Series XVIII                                        


551)         The primary cause for illness is psychological disturbance, not infection.


                ©Ú® P»[Põ©À EhÀ £õvUP¨£hõx.


552)         ‘Let Thy will be done, not my will’ at some point ceases to be words and changes into a movement of light.


                u[PÒ v¸ÄÒÍ® {øÓ÷ÁÓmk® Gߣx J¸ PmhzvÀ ö\õÀ»õP CÀ»õ©À, ÷áõv¯õS®.


553)         Self-determining self-conception is the achiever.


                ‰»Áß •iÄ •Êø©¯õÚ •iÄ.


554)         Consecration is the surest organisation for an everlasting future.


                \©º¨£n® {ø»¨£øu }iUS®.


                Consecration is future stability.


555)         Silence creates Spiritual Genius.


                Bß«P ÷©øuUS ö©ÍÚ•sk.


556)         Aø\ÁØÓvß Aø\Ä AÇS ö£ÖÁx ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


                The activity of Silence acquiring perfect FORM is evolution in creation.


557)         Silent will is the point of transition from subconscious equality to conscious equality.


                ö\¯¼À ö©ÍÚ® ©ÛuøÚ Â»[Q¼¸¢x öu´Á©õUS®.


558)         Energy for consecration is the energy of evolution.


                \©º¨£n® ö\´¯ ]¸èi°ß \Uv ÷uøÁ.


                Consecration needs evolutionary energy.


559)         Consecrated living does not depend on mental, vital, physical energies.


                Bv \Uv¯õÀ ÁõÌÁx \©º¨£n®.


560)         Consecration offers one the capacity of one who has long experience plus the touch of the Divine.


                \©º¨£n® •vº¢u AÝ£Ázvß Bß«P¨ £USÁ®.


561)         One has NO work once he accepts consecration.


                \©º¨£nzøu  HØÓÁ¸USa  \©º¨£n®  uµ  ÷ÁÖ ÷Áø»°Àø».


562)         Difference displays no gradation.


                ©õØÓ® E¯ºøÁU SÔUPõx.


563)         Capacity to suffer creates poverty.


                CÀ»õuÁß ö£õÖzxU öPõÒÁõß.

            AuÚõÀ ö£õÖzxU öPõÒ£Áß CÀ»õuÁÚõQ ÂkQÓõß.


                ö£õÖzxU  öPõÒÍõux® ÷uøÁ¨£kÁx®  Jß÷Ó.


                He who wants more will soon cease to be poor.

                Consumerism is the society emerging out of poverty.


564)         Utter Truthfulness is of ultimate value.


                £s¤ß £USÁ® Ai¨£øh°À \zv¯zvØS›¯x.


565)         Money earned truthfully is the social power that can transform the society.


                ÷|ºø©¯õP Dmi¯ ö£õ¸Ò ÷|ºø©ø¯ {ø»|õmk®.


566)         £UvUS \¢÷uPªÀø».

¤Óº \¢÷uP¨£kÁøu £Uv Áµ©õPU P¸x®.


                Devotion cannot suspect. What causes suspicion in others, Faith considers a boon.


567)         Honour is the magnificence of Truth. Falsehood has taken up this concept and practises it as prestige of self-importance. It becomes social respectability, ©õÚ®, ©›¯õøu.


                ö£õ´°ß ©õÚ® ÷£õÚõÀ ö©´¯õS®.

            ©›¯õøu ö£õ´°ß ÁõÊ® E›ø©.


568)         Values are the skills of personality.


                £s¦ ©Ûu \õuøÚUS›¯ P¸Â.


569)         Where we should feel gratitude by knowledge, we become tense by resistance.


                AÔÄ |ßÔø¯ Gʨ¦®.

                Gvº¨¦ £h£h¨¦ u¸®.


570)         Tension is the result of working against your own convictions.


                |®ø© |õ÷© Gvº¨£x £h£h¨¦.


571)         Man reverses his attitude fully and surrenders himself to power, status or wealth to move up. Sri Aurobindo’s principle of surrender is to move up the evolutionary ladder.


                •Ê¨£»Úøh¯ ©Ûuß •Ê \µnõPvø¯U

Pøh¨¤iUQÓõß.  \zv¯ã¯® •Ê Bß«P¨

£»ß uµÁÀ»x.


572)         Up to the overmind the objective power you feel on you from outside is only subjective.


        PhÄÍõÚõ¾® |õ® öPõkzuõö»õȯ AÁºPmS |® «x power AvPõµªÀø».


573)         öPmhøu »UQ |À»øu ÷\º¨£Áß ©Ûuß.

öPmhøu AÈzx, |À»øu £µõ©›¨£Áß BshÁß. öPmhøu |À»uõPU Põs£x ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.    


Man discriminates against evil.

God destroys evil.

Brahma jananam sees the evil as MARVEL.


574)         Absence of occupation is yoga.


                ©õø¯°¼¸¢x Âk£mh ©Ú® ÷¯õPzvØS›¯x.


575)         The less you move, the less you stir inside, the less you think, the more you accomplish for yourself, your nation and for the world.


                \õuøÚ Aø\ÁØÓx.

                Aø\Ä AÈÄ.


576)         The greatest idea occurs in the mind that is incapable of thinking. A greater idea enters that mind which in spite of great capacity for thought, refuses to exercise it.


                Gsnzøuz xÓ¢uõÀ bõÚ® ¤ÓUS®.


577)         Psychic is the spiritual skill not imprisoned in works.


                Pmk¨£mhx  Bz©õÁõPõx.

                Bz©õ ußøÚz uß ö\¯¾USU Pmk¨£kzuõx.


578)         Human reason finds no play in purely mechanical relationships as reason draws a mental conclusion from a premise.


                E°µØÓÁØÔØS AÔÄ E°µÎUS®.


579)         Reason relates premise and inference. The relationship is based on the underlying oneness. The highest function of reason is to discover the oneness.


£Szx  AÔÁx  öuõSzx¨  ¦›¢x  öPõÒQÓx.

öuõS¨¤ß  Ai¨£øh  J¸ø©.

J¸ø©ø¯U  Põs£x  £SzuÔÄ.


580)         Words spring up from an underlying SENSE of social existence. Hence a Name – Numen –  is pregnant with its form and the hidden force. A poet of universal wisdom uses words in that rich sense.


                ö\õØPÒ ©Ûu ÁõÌÂß ©PzxÁzvØS›¯øÁ.

P塧 Põm] PsöPõÒÍõU Põm]¯õQ AÁß £øh¨¦ A©µzxÁ® ö£ÖÁx C¢u ©PzxÁzuõÀ Gߣx ö\´²Îß ö\¨£÷»õø\¯õS®.


581)         The very fact reason is there makes it possible for man to reach the Divine in its evolutionary fullness.


                AÔÂß §µn® AÚ¢uß.


                Reason Relates.


582)         Reason is the relation in the mind of two different things whose spiritual oneness is brought out by the coordination.


                ö£õ¸ÒPÎß Bß©õøÁ¨ ö£õ¸zv¨ £õºUS® vÓÝUS AÔÄ GÚ¨ ö£¯º.


583)         It is maya that retains the oneness in the creation of the Many.


                Fh¼À Á͸® Põuø» Áͺ¨£x ©õø¯.


584)         Reason is relationship.

                Logic is right relationship.


                £SzuÔÄ Gߣx EÓÄ.

                uºUP® {¯õ¯©õÚ EÓÁõS®.


585)         Commitment is faith in oneself.


                ö£õÖ¨¦ |®¤UøP.


586)         Maya creates the Many while retaining the oneness.


J¸ Ãk £» ÃkPÍõS® ö£õÊx Sk®£zøuU Põ¨£x ©õø¯.


Creating the myriad objects of the cosmos retaining them in Brahman is the work of Maya.


587)         Probability is a theoretical possibility.


                |øh•øÓ°¼À»õÂmhõ¾®,  |®£UTi¯öuÛÀ Ax |hUS®.


588)         ¤µ®©® ÁõÌÂÀ ÂÈzx áÛ¨£x ¤µ®© áÚÚ®.


                The self-awakening in the action of life is Brahma Jananam.


589)         ÂhUThõxGßÓ SµÀ CøÓÁÝUS GvµõÚ SµÀ.


Inability to give up what one has is the ability to force the Divine to act as we wish.            


590)         Worry indicates that we have made ourselves the determinant. Spiritual ease results from the knowledge that there is a higher determinant.


                ö£õÖ¨ø£ HØÓõÀ PÁø» Á¸®.

                ö£õÖ¨¦US›¯Áøµ AÔÁx ö£õÖø©US›¯x.


591)         Any small lapse in character must be considered as the entire lapse in personality.


                G¢u ]Ö SøÓ²® {øÓøÁ CÀ»õuuõUS®.


592)         He  who  can  see  the  Truth  in  Falsehood overcomes his own inner falsehood.


                ö£õ´°À  ö©´ø¯U  Põs£Áß  APzvÀ ö©´°US›¯Áß.


593)         Gradation improves efficiency.

                Equality is innate efficiency.


                C»m]¯®  E¯ºzx®.

                E¯º¢uÁÝUS  C»m]¯®  ÷uøÁ°Àø».


594)         ¤Ó¸US  Ah[S£ÁÝUS  ìuõ£Ú®  Ah[S®. EÒÍzvØS  Ah[S£ÁÝUS  E»P®  Ah[S®.

AhUP®  AøÚÁøµ²®  AhUS®.


Organisational leadership is for the one who respects work. He who respects the inner urges is a world leader.


595)         Doing the smallest thing by the greatest principle is yoga.


                ]Ô¯øu¨ ö£›¯uõPU Põs£x ÷¯õP®.


596)         The inconscient energy in action is human life.


                áh® \Uv ö£ØÖ ö\¯À£kÁx ©Ûu ÁõÌÄ.


597)         C¸¨£øu²® CÇ¢uøu²® Cøn¨£x ©¸¢x.


                Medicine restores the lost balance of health. Yoga restores the living balance of Brahman that evolves.


598)         God deciding to be Matter is creation.

                Matter deciding to be God is evolution.


                Caø\ C¯À£õP¨ §ºzv¯õÁx CøÓÁß v¸ÄÒÍ®.


599)         Soul expanding in life to become Self is evolution.


                Bz©õ ÁõÌÂÀ ¤µ®©©õÁx £›nõ©®.



·         Grace comes endlessly to one who knows his limits.

·         Limitless grace is for him who knows the limits.

·         Consecration is to know the limits.





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