Series X



251)     Love of children and love of grandchildren is love of one’s own flesh, an intense physical love of selfishness. People who are incapable of it are still capable of intense affection. It is selfishness pure and simple.

          _¯|»® ußøÚ Â¸®¤ wµ©õP¨ ¤¯¨£kÁx

          _¯|»zvß _¯|»®.

252)   ÷£a_, ¤¯®

          ¤¯zøuU Ph¢u ÷£a_ CÛUS®, GÇõx.

          ¤¯® ÷£aø\U Ph¢ux, ¤¯zøu²® Ph¢ux.

          ¤¯® ÷£aø\U Ph¢x AßøÚ¯õS®.

          ÷£aø\U Ph¢x ¤¯® AßøÚ¯õS®ö£õÊx ÷£a_ CÛUS®.

253)     Fullness generates richness.

          •Êø©, CÛø©°ß ¬•Êø©.

254)   E»PzvØS Á¢u ö£¸ø© uõß ö£ØÓx GÚ Enº£Áß E»Pzøu uø»ø© uõ[Q |hzuU Ti¯Áß.

          ¤Óº ö£¸ø©ø¯ |õk£ÁÝUS A¨£u Á¸®.

             You rise to the heights of your self-giving.

             Self-giving raises one to its maximum.

255)     It is the censor that perfects the mind. It is the critic who fashions popularity and its norms.

          SøÓ TÖ£Áß SøÓ TÔ {øÓøÁ EØ£zv ö\´QÓõß.

             Complaining fulfils by complaining.

256)     Realisation of our identification with the ego so much that it may be shed is like receiving the patronage of royalty having known it as an idea all along.

          AP¢øu AȲ® AÍÄUS Aøu AÔÁx ö|k|õÒ AÔ¢u ö£¯ £u |õi Á¢ux ÷£õ»õS®.

          AÔÁx bõÚ®. AÔ¢uøu AøhÁx ]zv.

257)     Sri Aravindam is to possess this life of ours consciously instead of unconsciously.

          öuÎÄ®, Eø©²ªÀ»õ©À {ºÁõP® ö\´u ö\õzøu Eø©²hß Aݣ¨£x ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

258)     A writer becomes popular writing on popular themes. It is not so much because he is a writer as that he is able to project in literature popular themes.

          ¤µ£»©õÚ P¸zx ¤µ£»©õUS®.

259)     The intensely emotional Russia is an enigma wrapped in mystery for the English whose character formation has ousted emotions from public and private lives.

          AÔÄUS EÒÍ® ¦¯õu ¦vº.

260)     The joyous sensation a person’s touch can give directly shows how positive he will be in other people’s lives.

          öuõk Enºa] öuõø»ÂÀ Á¸ÁøuU Põmk®.

          Aߦ®,  AÇS® APzvÀ öuÁøu¨÷£õÀ öuõmhõ¾® öu²®.

261)     The avatar reminds us of God. Wise men try render the edicts of God in terms of human appreciation. The poets give it a poetic representation. It is education that links the future to the past by a graded construction. Formulas of Existence formulated to form such graded structure touching men today will bring about a revolution of great speed.

          ÁõÌÂß `zvµ® ÁÍø©US `m_©®.

262)     The study of these laws gains intensity gradually. At its peak, life is one of life responses, for however a brief period it is.

          bõÚ® ]zv¯õQ £¼u©õÚ ÁõÌÁõS®.

263)     The ego prides in its memory, in its absent-mindedness. In either case, it prides. In the absence of that pride, it loses its entire faculty of memory to remember all.

          {øÚÄ AP¢øu°ß ¥h®.

264)  After the world war, the armament industry was not so much for the war or to uphold the cold war, as it was an avenue for lucrative employment of capital.

        ÷£õº \©õuõÚzøu {ø»{Özx® P¸Â.

265)   GÁß uß ÷»õPzv¼¸¢x £õÁzøu AÈUQßÓõ÷Úõ, AÁß {®©v¯õP C¸¨£õß. ¦so¯zøu²® AÈzx ÂmhõÀ AÁß ¤Ó¸US \¢÷uõå® u¸Áõß. ¤Ó¸øh¯¨ £õÁzøu²®, ¦so¯zøu--²®, ö£õ¸m£kzuõuÁß E»QÀ £õÁzøu AÈUP ÁÀ»Áß.

          £USÁ® £õÁ ¦so¯[PøÍU Ph¢ux.

266)   ö£õ´°ß ¬•Êø©ø¯ Âmk ö©´°ß ¬•Êø©ø¯ |õkÁx

ÿ AµÂ¢u®.

267)     ·  All totality is a reversion.

             ·  All Truth-seeking is yoga.

             ·  All OBSERVATION is knowledge.

             · Life responds  when we seek totality of knowledge, Truth of existence,                        OBSERVATION of the obvious.

          ¬•Êø©¯õÚ \zv¯zøu ¬•Ê BºÁzxhß ÷ukÁx Life Response.

268)  Constant consecration is conservation of collective energy.

        \©º¨£n® AßøÚø¯ \¢uº¨£©õUS®.

269)  uøµ°À Qh¢uõ¾® u[P® u[P÷©.

        ¤µQ¸v¯õÚõ¾® ¤µ®©® ¤µ®©÷©.

        CøÓÁß C¯ØøP¯õÚuõÀ CøÓÁÛÀø»¯õ?

270)     Friendliness is on the surface to see. To see the same friendship behind the deceptive mask of treachery needs God’s eyes.

          |mø£U Põs£x GÎx. x÷µõPzvÀ |mø£U Põn Bß©õÄUS xoa\À ÷Ásk®.

271)     When man shifts from his own culture to Mother’s, he still has several occasions to cherish the glories of the old culture. It can hamstring his new progress or render both values valueless. By shifting the inner essence of one to the other, he will enrich his new content.

          £øǯvÀ ¦v¯øuU Põs£x ¦v¯uØS ¦Úºöáß©©õS®.

272)     A valuable value will be valueless when sought for its social or psychological value. Its true value will become Truth itself, if approached as such.

          |À»øu |À»öuÚ |õkuÀ |À»x.

             Value is of Value when sought for its Value.

273)   ÷\¸®ö£õÊx »SÁx®, »S®ö£õÊx ÷\µU Ti¯ÁøÚ ÷\ºUP÷Áõ, »UP÷Áõ ¬•i¯õx.

          ÷\µ÷Áõ, »P÷Áõ ¬•i¯õuÁÝhß ÷\µ ÷Ásk®.

          ©Ú® ©ÛuøÚ |õh ÷Ásk®.

274)     To feel gratitude instantaneously is spiritual. To voice it as spoken words or mentally express it is vital gratitude or mental recognition of it.

          |ßÔ EnºuÀ |ßÖ.

          |ßÔ TÖuÀ E¯ºÄ.

275)     To study one fiction entirely from the point of view of Life Response is rewarding. To take a period of history for a similar study will widen one’s outlook. To know one’s own life like that will open innumerable dimensions on life. Reading Sri Aurobindo’s Human Cycle, Ideal of Human Unity, Future Poetry, Foundations of Indian Culture for such benefit is beneficial.

             Life Response-ø¯ life u¸®. £PÁõß ¡ÀPÒ ¬•ÊÁx® u¸®.

276)     There is only one Jivatma; we see it as Many on the surface.

          ¤¢x {Ø£x ¤ßÚoUQÀø».

277)     ÷£a_, ¤¯®.

¤¯zøuU Ph¢u ÷£a_ CÛUS®, GÇõx.

¤¯® ÷£aø\U Ph¢ux, ¤¯zøu²® Ph¢ux.

   ¤¯® ÷£aø\U Ph¢x AßøÚ¯õS®.

   ÷£aø\U Ph¢x ¤¯® AßøÚ¯õS® ö£õÊx ÷£a_ CÛUS®.

278)  The Absolute is the Absolute either in itself or in the subliminal world or on the surface. Even while it appears relative, it does not for a moment cease to be Absolute.

        ÷Áh® ÷£õmhuõÀ ©Ûuß ©õÓÂÀø».

        ©ÛuøÚ ©õØÖ® ©õÖ÷ÁhªÀø».

        ©õÖÁx ÷Áå®. ©ÛuÛÀø».

279)   AÝ£Âzuøu²®, Aݣ¨£øu²® BÌ¢x Enº¢x |ßÔ¯õÀ ©»ºÁx §µn ÷¯õP® §µn ÷¯õP©õP¨ £¼¨£uõS®.

          |ßÔ |µ®¤À |h©õiÚõÀ Ph¢u Põ»U Pº©®, Pº©ªÀø», Aئu® GÚ AÔ÷Áõ®.

          |ßÔ Pº©zvÀ AئuzøuU Põq®.

280)   PsPøÍ AP» Âzx¨ £õºzuõÀ BºÁ©õP¨ £õºUP»õ®. Psøn i v¯õÚzvÀ PshõÀ, `m_©®  öu²®. Bø\ø¯ i Ps vÓ¢x v¯õÚzvÀ PshõÀ, öuÁx Pº©ªÀø», Aئu®.

          Aئu©õS® Pº©® Aߣ¸US AßøÚ u\Ú®.

281)   E»P©õP |®¬•ß {Ø£x BshÁß BÚ¢u® AÝ£ÂUS® Bº¨£õmh®.

          EßøÚ EuÔ¨ £õº, ¦¸åºPÎÀ Ezu©ß öuÁõß.

          EÒ÷Í ÷£õ´ ÷©÷» ÷£õ´ £õº. DìÁµß Põm]¯Î¨£õß.

282)   Põm]ø¯U Põn Pøµø¯ Âmk Ph¼À CÓ[S.

          PøÓ £i¢ux Pøµ. PhÀ £µÄ® £µ©õÚ¢u®.

283)   ©Ûuß Snzøu ÂmkÂmhõÀ |À»ÁÚõQÂkÁõß. uß vÓø©ø¯ ÂmkÂmhõÀ, AßøÚ {µ¢uµ©õP Á¸Áõº.

          Sn¬®, vÓø©²® AÈ¢uõÀ AßøÚ BPõ¯zvÚÍÄUS E¯º¢x GÊÁõº.

284)   ¸] v¸kÁvÀ, v¸k® ö£õ¸Î¼Àø».

285)     If a man is happy that you also met with the same misfortune as he did, be sure you got it because of your love of him.

          EhÝÒÍÁº ¸¨£® Eß ÁõÌÂÀ §ºzv¯õS®.

286)   ·  §Ä»P® CøÓÁß.

          · CßøÓ¯ ÁõÌÄ §÷»õP _ÁºUP®.

          ·  ©Ûuß AvÀ ÁõÌÁvÀø» GߣuõÀ Ax CÀø» GßÓõPõx.

          · AßÔ¼¸¢x CßÖÁøµ BÚ¢u® ©mk÷©²ÒÍx.

          · AÔÂß SuºUP® HØPõx.

          · AP¢øu°ß ]Öø©US¨ ¦¯õx.

          · AP¢øu AÈ¢uõÀ AÔÄUS ÂÍUP® ÷uøÁ°Àø».

          BÚ¢u® ©mk® ö£Ó AÔÄ ÷uøÁ°Àø».

287)     Vehement opposition to an idea is an intense effort to understand by exhausting the incomprehension.

          Gvº¨£x HØ£uØS¯ ¬•¯Ø].

288)    Had HE said what the Rishis had NOT realised and what He had realised, it would have been much easier to comprehend the incomprehensible. Nor did he ever say that the entire realisation will be gifted to us by Him, though the principle was laid out.

          æPÒ GøuU PõnÂÀø», £PÁõß Pshx Gx GÚ¨ ¤zxU TÔ°¸¢uõÀ _»£©õP¨ ¦²®. ÷©¾® AzuøÚ ]zvø¯²® £PÁõß Áµ©õPz u¸Áõº Gߣøu²® öÁΨ£øh¯õPU TÓÂÀø».

289)   · ÷¯õP® Gߣx |©US \µnõPv

          · GßøÚ |®¦, ]zvUS® GÚ Q¸èn £µ©õz©õøÁ¨÷£õÀ £PÁõß               TÓÂÀø».

       ·   ¦Áx |® £[S. \µnõPv¯õÀ ¦Áx ]zvUS®. AzuøÚø¯²® AßøÚ   u¸Áõº Gߣx     ÷¯õP   CµP쯮. AÁºPÒ Aøu²® ö\õÀ»õ©¼Àø». |® ©ÚvÀ£kÁx CÀø».

290)  Behind ALL, there is the Absolute. We call it absolute justice.

        && {¯õ¯® Gߣx §µn {¯õ¯®.

         &&{¯õ¯® Gߣ÷u ¤µ®©®.

291)  |©US AÔÄ® öuÎÄ® \µnõPvø¯ ö\´¯ ©mk® ÷uøÁ.

        \µnõPv    &   |®•øh¯x.

        ]zv &  AßøÚ u¸Áx.

        £UuÝUS ÷¯õP® ö\´²® AÁ]¯ªÀø».

        ¦¯  ÷Ási¯ AÁ]¯® ]zvUPõP  CÀø», \µnõPvUPõP.

292)         Any intelligent method will offer protection from a lapse, a loss or insecurity. It will be of tension. The best of methods is surrender. Protection is guaranteed and one will be tension free.

        &--& \µnõPv {®©v¯õP¨ £õxPõUS®.

          && AÔÄ EuÄ®. £h£h¨¦ ÷£õPõx.

293)   |õ® Eh÷»õ, ÁõÌ÷Áõ, ©Ú÷©õ CÀø», Bz©õ GÚ AÔÁx Bz© ÂȨ¦. ÂȨ¦ØÓ Bz©õ Aøu ©ÓUPõ©¼¸¨£x CøhÂhõu {øÚÄ. ©Ú® Gߣx ©ÚªÀø», Bz©õ GÚÄ®, ÁõÌÄ®, Eh¾® Bß©õ GÚÄ® AÔÁx §µn ÷¯õP®.

          öu¯õuøuz öu¢x, öu¢uøu ÂÁ¨£x Bß«P ÁõÌÄ.

          Pµn[PÒ Bß©õÁõÀ ÁõÌÁx Bß«P ÁõÌÄ.

294)  AP¢øu AÈÁx, Aȯ ÷Ási¯x. AxÄ® BÚ¢u®. AȲ® AP¢øu Aȯõu Bß©õÁõÀ uØPõ¼P©õP GÊ¢ux GÚ AÔ¢uõÀ, AP¢øu²® AÚ¢u©õÚx GÚ¨ ¦²®.

        ÷uõØÓ® AÈÄ; Â寮 AÚ¢u®.

          How can anything which is made up of Reality be finite?

295)  He who speaks the opposite in the same breath is one who is intensely trying to develop thinking from both ends.

        Gsnzvß ]Ó¨¦ Gvº GvµõP GÊ®.

296)  He who has no practical ignorance is one who knows the Origin.

        ö\´Áøu AÔ£Áº ]ÁøÚ AÔÁõº.

297)  Gsn® ußøÚ¨ §ºzv ö\´Áx ]zv.

298)    |À»x, £õvUPõux, uÁÓõP C¸US®.

          uÁÖ, £õvzux, |À»uõP C¸UP»õ®.

          |õ® |À»x öPmhøu AÔ÷¯õ®.

          ø\zv¯ ¦¸åß AÔÁõß.

299)  Conception achieves.

        {øÓÁõÚ {øÚÄ \õvUS®.

        {øÚ¨£x, |hUS®.

300)  Ta\¨£kÁøu Ta\ªÀ»õ©À Gkzxa ö\õÀ£Á¸US Ta\® CÀø».

          Insensible people discuss varieties of insensitivities.


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