Series VIII




951)     Culture conducts itself better in adversity as well as luck. The poise required in fair weather is the greater of the two.

          AvºèhzvÀ {uõÚ® Bß«P®.

952)     Popular personalities are a phenomenon, especially the rich continue to be so. It is time that such phenomena cease to be phenomena.

          h|®¤UøP²ÒÍÁøµ Tmh® ÷\¸®.

953)     A hard, loud, uncouth, clumsy, disordered outside permits a soft, sweet, beautiful goodness to form inside.

          ¦Ó® ¬•u¼À APzvØS GvµõÚx.

954)     Open positively, don’t wait for negative awakening.

          BºÁ® Aiø¯ »US®.

955)     Unconsciousness becomes conscious by the eruption of volcanos, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

          _£õÁ® ©õÖÁx APzvß §P®£®.

956)     All the knowledge man needs in being conscious he now possesses in unconsciousness. There is no need to give him any new knowledge. He needs to be conscious.

          CÀ»õuvÀø». ÂȨ¤À AøÁ ÷uøÁ.

957)     Authority is ultimate.

          AvPõµ® ö\À¾®. Ax ©mk÷© ö\À¾®.

958)     Craving for human company is emotional superstition.

          Bº¨£õmhzøu Âh»õ®, Bø\ø¯ ÂkÁx PiÚ®.

959)     The initiative we give up is preceded by a silent inner initiative of doing or not doing.

          ö©ÍÚzvÀ GÊ® ö\õÀ.

          Aø©v°À GÊ® ö\¯À.

960)     Man becoming more lively naturally becomes more prosperous.

          øu¯ »òª C¸¢uõÀ, ©ØÓ 7 »òªPЮ Á¢xÂkÁõºPÒ.

961)     Maybe man will be fulfilled if romance starts after the wedding.

          v¸©nzvØS¨¤ß PõuÀ v¸ÄÒÍzøu¨ §ºzv ö\´²®.

962)     The idealist human urge is dynamic. The vibrations of great souls do not flow through the human medium, at least not that which is around them.

          C»m]¯® Áͺ¢x £µÄ®.

          ©»º¢u Bz©õ `m_©©õP Á͸®.

963)     Patience is the knowledge of the process.

          ö£õÖø© Gߣx öuÎÄ.

964)     Nature does not part with anything it has once acquired. It relegates what has served its purpose to the subconscient. Consecration does it at once abridging several centuries.

          \©º¨£n® ¡Óõsk ÁõÌÁõS®.

965)     Man wants to be free, not right. The current saying is it is a privilege to be born as a male in India or a female in USA.

          \¯õP C¸¨£x AÁ]¯ªÀø». |hUP ÷Ásk®.

966)     Service has any significance only when it is rendered free. Still, free service is a paradox that does not exist. Also such a service inevitably harms the doer. How do we resolve this contradiction?

             That which is done for more than what is received as recompense is service.

             It can be rendered only by those who have the great strength of goodwill.

967)     Communication stops out of politeness in human relationships. Beyond that, decisions are made. Negative decisions prevent further progress and help destroy the present. Positive decisions build culture.

          ö©ÍÚ® £¢uzvÀ £sø£ ÁͺUS®.

968)     Sincerity of selfishness is echoed by an earthquake.

          _¯|»® ußøÚ¯ÔÁx §P®£©õS®.

969)     During a quake, calling Mother can remove it. Alertness to avail of Her Grace is like that of one who calls Mother while the earth quakes.

          §ª ÂȨ£x §P®£®.

          |®•¬Ò áh® ÂȨ£x §P®£®.

970)     The spiritual response to earthquake is the willingness to dissolve the ego.

          AP¢øuUS BshÁøÚ AÔÄÖzxÁx §P®£®.

971)     School teaches the Mind.

             Earth quakes to teach the body.

          §P®£® Eh¾US¯ vsøn¨ £ÒÎUTh®.

972)     Her spark on one makes him the member of a new species.

          AßøÚ°ß ö£õÔ Akzu PmhzvØS¯x.

973)     Truth:

             Fact is not Truth.

             The hundred articles man uses are not his Truth. They are all part of a Truth that he is a man.

             Man is the Truth, not his actions.

             Man is not the only thing on earth.

             All the things on earth hover around a Truth.

             It is life, rather existence.

             We cannot relate to its subjective state; its objective state is Truth.

974)     Idealism inspired by a factual possibility is rarefied enough; but it is not pure. The pure idealist is inspired by an idealistic possibility.

          C»m]¯zøu ©mk® Gvº£õºzx |h¨£x C»m]¯®.

975)     Supermind penetrates the Ignorance to reach the buried knowledge. In social transformation the majority of the subjects do not have that seed of knowledge meant for that penetration. When Supermind reaches the substance, it can also create it.

          Bß©õ ÂȨ£x ÷¯õP®.

          áhzvÀ Bß©õÁõP áÛ¨£x \zv¯ 㯮.

976)     To be rational is to use the mind without sense impressions, as the silent yogi who has put off senses. Obviously, there is no man who is SILENT in his waking state.

          ÂȨ¤À ö©ÍÚ® AÔÄ.

977)   {øÚøÁ Âh E¯º¢u ©Óv.

978)     If those who seek approval of their acts by others want to move to the subliminal, they can try to act entirely in total secrecy.

          ¤µ£»zøu |õk£Áß CµP쯩õP ÷Áø» ö\´uõÀ ÷©À ©ÚzøuU Ph¨£õß.

979)     Superstition is of various types. In the  name of tradition, so many outrages are committed and several follies also issue out of it. One such is spelling in English. It is high time spelling is rationalised till which time we have to suffer buffoonery and clownish quixotisms.

          Spelling Gߣx perfection ÷£µõÀ E»Ä® h|®¤UøP.

980)   xøn ÷uk£Áß Bß«Pz xoÄ CÀ»õuÁß.

981)     National history or even the earth’s history will have a discernible parallel to your own life.

          E»Qß \zvµ® Eß Eh¼À EøÓQÓx.

982)     Blindness is not of the eye. It is the prerogative of selfishness. Ego adorns it and idealises it.

          £õºøÁ°Ç¢uÁß S¸hß. £õºUP ©Ö¨£Áß _¯|»ª.

983)     The earth tearing away from physical ego is earthquake.

          AȲ® AP¢øu §ªø¯ Bmk®.

984)   AßøÚ÷¯ ©øÚ¯õP Á¢u PnÁÝsk.

985)     Affection is intense attention.

          £ÇUP® ö|¸[QÚõÀ AߣõS®.

986)     The child learns best through its curiosity. This is an educational tool. As earlier tools of such description as well as the results of new technology were fully absorbed by the society, this new tool, if accepted in all walks of life will abridge future centuries.

          AÔÄz uõP® B°µ® Bsk £»ß u¸® uõP®.

987)     When those who are culturally superior slide into low social positions, they often adopt grandiloquence. Grandiloquent talk is mistaken for grand eloquence.

          £s¦ £ø\¯ØÖ¨ ÷£õÚõÀ £øÓ \õØÖ®.

988)     Surrender is the Internet Key.

          ¬•iøÁ ¬•u¼À u¸Áx \µnõPv.

989)     Natural disasters bring home to man his physical insignificance. On that basis he should realise his own utter insignificance.

          CøÓÁß ¬•ß ©Ûuß y] GÚ Enº¢uõÀ §P®£® Áµõx.

          §P®£® ¦PmkÁx ¦zv.

990)     Man needs an earthquake to be jolted out of unconsciousness.

          ©ÛuøÚ Aø\UP §ª |k[P ÷Ásk®.

991)   ©»¸® Cu¯® «sk® ö©õUPõPõx. Áõi Ev¸®. £Ç® u¸®.

          CÛUS® Cu¯® C¨£i÷¯ C¸UPõx. £Êzx¨ £»ß u¸®.

992)     Human stupidity is capable of seeking the non-existent thing or trying to achieve a thing by the very opposite method, but even that may occasionally be achieved when he is in the ascending curve.

          Ai ©µzøu öÁmkÁx ©ÛuÝUS¯x.

          Põ»® \¯õÚõÀ, AxÄ® B£zøu ÂøÍÂUPõx.

993)   Buõ¯zvØPõP ©ßÛ¨¦U ÷PmS® õõ¨¦ AÍÄ Ph¢x Szu»õP ©Úøu¨ ¦s£kzx®.

          õõ¨£õP ©ßÛ¨¦ ÷PmS® õõ¨¦.

994)     It is the child soul that is confined to a single birth.

          ¤ÓÂUSm£mhx ¤ÓUPõu Bz©õ.

995)   ©Ûuß aø\ {Özu ¬•i¯õx.

          \õuPß \µnõPvø¯ {Özu ¬•i¯õx.

          a_ {ßÓõÀ Azxhß {ßÖÂk®.

          \µnõPvø¯ {ÖzvÚõÀ ÷¯õP® {ßÖÂk®.

996)   ÁõÌÂÀ øP Âmhøu, ©Úzuõ¾® ÂkÁx xÓÁÓzvß y´ø©.

          Âh ¬•i¯õuøu Âk£Áß \߯õ].

          Âmhøu ¬•ÊÁx® ÂkÁx ÷¯õQ.

997)   Gvø¯ |s£ÚõPU P¸xÁx ©hø©.

          |s£øÚ Gv¯õP {øÚ¨£x P¯ø©.

998)   {®©v Bz©õÄUS AÈÄ.

999)     At no time does the world raise itself to the level of its latest knowledge, not even the latest product. Now, it can rise to the level of computer technology and compensate for its earlier neglect.

             It is never too late.

          Ps ÂÈzuõÀ Põ»zøuU Ph¨÷£õ®.

1000)  ©Úzvß BÇzvØS Aø©v²sk. 


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