Series X



501)     Vapour condenses to a trickle. In our imagination, what appears to be forceful, meaningful, almost a message to the world is found on delivery to be forceless, meaningless and beside the point.

          |® ©Ú® ©õoUP©õP {øÚ¨£øu ©ØÓÁºUSU Põmk®ö£õÊx |©U÷P ©snõPz öu²®.

502)     If you have ten great ideas which in your mind are earth-shaking, see whether they are already known to the world. All of them, you will find, are ideas well known. It only means that it took this long for you to discover commonplace wisdom.

          E»P® AÔ¢uøu |õ•® AÔÁx AÝ£Á®, Â÷ÁP©À».

503)     Can we acquire all the experience the world has accumulated? Is it necessary or possible? It is possible that we can acquire the full intensity of the world’s experience in our own field. It is necessary for all those who are capable of excelling themselves and the world.

          E»PzøuU PhUPõ©À EßøÚ¯Ô¯ ¬•i¯õx.

504)     Is it not true that one needs to be dull to find interest in life?

          A£zu©õP¨ ÷£]ÚõÀuõß Bø\¯õP C¸US®.

          E¨¦¨ ÷£õmhõÀuõß CÛ¨¦ Gk£k®.

505)     Inner profundity is reluctant to extend itself to outer profanity. It is a great step for the intellect to reach the inner vision. To further extend it is not possible without losing the gain.

          Eø»  öPõv¨£x ö£¯x. F¸UöPÀ»õ® Aøu ö\´¯ EzuµÄ ÷Ásk®.

506)     Shankara won over Buddhism to himself. This is a direct conquest, by a frontal attack. Man rejects something which grows elsewhere and gradually invades his own life. In this way, he gives in to what he had rejected. What is rejected comes back through the subtle plane.

          ÷£õÀ öá°zx, ÁõÌÂÀ ÷uõØ£x ©Ûu _£õÁ®.

507)     Man imposing himself on God is called anthropomorphism. We do it all the time to Mother and enjoy finding Her human.

          |õ® AßøÚ¯õP ÷Ásk®. AßøÚø¯ |õ©õP ©õØÓU Thõx.

508)     When a great being chooses an idea, the world accepts not the idea but the leadership of the great man.

          uø»Áøµ HØ£uõÀ, AÁº öPõÒøPø¯ HØ£uõPõx.

509)     We are sincere enough not to lie. We are not sincere enough not to be foolish.

          ¤¢uøu »UP»õ®. |®ø©÷¯ »USÁöu¨£i?

510)     There is only one question for the success of yoga. How deep can you go? How long can you remain there?

          EÒ÷Í ÷£õP ¬•i²©õ? ÷£õÚõÀ u[P ¬•i²©õ?

511)     · We do not need to fight wild animals. Nor are we called upon to answer  hundreds of superstitions the world has given up.

             ·  We must be constantly affirming our own goodness and rightness.

· We do find ourselves answering hundreds of follies which are really follies in our thinking.

             · We do so because we have not given them up as we gave up the wild life.

          ãÁÛ¼¸¨£x ©Úzøu EÖzx®.

512)     Man, wanting to establish to himself his superiority to satisfy his social-vital longings would be willing to go to any length, even to having himself physically destroyed.

          ©Ú® {øÚzuøu {øÓ÷ÁØÓ E°øµ ©õ´UPÄ® ©Ú® Cø\²®.

513)     The intellect put at the service of the vital mind’s illusion saved the whole country from the hold of Buddhism.

          ©õø¯ø¯ EØ£zv ö\´x ©Ú® SθÁx ©Ûu ÁõÌÄ. £n® Auß ¬•uÀ E¸Á®.

514)     In a theoretical, doctrinal or idealist conflict, the masses have the right instinct to choose. This is one major truth. The other is that people are capable of following something or its opposite with the same inspiration. The only difference is the right will last, not the other.

          AÔ÷Á°À»õu ©UPÒ Aºzuzxhß ö\¯À£kÁõºPÒ.

515)  Evil getting energised by Good for its own aggrandisement is a known phenomenon.

        _u¢vµ® Á¢x |õmiÀ FÇÀ ©¼¢ux C¯ØøP.

516)     ‘Why you are not yet married?’ is a question in India. ‘Why you are not yet divorced?’ is a question in USA. It only means that marriage and divorce are social customs.

          ÂÁõPµzx® ¤µ£»©õQÓx.

517)     If you need the attention of your people, be sure you can get it only on social terms, not on psychological terms. The moment you do NOT need them, they will flock towards you.

          ©Ú® |õh ÂmhõÀ ©UPÒ ©ø»÷£õÀ SÂÁõºPÒ.

518)     I know mean comments will come when I am capable of them. How did they ever come to me when I never knew of their existence? Have they come to be transformed?

          CÀ»õux ©õÖÁuØPõP Á¸®.

519)     ‘Light absorbs itself into itself to become darkness.’ It means light is conscious or even self-conscious and is capable of giving a form to itself other than what it has. Self-absorption shows that self-conception is active and it is a conscious Self.

          |©US E°¸¨£uõÀ ÷£_Q÷Óõ®. ÷£a_US® E°º Esk.

520)     Any act in the doing of it slightly changes, bringing out its inherent vitality. It is the power of Brahman escaping the fixed form and spilling over that changes the course.

          ö\¯¼À Põq® ãÁß ¤µ®©®.

521)   ÷\õPzøu ©Ó¢x \¢÷uõå©õP C¸¨£x ¤µ®©zøu ©Ó¢x ÁõÌUøPø¯ |hzxÁx ÷£õ»õS®.

          ------Ph¢uøu ©Ó¢x ÁõÌÁ÷u ÁõÌÄ.

          ¤µ®©zøu ©Ó¢u÷u ¤Ó¨¦.

522)     A need urges. Is it possible to surrender that urge and wait on it for the command?

          \µn® ö\´¯¨£mh ÷uøÁ öu´Ázvß ÷|µ®.

523)     Authority is complete as well as consummate, when we know in these days of labour unrest, in a company which received the brunt of it, the Chairman’s slightest suggestion is taken as a final command.

          G¢u¨ ¦µm]²® ìuõ£Úzøu Aø\UPõx.

524)     Extreme pressure of circumstances means it is for everyone else other than the one who manages. Authority is selfish, not only management.

          ]µ©® ]µ©zøu EØ£zv ö\´uÁÝUQÀø», Aݣ¨£ÁÝU÷P ]µ©®.

525)     Age is a determinant for the emotions. But in an hour, the emotions can come on one and wrinkles will form at once. Equally so, life can enter, cheer will burst forth and even youth can appear by good turns of life.

          Á¯øuU Ph¢u ÁõÌÄ GÊ®, ÂÊ® ñnzvÀ.

526)     A prayer for a particular result will show itself where the emotion is centred.

          ©Ú® EÒÍ ChzvÀ £»ß öu²®.

527)     The eight planes, 24 spiritual determinants, and four methods of process of creation are really one plane, one determinant and one method. And the planes, methods, etc., are really ONE. The Many are thus seen as ONE. That ONE is the self which is really ourselves.

          \ºÁ•® ¤µ®©® GÛÀ A¢u ¤µ®©® |õ÷©.

528)     The concepts of consciousness responsibility and of the planes, aspects, and strategies being one are different versions of the same idea, that we are that ONE.

          AøÚÁº ö£õÖ¨ø£²® HØ£Áº AøÚzx® ¤µ®©® GßQÓõº.

529)     Nehru, who was the one who pronounced the secret of development as the development of consciousness, could not lay his hands on the process he could adopt to induce development.

          |õ÷© ¤µ®©® GÚ AÔ²® C¢v¯ß ¤µ®©zøu ÁõÌÂÀ Põq® ÁÈø¯ AÔ¯ ÷Ásk®.

530)     Indians who have the spiritual knowledge that man is Brahman possess it as subconscient knowledge.They must make it conscious and take steps to express it in life through the values of Truth.

          EhÀ AÔÁøu ©Ú•®, ÁõÌÄ® AÔÁx C¢v¯õ áPz S¸ÁõP ©õÓ EuÄ®.

531)     When you know all planes and methods are one and you are that ONE, the theory will end and extend into practice that you and your rival are one, at which point the conception will strain to become perception. Sensation lies beyond.

          bõÚ® ö£¯x. ÁõÌÂÀ bõÚ® ¤µ®©©õS®.

532)     Human development is by the dissolution of the ego which man knows subconsciously and practises perversely. For his development he destroys others' egos.

          ¤Óº AP¢øuø¯ AÈzx uõ® ¬•ß÷ÚÓ ÷Ásk® GßÖ ©Ûuß ¦¢x öPõsk EÒÍõß.

533)     By killing others, destroying others’ wealth and good name or their opinions, man is, after all, trying to advance, thinking that the destruction of other egos will pave way for the progress of his ego. It is a process of destruction of his own ego.

          öPõø»°À Bµ®¤zux Gvº¨£õP°¸UQÓx.

          Aȯ ÷Ási¯x AP¢øu, ¤Ó¸øh¯x ©mk©À».

534)     He who is in contact with lots of people is really seeking human relationship positively or negatively.

          öuõhº¦ ¤¯zøuU PõmkQÓx.

535)     When a work is about to take off, the nebulous side will rise and assert when the organisation will give way. Instead of taking off, the organiser should move the organisation down.

          TiÁ¸® ÷|µ® Tmh® GÊ¢x S¾US®.

536)     One surrenders the result of a work he started. Can he do so with the work, with the conception of the work? Then he will move from a devotee to being a sadhak.

          £»øÚ \©º¨£n® ö\´£Áº, ÷Áø»ø¯ \©º¨£n® ö\´Áx, ÁõÌÄ ÷¯õP©õÁx BS®.

537)     A good symptom like rain coming along with a bad symptom like headache shows there is not enough alertness in receiving the good.

          öPmhx |À»vÀ P»¢v¸¨£x ÂȨ¦ ÷£õuõx GÚ¨ ö£õ¸Ò.

538)     Wealth is in direct proportion to the inner harmony of the higher values.

          £Âzvµ©õÚ £s¤ß _•P® ö\ÀÁzvß AÍÄ÷PõÀ.

539)     A devotee sent a telegram of her being haunted by evil forces a day after I had a nightmare and sent Roy a message about nightmare. Of course, deep calling will protect. Is study that easy? I have not noted down the events of these days.

          \õìvµ® öuÁuõÀ u¨¤zxU öPõÒÍ»õ®, ¦¯»õ®, ÂÍUP ¬•i²©õ?

540)     To present Life Response as a spiritual culture to be lived and loved is to create a technology of Life, rendering The Life Divine  into terms of higher life.

          ÷Áuzøu £g\õ[P©õP GÊxÁx÷£õÀ The Life Divine-&ø¯ Life Response& BP GÊu»õ®.

541)     My wish to collect a mountain of facts regarding Life Response remains a wish. Perfect comprehension of all the laws for the public is elusive. Even a mountain of facts is of no avail to the scientist. Both together will leave the essence of knowledge untouched. It will be a challenge of spiritual intelligence in life that defies codifying itself into a usable set of laws that goes into the community as a custom of culture.

          \õìvµ® `zvµ©õÚõÀ `m_©® _¤m\©õS®.

542)     Life is a whole in the gross and subtle planes. Only when its integrality is understood, the facts and laws we have mustered will blend into a useful understanding as a sense and guide for action.

          Life Response ÁÈ PõmiÚõÀ Ax Life Divine £õh ¦zuP©õÚx ÷£õ»õS®.

543)     The STUDY never ends; rather it does not begin until the Force is the Force shedding its other versions.

          Bµõ´a]US ¬•iÂÀø».

          Bµ®£÷© ¬•iÄuõ÷Ú!

544)     Human observation and evaluation are value-based, moral, and social, while Life actions are based on the strength of vibrations prior to the biological forces. Still, life respects man’s attitude within his limits and in insisting on her response, she provides for his intensities.

          öu´Á® öPõkUS®, öPõÀ¾®. BÚõÀ |®ø©²® P¸x®.

The FORCE rears its head beyond the biological vibration. There is a force beyond that too.

545)     Against a decided course partially consecrated, one finds his subconscious will attracting the opposite act when the unconsecrated will fulfills itself through Life Response.

          \©º¨£n® ö\´u¤ß Ah[Põu ©Ú® Bø\ø¯¨ §ºzv ö\´x öPõÒЮ.

          Eh¼ß Esø©÷¯ Esø©.

546)     One story I know such as Pride and Prejudice studied exhaustively from Life Response point of view will add colour and substance to the study. The most characteristic life response is from Lady Catherine who consummated the marriage.

          Gvöµõ¼ GvµõP C¸¨£x Ea\ Pmh®.

547)     Silent will, prayer, correspondence, consecration, and Life Response are very similar. Better keep clear distinctions.

          ÷\º¢xÒÍøu¨ ¤zx¨ £õºUP ÷Ásk®.

548)     Life responds not only to real thoughts, but also to imaginary, illusory thoughts. A man was complaining scores of times a day that he was exploited by everyone, while there was nothing to exploit. This created an inner pressure in him so much that he compelled a few persons to exploit him.

          Áõºzøu £¼US®. AuØPõP CÀ»õux® Á¸®.

549)     Facts, attendant events, corresponding events, date, time, thoughts, emotions, letters received and sent and a host of other things without missing a single detail may be recorded for study.  It will be interesting to see that all issue from one single centre – us.

          ¤µ£g\® ¬ÊÁx® |®•Ò EÒÍx.

550)     Our acts are powerfully influenced by the emotions of the person we think of. The response of events and even material objects is instantaneous. It is worthwhile collecting them in as great a detail as possible for study.

          ©ÛuøÚ {øÚzuõÀ AÁß ÷Põ£® Eh÷Ú £õvUS®.


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