ÁõÌÄ  ãÁÝÒÍx ÷£õ»õS®.

937)     The man who wants to achieve more than he can will receive the message of emptiness for his nerves.

             vÓø©US ÷©÷» \õvUP •¯ßÓõÀ PõÀ |k[S®.

938)     SøÓ Põnõux |m¦. SøÓø¯ {øÓÁõPU Põs£x Bz©õÄUS›¯ EÓÄ.

Friendship is blind to defects. The vision of psychic sees the defects as the points of perfection it needs.

939)     Conquest of running thoughts is Self-conquest.

             Gsnzøu öÁÀÁx ußøÚ öÁÀÁuõS®.

940)     When you are in the past memory exists.

             {øÚÄ Ph¢u Põ»zvÀ |õª¸¨£uõÀ GÊÁx.

941)     The Timeless Present is the only Time.

             Põ»zøuU Ph¢u {ø»÷¯ |©US›¯ Põ»®.

             Põ»zøuU Ph¨£x uÁ®. Ph¢uøuU Põ»zxÒ öPõnºÁx ÷¯õP®.

942)     {øÚÁÈ¢u {PÌPõ»® {uº\ÚzvØS›¯x.

             The Present that dissolves memory is the Time we look for.

943)     The scientist and the materialist are involution. They are unable to concede that knowledge pre-exists.

             ]¸èiUS¨ £›nõ© bõÚªÀø».

944)     Understanding replaced by a desire not to understand is the point at which life turns to yoga.

             ¦›¯ ÷Ásk©õÚõÀ ]¢vUPU Thõx GßÓ öuÎÄ ÁõÌøÁ ÷¯õP©õUS®.

945)     The popularity of a guru depends upon the status of the disciple.

             S¸Âß ¤µ£»® ]è¯Ýøh¯ A¢uìøu¨ ö£õ¸zux.

946)     To know what you really are, you need to know the outside world inside.

             |®ø© |õ® EÒÍx EÒÍ£i AÔ¯ |õ® E»øP |® EÒ÷Í AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

947)     Easy organised availability of essentials makes for efficiency.

             AÁ]¯©õÚ ö£õ¸ÒPÒ _»£©õPU QøhzuõÀ ©Ûuß vÓø© Á͸®.

948)     Abundance, which is the result of efficiency, makes for  higher efficiency.

             vÓø©¯õÀ Á¸® Á\v vÓø©ø¯ ÁͺUS®.

949)     Not only greed grows on what it feeds, but any capacity follows that rule.

             Bø\ §ºzv¯õPõ©À Áͺ¢x öPõs÷h°¸¨£x÷£õÀ, G¢uz vÓÝ®, A®\•® ÁͺQßÓÚ.

950)     A universal poet knows the laws of existence but gives it to us in terms of life.  

             P ]¸èi°ß \mh[PøÍ ÁõÌÂß ÁÈ |©UPÎUQÓõº.


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